All Chapters of Bound By The Lycan's Curse.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
103 Chapters
81. Clarissa
I stepped outside and the tension was palpable. Jalen, Cade, and Jaela were huddled together in a hushed conversation, their body language radiating unease. I approached them, my instincts telling me that something was off."What are you guys talking about?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.Jalen shot me a fake smile. "Nothing," he lied, but I could tell he was hiding something.Determined to get to the bottom of it, I decided to bide my time. I retreated to the kitchen where I spent hours working on my laptop, replying to emails, and updating my company's website. Exhausted, I reached for the orange juice and poured myself a glass.Just as I took a sip, Jalen's mum stormed into the room, dressed in black, her face contorted with anger. "How dare you use my husband's cup?" she snapped at me, her voice echoing through the room.I apologized, feeling my face flush with embarrassment, and quickly rinsed out the glass. "I'm sorry," I said, trying to make peace. "I've tried to mak
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82 Clarissa
All day, I avoided Jalen. At night, I lay on the bed, my mind racing with emotions. Jalen was lying next to me, his breathing slow and steady. Tension hung in the air between us, so thick I felt like I could reach out and touch it. I sighed my heart heavy with guilt.His dad's death didn't give him the right to snap at me as he did earlier when I was on the phone with Genevieve. I turned to face him, my anger fading into a soft sadness.He was lying on his back, his lips slightly parted. His dark hair was messy, giving him a rugged look. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for not understanding him. I resolved to apologize to him in the morning, hoping it would help alleviate the tension between us.I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I slowly let out my breath and felt my body relax, finally drifting off to sleep.The next morning, I woke up to find Jalen already gone from bed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, taking a deep breath before gett
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83 Jalen
I arrived at the bonfire with Clarissa. The warm glow from the crackling fire illuminated her beautiful face, making her look even more stunning. She was wearing a light summer dress and I could feel the soft flicker of firelight shining on her skin.As we walked towards the group of my pack mates, I felt a strong sense of pride in my heart. I took her hand and pulled her close, leading her to the dance floor. The cool night air was blowing against my skin. She was a beautiful dancer and she moved gracefully in my arms. I was so in love with her and couldn't stop staring into her eyes, and I felt so happy just being close to her.As we danced, my pack mates started to cheer and call out to me, hailing me as their king. I paraded Clarissa as my queen and she was shy, but she laughed. I loved how she was always so genuine and down-to-earth, despite how wealthy she was. The night was going so well and I was so happy. Clarissa's soft lips pressed against mine, and I felt a rush of emot
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84. Clarissa
Three weeks after Jalen started building our house, it was ready. I was filled with uncountable happiness and excitement. Our five-bedroom bungalow was now our permanent home and I couldn't be more thrilled. I was falling more in love with our house each day. It was not too far from the pack house, and it was the perfect blend of cozy and spacious. I had decorated it just how I wanted, with warm colors, comfortable furniture, and homey accents. I took in the sight of our newly painted white walls, the warm, inviting atmosphere, and the open-plan living room filled with natural light, and I immediately felt at home.The bedrooms were decorated with soft, comfortable linens and the bathrooms were spacious and modern. Every room had a touch of my style and I was proud of the work I had put into making our home perfect.Jaela and I decorated the garden with blooming flowers and a couple of birdhouses. It was so peaceful. I never felt this way at my dad's ultra-modern mansion. Sure, it
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85. Clarissa
After work on Monday, I drove to a grocery store for shopping. The store was bustling with people, grabbing their essentials for the week ahead. I navigated my way through the crowds, grabbing a basket as I went. The bright lights of the store illuminated the aisles and I took my time, picking out the items on my list.As I reached for a bottle of wine, I held it up to the light, admiring its deep ruby color. The label read "Cabernet Sauvignon" and I knew Jalen would love it. I placed it carefully in my basket and continued with my shopping.The whole weekend, I had been receiving calls and texts from Jalen. He was missing me and the house was lonely without me, he said. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jalen pining for my return.As I drove at night towards the Lycan pack, the air was crisp and the stars twinkled in the sky. I felt a sense of comfort knowing that I was heading back to my lover. The guards at the border greeted me with respect and bowed as I passed through
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86. Jalen
My heart shattered when I saw Rissa standing outside the door with tears streaming down her face and anger in her eyes. She heard everything, and I was filled with regret for not telling her the truth earlier."Son, look at the bright side," my mother spoke up when Clarissa drove off. She tried to sound cheerful. "It's for the best. You'll have a child, and Malory is from our pack. You're now a complete male and fit to become the Lycan king."But her words only made me angrier. "Listen to me, mother," I spat, unable to contain my fury. "I will not live the messed-up life that you and dad lived. Dad never loved you, he loved your sister. And because of heartbreak, your sister died. I'm never going to take that route and be in a loveless marriage. So you better take her away from my sight because I don't ever want to see her again."My mother froze, and I could see a single tear escape her cheek. But I didn't care. I was done with her constant interference in my life."Jalen," she spoke
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87. Clarissa
Cade and I drove in silence back to my pack the next morning, the only sound being the purr of the engine and the occasional hiss of tires on the road. I sat with my arms crossed over my chest, staring out the window listlessly. The world outside was a blur of lights and shadows, nothing holding my interest. My thoughts were consumed by Jalen and his infidelity. "Rissa, you have to believe me. When you were away and Jaela got her speech back, we went partying and Jalen got drunk with happiness. That was when Malory spiked his drink. He didn't even remember what happened that night," Cade tried to explain for the hundredth time. But I was tired of hearing the same excuses. I shook my head, "Even if that's what happened, he has broken our bond and I can't stand him anymore. Also, there's a baby in question." Cade sighed, "I know, Rissa. I just don't want to see you hurt like this." "There is nothing you can say to me that will make me change my mind, so just drive," I snapped, my v
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88 Clarissa
The anger in my voice was palpable, and Jalen was taken aback that I called him a bloody Lycan but at this point, I couldn't care less. "How could you do this to me?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.Jalen stood there, looking at me with hurt in his eyes. He didn't say anything, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I knew that I had hurt him with my words, but at the same time, he deserved it. "I don't want to see you again," I said, my voice shaking with hurt." Stay the fuck away from me."Jalen didn't say anything and with one last look at me, he turned around and walked out the door. I sat there for what felt like hours, just thinking about what had just happened. I couldn't believe that the man I thought I loved had betrayed me in such a terrible way. I burst into tears, feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and sadness. The rest of the day was a blur as I tried to keep myself together and make it through the work day. Genevieve walked into my office, her arms filled with a w
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89. Clarissa
As the morning sun filtered through the plush curtains of my hotel room, I woke up feeling refreshed after a long flight to Paris the day before. I stretched out my limbs and savored the feeling of the soft sheets of my king-sized bed as they enveloped me in a warm embrace. Despite the luxurious surroundings, I felt a pang of loneliness as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I reached for the telephone on the nightstand, dialled my family and waited for it to ring. The sound of Bryon's voice filed me with comfort. Although we only spoke for a few minutes, I felt my spirits lift as we chatted about my travels and plans for the day.As I hung up the phone, I changed into my running gear. The soft tank top and yoga pants felt comfortable against my skin as I got dressed. I grabbed my airpods and headed downstairs, eager to take in the sights and sounds of the city. The morning air was crisp and invigorating, and the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow on the streets outsid
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90. Jalen
As the King-in-waiting of the Lycan pack, my days were filled with a wide range of duties. From managing the pack's resources and overseeing the training of recruits to mediating disputes between members and representing the pack in meetings with other supernatural communities, there was never a dull moment. Fortunately, my Beta, Cade, made things much easier for me. He was always there to offer support and guidance, and he had started his rituals to officially become my Beta.Despite these distractions, the weight of my responsibilities was often overwhelming. The recent death of my dad, who had served as the pack's alpha for many years, had hit me hard. To make matters worse, my mate, Clarissa, had rejected me. She didn't believe my claims of innocence when it came to the rumors of my infidelity, and this rejection cut me deeply. On top of all this, there was the added stress of a stranger carrying my child.Most nights, I found myself drowning my sorrows in alcohol. I would visit
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