All Chapters of Just A One Night Stand: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
178 Chapters
Tell me about your life
"Your grand father sounds like he was a wonderful man", I prompted."Yeah, he was", The ghost of a smile graced her lips, And I knew it wasn't me. It was for the memory of man who raised her, and I was fine with that. As long as she was smiling."You had to sell your car to pay bills? That must have been hard", My tone remained low, gentle but probing, hoping to get Rhea to open a little more. Her eyes flickered to me briefly. A quick glance before looking looking away again, as if she found it difficult to look me in the eye right now.Yet, she trembled, and I hoped to ease her inner turmoil by rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb more. Rhea's lip trembled and her breath as she fought a fresh wave of tears. "Yeah, I did. After my grandma passed away, papa got sick. Too sick to take care of himself any more. The medical bills were expensive, I had to sell their house to help me pay them. The car wasn't that bad since I was living in the city for the ballet by then, but the house
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Come home with me
"i want you to tell me about the man who raised the most beautiful and genuine woman, I have ever met",The pink blush that painted Rhea's cheeks was lovely, and her eyes became animated with life once again as she dove into the stories about her grandfather. I sat back and listened, knowing this was cathartic for her. Rhea needed to talk, to let these emotions our after the trauma, she endured this past week, and I could give her that.Our food came out and we talked as we ate. By the end of the dinner, she was finally laughing again while telling a story about her grandfather, giving in and taking her to the toy store after she spent a weekend crying about a new doll she had wanted.Before we knew it, an hour had passed and the dinner staff was cleaning up around us in order to close for the night. Rhea yawned trying to hide it behind her hand, during a break in the conversation."Oh! Wow it's late", She cringed at the time on the wall, noticing that dinner was closing up any minute
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I love you
I faced the door at the sound of Aleksander's voice. He was just standing there with the glass in his hands."I didn't know what else to do, so I got you a glass of ice water", He spokeWhen l heard his words, I froze for a moment. I was now sure that Aleksander came after me and brought me back here because he genuinely cared."Rhea are you alright?", His eyes widened when he noticed the fresh tesrs that were spilling down my cheeks. He set the glass of water down on the bathroom counter and crossed the chasm that was separating us quickly.At that moment, I made up my mind. To find my happiness where I could and take what I wanted for myself. And I wanted Aleksander. To find my happiness with him, even if it was only for a limited time. Even if we only had right now. I was going to take it.Taking a step, I wrapped my arms around Aleksander before he could close the distance first. "Stay. Please stay with me", I whispered.He paused only for a second. Then I felt his shuddered brea
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The debt
ALEKSANDER'S POVRhea was mine in every sense of the word. She knew it now with no hesitation or doubt. My little dancer would soon come to learn how utterly wrapped around her dainty finger, I was in return. While she was mine, I was hers. We belonged so wholly to one another that there could be no question, fate always meant for us to cross paths.The stars aligned at the birth of the world leading up to every moment until the fateful night we fell first into one another's arms. She was burning up from within more power than even the first stars that made the universe. Rhea was the brightest star, and I loved her with the force of any supernova.I held her delicately against my chest all morning along. Thin shafts of pale yellow light slipped through a break in the curtains. I didn't move a muscle as I watched the light move around the room as the early hours passed and she remained asleep. What she has been through the past days exhausted her, and I was content to let her sleep.My
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Breakfast together
Even with the smell of bacon, pancakes and coffee, all I could think about was Rhea's sweet scent and the softness of her skin. I finished cooking, watching her make coffee from the corner of my eyes the entire time. My eyes were drawn to her like a magnet. Maybe some part of me worried. Maybe some part of me worried that if l looked away she would vanish away."Do you want to sit at the island or dining table?", I asked her. There was a small smile on her face as she stirred cream into her coffee cup. I hoped that smile was for me."Let's sit in the dining room, The sky is blue today", When she looked at me, my only thought was that her eyes were the only blue I needed to see in my life."Anything you want baby", My tone dipped a tad lower than I meant it to be. A hint of pink tinted her cheeks, causing her to bite her lip and reach for the coffee mugs as a distraction. I cleared my throat and followed her with our plates.We fell into our usual seats, following our pattern from our
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Anger and frustration
How dare they take advantage of Rhea in the first place?, At this point it was almost unbelievable."YA sobirayous' bit Dax golymi rukami", I raged. There was an active volcano in my chest, and I felt the lava of hatred flowing through me."Aleksander?", Rhea whimpered. My eyes snapped over to her and the fear in her eyes only made it worse. However guilty I felt for being responsible for her fear, i couldn't seem to stop myself from the war path coming to life in front of me. My fists arched to crush someone's skull. The memory of Dax's slimy smile was looking like a target in my mind."Shit", I cursed turning away from her glistening blue eyes. I couldn't let her see me like this. It didn't stop me from knowing that I needed to leave.I didn't stop to look at her again, although I desperately wanted to sink myself deeper inside of her and take out all my raging emotions.. Rhea deserved more than that right now and i needed to leave. My feet thundered upstairs as i raced to my room
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Owner of ballet
James got the message, I left him. He sent a message back before Antonio pulled the car onto the highway. At first I hesitated to call Nikolai. However I was using Makalov resources. Nikolai would realize eventually what I had done and I would rather let him know now, compared to trying to cover my ass later.When I tried calling him, the line just continued to ring but without any response. "Shit", I cursed and dropped my phone onto my lap. It was almost noon on a work day now. Nikolai Makalov would be waist deep in meetings and phone calls were probably muted. Best I could do now was to send a vague text message in Russian and hope he understands what I was going to do.I didn't care about what prior relationship he had with Dax and their family. It didn't matter to me what the consequences for my actions might be. I suppose many people in my situation wouldn't. When the concept for asking for forgiveness after the fact existed. I wouldn't stop now.Dax wanted five million dollars f
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Desire to see blood
"Well since I have you here before your former director, I'm gonna share the news now", My hands dropped to my sides as I stared at Luke. I took a step forward and the dark aura that hang over my head followed. Luke quickly noticed it and every muscle in his body tensed up."You fired Luke", It felt so good to say that. "You will never work as a choreography in New York ballet again", I added."What?", Luke breathed out. His eyes fell as he scanned the floor, rolling my words around in his head as the dismay of the situation sank in. It was only for a second before his eyes snapped up and his audacity came out to play."You can't do this to me. Do you know who I am?", He spoke confidently.When I heard his words, a loud bark of laughter flew past my lips and I tossed my head back with mirth. When I looked at him again, he was trembling with anger as his face turned bright red."I know exactly who you are. I'm honestly surprised you haven't recognized me yet. You know who l am or at le
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Pure anger
The young hostess with dark hair swept into a tight bun noticed me enter. She took me in from head to toe and didn't miss the cigarette hanging from my lip as I scanned the restaurant."Sir you can't smoke in here", Her tone was polite but I didn't bother looking in her direction."Is Dax here. He is expecting me", He wasn't and I hoped she didn't notice that."Oh", Her olive completion went pale as I said his name. Though now she looked at me differently if at all. She tried to keep her eyes on the floor instead of making direct contact. "He's in the back", She responded."Perfect", Luck was in my favor, it seemed. I didn't want to beat him in a pulp in the middle of his family's shady restaurant. After all that wouldn't look good for the Makalov family. I had just enough good sense left to contemplate what was going to happen and the potential consequences.Anton was waiting in one of the black cars on the street. If his Intel was correct, Dax was here and he was alone. That's what
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Left alone
RHEA'S POV.~I'm not going to save you because of your love for me but because of mine for you~Aleksander loved me. It was a world shattering admission. Every fiber of my being wanted to light up like a Christmas tree or explode like fireworks. There should have been untold joy and comfort that came from hearing him say those words.However the front door slammed in my face and he left. Aleksander was gone. Leaving me cold and shocked, unable to process what just happened. While he might return my feelings, he wasn't here and the viscous rage in his dark eyes had terrified me, even if it wasn't directed at me.That wonderfully amazing man paid off the debt i owed to the hospital. Even hours after he left, I was still stunned he had done that for me. While I was tearing myself apart with worry, there was some slight consolation in knowing he cared.Finding out how much Aleksander had paid to keep me exclusively for three months was another shock. Five million dollars and he acted like
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