All Chapters of THE REBIRTH LUNA: Her Oppression: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
97 Chapters
*** KIARA'S P.O.V *** She stood there in the middle of the room, unsure if she should go back to bed or not. She was still contemplating when she heard sounds from the bathroom, they were not the sound of water splashing on a body or the sound of water on the ground. They were groans and moans, the white-winged man was making the sounds. She tiptoed to the door and leaned forward to eavesdrop on him and she could hear it clearly, he was making the sounds and she knew what those sounds were. What she did not know is if he had a lady with him in the bathroom, she was hoping not. She could feel jealousy rise inside her, but she told herself that she was not supposed to be jealous, he was not her mate and there was nothing between them. She got away from the bathroom door and made her way to the bed. She sat still and quiet. After the groans and moans, she could then hear the sounds of splashing water on the body and the floor, he had started bathing now. After a long while of
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He lifted his arm and Kiara grinned wickedly and took the arm."Of course. I am certainly bored and need that tour." She said and smiled.They started off and Shawn kept showing her around, he took her to the balcony, to the kitchen, to the meeting room, he practically took her everywhere and by the time they were done, it was evening. He took her to Mark's room and when they were at the door, Shawn turned to her and took her hand and kissed it gently."It was fun with you my lady." He said."Thank you, Shawn." She replied and laughed.He left her there and went away. She turned to the door when Shawn walked away, she sighed deeply and tried opening the door but she could not. She should not have let the man walk away without helping her with the door. She stood at the door, wondering how to get in and then suddenly, the door opened. It was Mark. His face was angry and when he saw her, he became angrier. She was not intimidated, she looked at his head too. They stood there looking at
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He did not know anything about the werewolves, they had no features or characteristics that attracted him and so he did not care to know about them. "No." She replied. He knotted his brows. Why will they put so much responsibilities on the shoulders of such a young girl if they were alive? He was puzzled. "Sick?" He asked. That was the only reason he could think of. "No." She replied. "Traveled?" He asked again. "Yes, permanently relocated." She replied. "Why? To where?" He asked curiously. "She had a mate, a lycan. She left to be with him." She replied again. "Your father?" He asked. "Dead. I was told." She replied. "I'm sorry." He consoled her. She nodded. She looked at him. "Your turn." She said softly. "I am Mark, an Angel and leader of the guardians of Angels." He explained. "Who are they?" She asked. He knotted his brows. "Who?" He asked. " The guardians of Angels." She replied. "My brothers." He replied to her previous question. "The firstborn?" She asked a
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Kiara shook her head. "I am sorry but I can't tell you too. Mark has to tell you himself." Gwen said. "He said he is my mate." "He is." "How did you know Jeff was your mate?" Kiara asked. "I just felt right. I just knew deep down inside of me that he was the one." Gwen explained. Kiara did not talk again. She did not know what to do, she needed questions. She sat with Gwen and had other conversations with her until it was evening. It was time for dinner and both women went into the house. When they got into the dining room, the brothers were already sitting and ready for dinner. The women apologized and went to sit in their respective seats. Dinner was eaten silently. Mark and Kiara returned to their room after dinner and none of them spoke to each other, they took turns bathing and changing into their night robes. Kiara finished first and sat on the bed, waiting for Mark. He needed to give her answers. When he came out of the closet, he went to the bed and slept on it, silent
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She was confused. She was not a fairy. "But I am not a fairy." She stated. "I know. But you are my mate." He said. "How is that even possible?" She asked. "That is why I will be going to the fairy kingdom to find out." He said. "I will come with You." She said. "Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded. They did not speak again and they just lay there quietly. Looking into each other's eyes. Mark drew closer to her and their noses touched, he rubbed them together and she closed her eyes. He went closer and their lips locked in a kiss. He invaded her mouth with his tongue and twisted it with hers. He could feel her heartbeat increase and she was extremely nervous. His hands went to her face and he caressed her face gently while kissing her. Her hands went up to his bare torso, caressing his chest and strong firm abs. The kiss got intense and he quickly broke it. He was getting horny and it was not good. He was not ready for their first time yet. He wanted it to be special. He pulled
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When they broke the kiss, he looked at her face and he could see how red she was. She stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom. They took their turns bathing and dressing. She was wearing a flowing green dress, she had little jewellery on her neck. They went to breakfast together and after breakfast, Mark did not take her back to the room, they went to the meeting room. When the Angels were sitting, Mark came in with Kiara. He went to sit on the first chair and Kiara sat next to him, they were going to talk about how to go to the fairies kingdom. Mark sat and cleared his throat. "You all know why we are here." He started. They all nodded. "Who will go with me?" Mark asked. "When are we going there?" Shawn asked. "Tomorrow," Mark answered. The room went silent and they looked at each other. "I will." It was Shawn. "I will too." It was Kevin. When he spoke, Kiara noticed his wings, they had changed colours, it was still multicoloured but the colours had changed. It was b
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There were stalls and different commodities and the humans and Angels were trading in peace and harmony. She marvelled. She and Mark got to a stall and he bought a necklace. They walked around till it was noon and they went back to the house. She could notice that the Guardians of Angels had the biggest house in the city, other houses were large but theirs was extremely large.They got into the house and went to their room. She got into the room and sat on the bed, she was tired. She looked over to the table at the corner of the room and she could see a little bag. Mark had come inside the room and went into the bathroom, he needed to have a bath. She walked over to the little bag and opened it. It had clothes and accessories and shoes, she could see them all in the little bag, she looked at the bag and it sat there, so little. She wondered how it contained so much. She dipped her hand into the bag and it went deep.She took it back and looked at the bag, a little small bag. It sc
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After a while, his kisses travelled from her mouth down to her neck, she could feel the hotness and pleasure sweep over her again and she moaned. "Ugh... ahhh yes." He licked her neck again and gave her another gentle bite. She was feeling out of the world. His hands moved from her waist to her dress and he unzipped it. She gasped, it was her first time going nude in front of anyone, talkless of a man and she was scared. What if he does not like her body, what if he finds her disgusting? And while she was thinking about it, Mark left her neck and took his hands to her face, he caressed her face while looking at her, her eyes were closed. He bent down to her ear and like he heard her thoughts, which he did, he whispered into her ear. "You are beautiful and your body is perfect, I love it." He said. She opened her eyes, she wondered if he could read her thoughts. "You do?" She asked genuinely. "With all of me." He answered. With that, his lips went to her neck again and she co
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The sensations and pleasure continued for a long time and she thought it was a miracle that she has not gone crazy from all of that pleasure she was still feeling. She thought that feeling was the height of her pleasure and she was not ready for the new sensation coming. She felt her vagina tingle like she was going to pee, it was a whole new level of feeling from the usual peeing. It was so ticklish that she was thrashing under Mark like a snake. "Stop I'm gonna pee. I said I am going to pee here..." She was still trying to warn him about her "peeing" when it shot out and went straight to Mark's face. The feeling was too good and she could only but moan loudly in pleasure. It took a long time for the tickling sensation to stop and when it finally did, she was panting heavily. When she finally calmed down, she opened her eyes and Mark was not there. She heard the bathroom tap rushing and she knew it was him. She stood up and looked at the bed and the sheets were wet from her or
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Chapter 90
They all stayed in that position, a position of fairies attacking and Angels surrendering for a long while before a small still voice echoed. "Wait." The fairies stepped back and a woman came forth to the Angels. Kiara could see how extremely beautiful the woman was but the woman seemed not to notice her and had her eyes only on the Angels. Mark and Shawn and Kevin brought down their hands and the woman approached them, she stood in front of Mark. "What are you doing here." She asked. Her voice was stern and mean. "We want to talk," Mark answered her. The woman gave off a cold laugh. "The last time you Angels wanted to talk was a disaster for us. State your mission here and now." The woman answered. "Harriet, we need help," Shawn spoke now. The woman did not say anything. She looked at the three Angels with disgust. "What help?" She finally asked. "Your former queen cursed us." It was Mark. "I know and I bless her soul every morning I wake up for that curse." She replied
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