All Chapters of Just A One Night Stand: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
178 Chapters
Erotic punishment
A warm flush spread under my skin, painting a rosy, pink blush across my cheeks. My heart palpitated at the erotic sight waiting for me.A chair, but so much more. Aleksander tore out the cushion of the chair and had the black and gold vibrator jutted up through a hole in the seat. Restraints for my hands dangled from the sides while he'd secured leather cuffs to the front legs of the antique wooden chair for my ankles.A torture device or a contraption for pleasure?In this case, it was both.Aleksander stalked around me. The back of his hand skimmed over my shoulder. A gruff demand snapped out of him. "Take your dress off."My breath lodged in my throat. He caught the sound and narrowed his predatory gaze at me. Aleksander roughly grabbed my chin, pursing my lips. "Oh, don't look at me like that, baby girl. Don't pretend to be shy now."Pulling me by my face, Aleksander urged me onto my tiptoes. My hands flew up to grab his wrist while his fingers dug into my cheeks. His hot breat
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Sexual love making
ALEKSANDRER'S POV A sadistic delight came over me while punishing Rhea. I can't deny that. It's a sick need to hurt her in an erotic way, but it's an instinct she reciprocates. She wouldn't have tied me down and masturbated in front of me if she wasn't fully aware of the repercussions she'd face.My darling wife knew me, and she knew herself. This was the game we played. Rhea was aware of the limits and frequently crossed them. As innocent as she appeared on the inside, she relished the pleasure of my punishments-she craved them.Some days Rhea would purposefully roll her eyes and in the night, I'd make her orgasm until she cried. Twisting her climaxes into something a powerful and mind melting experience. Exhausting her with euphoria to the point of madness.However, it took excruciating patience on my part. Waiting on the sidelines as Rhea met out her punishment was agonizing. Taking the time to dismantle her grip on reality as she slipped into a submissive haze tested my willpower
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Someone is following us
Deep inside her and as close as two people could be, I moved. Pulling out and easing back in, slowly at first. Rhea mewled like a horny kitten under me while I thrust into her. Each pump of my hips ground my length over her sensitive insides, perfectly aligned to make her come undone again.It didn't take long."Ah! Aleksander!" Her moans in my ear paired with her pulsing cunt made me see stars behind my eyes."Yes, baby. Come for me. That's my girl. Keep going!" I plowed harder as she shook.Rhea rode out her thirtieth orgasm of the night on my cock exactly as I'd hoped. I absorbed her pleasure through every spasm of her body and every gasp that passed between her lips. I'd treasure each climax that I caused because all her pleasure belonged to me- it always would."Oh! Oh, fuck!" Her body rolled through another orgasm. Rhea practically tore my back to shreds, clawing at me as if she could merge our bodies.The slight pinching pain from her scratching did something to me. Her dainty
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Pregnancy test
RHEA'S POV Near blinding white lights shone down from the tall ceiling of the dance studio. The brilliance of it made me miss the blue skies and natural sunshine of the Italian coast. It seemed like only yesterday I had my toes buried in the sand, with Aleksander lounging beside me. Now I faced the mirror-wall of the studio above the theater with my leg perched on the balance beam."So, tell me again why you came back early," Ricky whispered beside me. His eyes darted around the other ballerinas, stretching silently in the studio for our daily cool down. His eyes on mine in the mirror this time."Aleksander had a work emergency." Even a week later, the disappointment stung.Ricky rolled his eyes. "What could be so important at work that a man would risk his new wife's wrath? Women are scary."An unladylike snort escaped me. A few eyes turned in our direction. Ricky and I locked eyes, and he failed to muffle his chuckles. The new dance instructor merely shook her head at us. Thankfull
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Am pregnant
My body turned to stone as gears shifted in my head. I froze completely with one hand braced on the edge of the sink. My knuckles turned white from my impossible grip on the pale stone."Maybe you should take one." Ricky insisted. "No," I repeated absently, almost as if my conscience wasn't in my body anymore while my lips continued moving. "It's not possible." I murmured repeatedly. He let out a baffled scoff, dropping his hand from my tense shoulder. "Yeah right. I've seen the way Aleksander looks at you. Tell me with one hundred percent certainty that it's impossible." He spoke.Half a second passed. I took a sniffled inhale, fighting back a tide of something rising within me— something inevitable. The first tear breached the corner of my eye, hugging my lashes and threatening to fall."I'm on the pill. I've been on the pill for years. I've always been so careful." I murmured more to myself than Ricky. When I'd worked through the contracts, I'd had to be careful. Falling into bed
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Wet dreams
Nikolai spent years pulling himself away from the Russian mafia. While those connections still existed, they didn't rule his life, nor mine. However, I couldn't forget the life I came from or the home I'd been born in.If they were still alive, my parents were certainly living under the control of the Bratva back in Russia. For that reason, I owed Nikolai and Annika my life. They took me away and gave me a life worth living.And I massively fucked up by killing Dax.Knowing that my actions saved Rhea, and to a lesser extent the other dancers, I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Rhea was mine and no one else would ever own any part of her. Not Dax, Luca, or anyone under the Genovese umbrella.Nevertheless, this world Jameson tried his best to keep me away from was one of merciless revenge. I'd taken mine by killing Dax and now his family wanted theirs. Because of my actions, I'd become a target. As my wife, Rhea was too.In the days since returning home, I'd worked relentlessly on
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Signs of Miscarriage
RHEA'S POV (Content Warnings: Blood, Miscarriage Mention)That night, Aleksander's embrace lulled me to sleep. After a relaxing shower together and a stomach full of good food, he took me into his arms and played with my hair until I passed out. It didn't take long for dreams to steal me away lately. I began snoring as soon as my head hit the pillow.In the late-night hours after I'd fallen asleep, a visceral wrongness descended upon me.Startled awake by an instinct that something happened to me it was still happening. Perhaps it was only the beginning.Exhaustion fled my body as icy panic flared within my chest. Whatever it was, my eyes snapped open to the heavy darkness of the bedroom. A blanket of shadows blocked out any light from illuminating my path, which let me know the hour was late.My limbs scrambled to get up from the bed. Shoving at the blankets tangled around me and rolling away from Aleksander's heavy frame. He groaned in his sleep at the movement but didn't wake. I w
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Still pregnant
Time moved in an odd blur. One minute I'm in the bathroom with Aleksander helping me put clothes on and the next I'm standing by the front door as he tugged one of his old college hoodies over my head. His lingering scent filled my nose and despite the situation, I enjoyed his tenderness. It kept me grounded."I called a driver to take us to the hospital. Are you okay to walk to the street and get the car?" Aleksander paused with one hand on the doorknob. My lips parted as my brain worked on remembering how to speak.Thinking better of it, Aleksander shook his head and jerked the door open. "I'll just carry you." His powerful arms swept my feet off the floor in the next instant. Cool night air blew over my face as he carried me into the night.An unmarked black sedan waited for us on the curb. With the heavy tinting on the windows, I couldn't make out the driver. At this hour, it wouldn't be Antonio. I would have preferred his smiling face right now.Effortlessly, Aleksander cradled m
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Cold and silent
ALEKSANDER'S POVIf God had a sense of humor, it was certainly a cruel one.The timing couldn't be worse. Paired with the bone deep fear for my wife's safety at seeing so much blood on her legs, I wasn't sure how I was functioning. Not only was the Genovese family on our trail, but this additional factor also impeded her safety.While I was confident that I could handle the Italians, this was something I had no control over. Another wrench in the plan that I couldn't fathom the depths of. How could I protect Rhea from this? A technician arrived for the ultrasound moments after we received the results. Rhea wasn't speaking much in her stunned state, and I couldn't blame her. I didn't know what to say either."Implantation bleeding is simply a byproduct of the fertilized egg attaching itself to the uterine lining. It's very common and usually isn't a sign of any problems," Dr. Alexander further explained."Usually isn't," I repeated. The weight on my chest prevented me from drawing in a
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In danger
It ripped a chasm open in my chest to think of this massive news driving us apart. I held onto my crumbling nerves until they slipped from my grasp."Have I done something wrong?" I blurted.Startled, Rhea froze. A long exhale deflated her body, and her shoulders fell. Her head angled enough to watch me from the corner of her eyes, still rimmed red."What?" she exclaimed. Her brows lifted higher with each second that I didn't answer. She dropped her arms from her shoulders to curl them protectively over her abdomen. "No. I'm just sorry that this happened. It's my fault. I got so swept up in the wedding planning I forgot to take my pills.""Rhea," I gaped at her.She turned, fully facing me. Tears spilled over her eyes, flowing down her cheeks as she rushed to speak again. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.""You have nothing to apologize for, baby."She spoke too quickly to hear me. Instead of stopping, she barreled over my words. "I really am sorry, Aleks
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