All Chapters of Just A One Night Stand: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
178 Chapters
Finale performance
"Rhea I want to meet this guy, Get the old family approval and whatnot", Grandpa chuckled."Though I'm not worried about you, Rhea. You have a good taste, so I can't wait to see him", He went on."I understand papa, I will bring him", Shaking my head with a soft laugh, I took comfort in his words and his gentle hand on mine. "I didn't forget that I promised to take you to Fraunces Tavern at the end of the season, and you look like you doing great, so they will let me take you out of here for lunch tomorrow", I added and I was serious. I will fight the nurses to accomplish it. It would be worth it to have lunch with grandpa out of the hospital."That's a lovely idea, Rhea. I would love that", He beamed at me and the glimmer in his eyes was a positive sign for me. "Well, it's about time you made it over to the studio for practice", Grandpa murmured."You right", I balked at the time on the bedside table. Leaning forward, I gave papa a quick kiss on the cheek and got up. "I will see you
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You in love or trouble
Chills danced up my spine and curled over the back of my neck when I saw her. Goosebumps prickled almost painfully along my flesh and my chest tightened, stuffing my ability to breathe.Annika gripped my hand tight in the seat to my left. Her opposite hand to her chest and a silent gasp on her lips as the Swan Queen came into view. My aunt was just as awed by Rhea as everyone else in the theater.The fluid way she floated across the stage was otherworldly. Her powerful, lithe form moved in sync with the thrill of the orchestral music. It was astounding, watching her perform and bring the story of life with her body. Everything faded away and my vision tunneled on Rhea. She was an angel from heaven and I was a sinner burning on the inside from her presence alone.I leaned forward in my seat, holding my breath as I witnessed the agony and pain in the odette's eyes when her heart breaks. Those expressive blue eyes were glimmering like diamonds and my hand curled into a fist against my th
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Grandpa has gone
"This thing is massive, Aleksander. I can't carry this and see", Rhea giggled."But I love them"The light over the theater back door, shone down on her like a golden halo, and the flowers flamed her heavenly face. Rhea was picturesque and more beautiful than any great painting in the world.Words formed on the tip of my tongue for her. Something at this moment was pushing me to open my mouth and spill the secrets, I had buried so deep that I didn't register they were there at all until recently. I had to tell her everything because our time together would be over soon, and I didn't want it to end. Clearing my throat, Rhea looked back up at me, smiling over the crimson red roses. I was ready and willing to drown myself in the pools of her blue eyes. "Rhea, I need to tell you something, I l.........""Oh! Sorry", Just as I began, she interrupted. "My phone keeps buzzing in my pocket but I can't reach it. Can you grab it for me so I can see who keeps calling me?","Of course", I agreed
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Sad truth and reality
I watched as Rhea's feet flew over the sidewalk but I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I was feeling ice in my blood and a stone where my heart had been seconds ago The gentle night time breeze ruffled my hair, and it drew my eyes to the crushed flowers on the sidewalk, petals skittering away in the wind. At the sound of a slamming car door, my head jerked up and saw Rhea getting in the back of a cab.My feet moved under me on their own, something like madness driving me to race after her. I jumped into the street despite the honking horns, my leather shoes smacking over the street as I ran after the back of that yellow cab."RHEA AAA......", I screamed after her but she couldn't hear me. The cab turned around the block and i lost them in a sea of cars and skyscrappers.I was too late. Rhea was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~RHEA'S POV...The glimmer of hope I had begun to feel was now shattered at my feet in a million fucking tiny little pieces. Reflecting back to me the tortured face of d
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I need him
A drawn car horn in the streets far below jolted me from my dreams. To my left, the mattress was cold and empty. The hell of being in love and waking up alone was too much for me to bear. I couldn't handle it. Not now that I have lost everything.When I dragged my feet out of the bed, the sun was blazing through the window. The time on my bedside clock told me I had slept for twelve hours. It still didn't feel like enough.I dug through my bag, looking for my phone out of habit. Of course the battery was out, and I sighed at the thought of what would be waiting for me once it came back on. Still I plugged it in and hopped into the shower while it was charging.Under the scalding spray of water, my bones turned to jelly and I melted against the tile. I let the burning water turn my skin red, and I scrubbed until my flesh was raw. Anything not to feel the pain in my chest and to distract me from the poisonous thoughts in my mind.~ Alone~ Alone~ ALONE..In the silence, my thoughts scre
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She is avoiding me
The furthest from okay I had been since my grandma died and my papa fell sick. The furthest since I had to sell their house to pay the medical bills. And the furthest since I had to take contracts and had my first meeting with an older man who pawed at me like a starving man.But at the end of the day it didn't really matter, if I was okay or not. I went back into the shell of my life, dropping my emotions into the void and locked away the key.No amount of wishing and hoping would make Aleksander love me back or show up at my door like a hero in a romance movie. And no amount of screaming and praying would bring my grandfather back from the dead.My phone buzzed again and the name that sent my heart soaring flashed across the screen. I let it ring until it went to voicemail again. No matter how jumbled my sore feelings were, this was the time I needed to focus.I had a funeral to plan after all.~~~~~~~~.ALEKSANDER'S POV.If someone asked me to describe my home, my thoughts would on
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Don't let her go
I sat on a barstool at the kitchen island and watched my aunt, Annika organize everything. I felt like a kid again. It wasn't a good feeling on top of the chasm of loneliness in my chest."Your uncle told me, you haven't been at work this week", Annika's tone was neutral as she set the water to boil on the stove."I'm allowed to use my hard - earned vacation days, aren't I?", Instantly I cringed at the snip in my short words. Annika didn't deserve it. I was taking out my anger on her."Of course you are, Aleksander. Nikolai knows that too", She fiddled with the teabags on the counter before looking up to face me. "You know we just worried about you. I have never seen you like this before", She added"Well, I have never felt like this before", My head fell into my hands, hearing myself say that aloud. A massive sigh escaped out of my mouth, and i wanted to sink on myself. "Hmm", Anika hummed, taping her nails on the edge of the counter. "Why is love intensified by absence?", She spok
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The funeral
RHEA'S POV.It was dreadfully dark in the sky above, and the clouds were crying around me. Heavy drops of freezing rain were hitting me in the face but I didn't have the strength to wipe them away, and I didn't care how cold I was. My black dress and coat was soaking, my boats were nearly ankle deep in the muddy. But none of it mattered.I let the rain hit my face, pouring down and mingling with the tears flowing freely from my tears. I could almost imagine I wasn't crying at all, but through out papa's service. I couldn't seem to stop. We should have gone inside but rain had come too fast and there were so many eyes on me. Looking out over all the people who knew papa through out his life, I didn't recognize half of their faces. Old couples who knew my grandparents from church neighbors from their house I had to sell, and younger men who worked with papa before he retired.There were so many strange faes that were in blank mind as I tried to recall them. But there was nothing more
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I missed you so much
I kept my eyes at my grandfather's grave for a pretty good time as tears flowed down my eyes. I didn't want to leave.However suddenly a shadow appeared at the edge of my vision. I was too weary to deal with any stragglers. At this moment, I wanted to melt away with the rain and disappear.I closed my eyes, sighing heavily as I summoned the energy to face whoever was standing in front of me. There was nothing left in me, but the presence wouldn't go away. Resigning myself to face one more person for the night, I looked up."Can I help.....The instant , I lifted up my eyes, all the air was knocked from my lungs as if someone had bashed my chest with a sledgehammer. My knees wobbled and my body caved under me. Every nerve in my body, every weak little piece of me, quivered at the sight of him. My heart thumped too madly against my ribs as snakes of unease slithered in my gut."Aleksander?", His name flowed from my lips, vanishing in the howling wind of the rain.He was just as handso
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Sad moment
Some part of me stung to imagine leaving papa here. My lip trembled as I thought about Aleksander's offer. There were some conflicts between us but I wasn't going to reject it."Yeah I think I would like that", The corner of my lip twitched for him, but I just couldn't manage a smile for him right now.Aleksander's shoulders sagged with relief. His hand jerked forward before stopping to curl into the fist against his side. I itched to reach out and take his hand , but I couldn't scratch that right now. I wasn't ready."Thank you", Aleksander stepped closer, once again holding the umbrella above me. "I have the car waiting. It will be nice and warm in there; and dry", He spoke.I felt inwardly happy when I heard his words. I had been planning on taking a cab home, so the promise of a warm car ride to dinner was so amazing."That sounds nice", We shared another long glance before I broke eye contact and looked at the freshly turned earth bunny feet.As I walked to the car, I slowly reme
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