All Chapters of Just A One Night Stand: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
178 Chapters
Secrets revealed
Annika made me feel welcomed and Aleksander made me feel wanted. Somewhere along the way, it must have rubbed off on Nikolai. He let go of whatever displeasure weighed him down, allowing himself to smile at my jokes. In such a brief span of time, they filled the family shaped hole in my heart.Never a replacement for what I'd lost, but something new to ease the pain.I grabbed a bubbling glass of champagne after spinning in circles on the dance floor. A slower song played, and I the opportunity to hide in a corner and catch my breath. Through the empty tables, I found Ricky and Devin swaying in a tender embrace on the dance floor. Nearby, Aleksander led his aunt in a dance. Her head fell back with mirth as she cackled at something he said."Excuse me." An unfamiliar male voice snuck into my ear.I lowered the glass from my lips seconds away from taking a sip. Something about the cold air at my side sent a nasty shiver shooting down the length of my spine. Cautiously, I angled my head
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Tell me the truth
ALEKSANDRER'S POV I fucked up. I knew I fucked up. In more ways than one.After months of calm, I foolishly believed that nothing could go wrong on our big day. It didn't matter that we still had Makalov's security watching the hotel. Luca fucking Genovese wormed his way inside. He cornered Rhea and frightened her right under my nose.Worse than that-I'd scared her. Barking an order at her as if she was one of my underlings. The hurt in her eyes reminded me of a kicked puppy, yet somehow worse. So much worse. And the tears on her face as my aunt protected her, not from Luca, from me- utterly broke me.Our wedding day was supposed to end in hours of fucking in the bridal suite. I had detailed plans of peeling off her dress with my teeth and listening to her moan until the sun rose.Rhea didn't talk to me as we boarded a last-minute flight. Her eyes wouldn't drift in my direction. Sitting next to her in silence on the long flight to Sicily drove me mad.I couldn't allow our wedding nig
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Sexual moment
"You could make up for yelling at me by helping me relax." Under the blanket, she deliberately spread her legs wider. My eyes flared, but I couldn't move. Rhea readjusted my arm for me, lifting it over her head and pulling it under the blanket.Her soft, perky breasts pressed into the back of my arm as she guided my hand between her warm thighs. I came back to life as the fabric of her leggings brushed against my hand. The heat from her pussy caused my dick to twitch with excitement."Can you be quiet, baby?"She drew her bottom lip into her mouth. Her eyes closed when I pushed my hand under the waistband of her leggings. Rhea nuzzled her face into my shoulder, feeling the moment I sucked in a sharp breath.I drew a finger along her slit and found her already wet. Sticky arousal coated my finger when I inserted it. Her hips lifted under the blanket to give easier access. It forced me to hold my breath, otherwise I might have thrown subtly out the window.Rhea gripped my arm tight to h
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No satisfaction tonight
RHEA'S POV Our plane landed in Italy in the midafternoon. After the nine-hour flight and time change, my body was more jet-lagged than I'd ever been before. But I was back on speaking terms with Aleksander, refusing to start our honeymoon on the wrong foot.We arrived in Naples with a chauffeur already waiting for us. It didn't take much to convince Aleksander to grab me an espresso drink before leaving the airport. If he wanted to start all the excitement as soon as our feet touched the ground, I needed a caffeine boost.I didn't know how he seemed so alert without resting on the plane.Sometimes I swore he had the internal batteries of an energizer bunny.With a latte in hand, I joined my husband in the back of the black SUV. Massive sunglasses blocked the brilliant sunshine from my exhausted eyes. The nap on the plane didn't help as much as I needed it to.What truly woke me up on the half hour drive to our first destination was the expanse of land flying past the windows. I'd nev
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The sexual punishment
The Amalfi coast of Italy is scattered with medieval villages that seem impossibly draped from the cliffs over the coast. That view only became increasingly dramatic as the dome of the sky darkened overhead. Riding through the winding streets was a thrill on its own. The scene through the windows was a photographer's dream.Our driver pulled up to a staggering villa under the cover of night. Smooth sand-colored walls with multiple floors built on the hillside took my breath away. Over the ledge of the front driveway, one level down, a soft back door light revealed a covered terrace. On the level below that was a private pool and a small garden, all built on the cliff side to face the ocean scenery.In the morning, I knew the sunlight would reveal the vast ocean view below us. For now, I couldn't see where the twinkling stars in the night sky ended, and the glittering black waves of the ocean began.Aleksander's voice startled me out of my reverie. "Tomorrow, we'll have a private chef
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Your pleasure is mine
"Alright." A wicked gleam rose to life in his eyes.My hands traveled from the chair to his chest. Aleksander relaxed his shoulders and settled back into the seat when I placed my palms on his warm skin. The toned muscles beneath tensed under my explorative touch.The sight of Aleksander always made my blood burn. Standing between his thighs and skimming my hands lightly over his powerfully built chest and stomach almost made me abandon my idea. A fluttering between my legs encouraged me to straddle him right there.I curled my hands over his shoulders. Aleksander's lips parted as I leaned down. At the last second, I angled my face from his. I rubbed my cheek over the short scruff along his jaw. "Tonight, you're going to make up for what happened at the reception."Aleksander jerked in the chair. His eyes burned into the side of my face. "You know I'd do anything for you. Tell me what you want."Warming confidence flowed through me. I stood taller, rising to my full height. A salaciou
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Controlling himself
ALEKSANDRER'S POV I tore free of the fuzzy belt shortly after Rhea buried herself under the blanket. My wrists were red and chaffed from struggling. Not that I cared about that. The white-hot fury burning a hole in my chest persisted, regardless.Watching Rhea's sensual writhing on the bed as she made herself climax repeatedly drove me wild. Like a feral animal that needed to be put down before he could harm himself or others. My blood pounded through my body with each intense beat of my heart. Fire burned my skin because of the tension in my muscles from keeping my anger under control.Rhea's pleasure belonged to me. Her body, her heart, her soul. If anyone was going to make her toes curl, it was going to be me.I wished someone could tell me why I deflated like a popped balloon when I approached her sleeping form on the bed. Seeing her pink pouty lips parted, softly breathing as she slept, and the slight crease between her brows took the fight out of me. Every ounce of my fury blew
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Tonight's plan
My hunt through the city didn't take nearly as long as I imagined. It only took a few searches on my phone to get me in the right direction. I had most of the tools I needed to get my revenge packed in a suitcase, but there was something larger I could only find in the city.Wispy white clouds streaked across a vivid blue sky as if some divine entity had painted them there. The golden orb of the sun pressed down on earth with warm waves. A cooling breeze whisked through the winding streets of Amalfi.Since Rhea and I had slept in, it was already the afternoon by the time I finished my errands. Only two hours had passed before I made my way back toward the villa. A merchant selling flowers on the side of the road delayed my arrival by a few minutes. The bright assortment of varying shades of pink would delight my wife.The black SUV pulled up to the villa. Narrow trees topped with crowded chunks of rich green leaves swayed in the wind blowing up from the calm ocean below.When I steppe
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You now my wife
RHEA'S POV Relenting to Aleksander's request, I showered and dressed myself for dinner. He slipped into the bathroom too and washed himself while I focused on doing my makeup for the evening. It was nothing heavy since it was the two of us dining alone near to the shore. I didn't want it to melt on my face with the slight humidity in the air.That didn't stop me from picking out one of my more revealing dresses. In fact, it encouraged it. The thin material of the forest green dress I slipped on clung to my frame like a second skin. With the hem right below my ass and a cut-out showing off the bottom swells of my breasts in the front. It seemed the right choice for the night. I wore nothing underneath.As adorable as that darkly vicious man appeared this afternoon, I didn't believe it one ounce. Aleksander's act of innocence didn't fool me. He might have held me close and cuddled me through the night, but I knew my husband. And I knew he would fulfill his threat."You better count eve
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Multiple orgasms
"I love you so much, Aleksander. I'm happy that I get to see this side of you." His thumb rubbed the side of my hand before turning it over to have the dominant grasp. His large palm engulfed my smaller hand easily. "These are the sides of me I want you to see. Away from the crowded city and every stress that comes with it. My job and yours. The people around us. Even the annoying tabloids and paparazzi that want to insert themselves into our daily life.""That magazine that we were both featured in last year had a field day with our engagement announcement." I chuckled at the memory. "The youngest billionaire in the city and their Prima Ballerina. That turned heads for a while.""It did," he ruefully agreed. Part of him enjoyed the attention, though he'd likely deny it. "But this trip is important for us. To get away from life pressures and solely focus on each other. Right now, I want you to see that I can be a good guy."I paused with my glass mid-air. His statement halted me from
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