All Chapters of Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
302 Chapters
CHAPTER 91 Treason
  "How Dare you!" Leopold roared, standing from his seat and turning to glare at the spot above him.  The same dark chuckle answered him, only increasing his fury.  "The assumptions about my wife and I are not even relevant to this trial and not up for discussion!" The King roared almost foaming at the mouth in his rage. "This is treason! How dare you speak up against your king!"  A chorus of titters arose from the council from multiple sources as he looked around him frantically, his paranoia beginning to get the better of him.  Ann watched with a mixture of horror and pity. She felt sorry for him because of the state that he had found himself in, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a small spark of satisfaction, as the Elders spoke the words that she had been dying to say for years.  It was heartening to know that the Elder's opinions, in this case, aligned with her own.  "We dare to speak against you when we disagree with your decisions because we are the only peo
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CHAPTER 92 The Silence
  Ada stood at the lectern with her eyes lowered and her arms wrapped protectively around her belly. She was nervous and it showed.  "Lady Ava, you bring serious charges against your step-sister to this court." The female voice stated.  Ada simply nodded without raising her eyes.  "So, in your own words, tell us exactly what happened in the room with Ann."  Ada took a shaky breath as Ann turned her gaze toward where she stood. Their eyes met for the briefest of moments and all Ann saw was the pure unadulterated hatred that burned there, before it was quickly replaced with the all too familiar, doe-eyed innocent look that usually graced her features.  "Well, we went to see Ann with the intention of smoothing things over. I at least wanted to try one more time to make peace with her. I know I did wrong, and if I could turn back the clock then I would do things differently but… wishing things would be different… doesn't actually change anything." Ada said in a small voice as she sigh
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CHAPTER 93 The Testimony
  Both Ada and Leopold exchanged a frantic look as they began to realize that this trial was not proceeding how they had intended at all.  "Treason? Are you insane?! It is you who is treasonous!!! You should be asking your King's permission before you enact or move to do anything! No one is above the royal family!" Ada shrieked suddenly as she banged her fists on the balcony in front of her.   "Do you not respect his authority?" Ada snapped as she continued, her innocent demeanor evaporating almost instantly, "You want his throne for yourselves don't you?" She snorted maliciously as she looked across at Leopold, with fire in her eyes.  Ann was watching this all with a mixture of disbelief and horror. This was madness! The audacity that Ada had to insinuate such a thing, and so fearlessly in front of them, just proved that she thought she was untouchable in her father's presence.   Her arrogance was sickening and to the Elders assembled, incredibly offensive.   "Leopold, either rei
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CHAPTER 94 The Evidence
  "Once the incident was resolved, I never had cause to use it again, but it kept running and saving backups to the dedicated server and storage that we had set up. I knew what had happened in the office, but it was my word against Ada's so, having found this only recently, I wanted to offer you the opportunity to see it for yourselves."   "Preposterous! It will be nothing more than a fake designed to discredit Ada!" Leopold hissed from his seat.  "Why would she go to all that trouble when Ada is doing such a good job of discrediting herself, Leopold?" A smooth female voice commented dryly.  Ann took a deep breath and flicked her gaze to her father again.  "I don't care that you've already disowned me, Leopold. You'll never hear me call you father again because you never afforded me the basic decency of impartiality. No matter what I said in the conflicts, Ada was always right, so this time, I have proof that she lies."   "Princess Ann, do not concern yourself with addressing the
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CHAPTER 95 A Home Movie
  The atmosphere in the chamber weighed heavily on her as she waited with bated breath for the Elder's return.  The chamber remained deathly silent, apart from her father's heavy breathing as he struggled with his anger whilst his eyes seemed to bore into her very soul.  Ann didn't fear her father, but the intense hatred that was being directed at her was more than a little disconcerting. She was fairly sure that if she had been here alone without Adam at her side, then her discomfort would have been obvious.  Ann glanced over at where Ada stood, still frozen in an elaborate pose and rooted to the spot between the two burly golems.  'I have to say that's quite an improvement on her normal behavior,' Maeve sniggered before adding thoughtfully, 'I wonder if the Elders would teach us how to do that too? It could be quite useful…'  'Doesn't it look familiar to you though Maeve? It's incredibly similar to what Ada must have used on us.' Ann mused, 'Do you think that she has an Elder he
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CHAPTER 96 Family Affairs, Kingdom Affairs
  The Elders had been true to their word and Ada had been partially released from the hold that they had placed on her and her panic stricken eyes showed just how aware she truly was.  Maeve howled with satisfaction as they watched Narcissa and Ada confronted with evidence of their own schemes. Although Narcissa was not directly implicated in this particular recording, Ann didn't care.  It was enough for her to clear her name and retain her title, as much as she no longer wished to be associated with this poor excuse of a family.  Adam was her priority for now, and the Dark Moon Pack was her home for as long as she remained with Adam.  As the recording ended and the holographic display disappeared, Leopold was stood frozen with an expression of shock as he mouthed soundlessly words that he clearly wanted to say, but couldn't force out.  Narcissa didn't bother to raise her head to glare at the elders, instead, in the final few minutes of the recording, she had come to the realizati
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CHAPTER 97 Because of You
Both Adam and Ann were forced to cover their eyes as soon as they stepped out into the glaring sunlight that greeted them when they exited the long winding tunnels of dull light that the Elders called their home. Once their eyes had adjusted to the sudden intrusion of light, Adam turned to grin widely at her as he pulled her into his chest."I'd say that went quite well, wouldn't you?" He smirked as he planted a kiss on her forehead.Ann chuckled and grinned up at him, masking the emptiness that she felt inside at the whole ordeal."It could have been a lot worse, yes.""I say we go and celebrate. I'm thinking fancy restaurant, champagne, the whole works." Adam murmured as he nuzzled his face against the spot that he had placed his mark on. Ann grunted in response, willing herself to ignore the shiver that made her weak at the knees as he pressed against the fake mark."I need to message Eva first, and then, we'll see," she replied finally, wrapping her arms around his broad w
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CHAPTER 98 Return to the Palace
  As soon as the Royal Court of Elders had released them into the hands of their specially trained guards, they were escorted back to the palace in an unmarked car with blacked-out windows and no trace of the usual pomp and ceremony that followed them everywhere.  They sat in silence as they headed towards the palace, the guards watching them like hawks with impassive expressions on their faces.  The trial had been a disaster for all of them, especially Leopold.  This latest installment in the saga of events that revolved around Ada's obsession with trying to destroy Ann had exposed the long-standing defects and flaws that Narcissa had spent so long cultivating in Leopold's character.  The time and energy it had taken to chip away at his sense of righteousness, the seduction and whispered persuasion that it had taken to twist his mind with her poisonous words, and the sacrifices of flesh that she had been forced to make over the years to bind his heart to hers, ensnaring his wolf i
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CHAPTER 99 I Can Seduce Adam!
  As soon as Leopold had disappeared up the stairs with the guards following closely behind him, Narcissa turned slowly to face Ada.  Ada looked around her in a panic as a vicious snarl erupted from Narcissa's mouth as she stalked menacingly toward her.   Ada backed away hastily, wanting to shout for help but unable to open her mouth to do so as a cold wave of terror washed over her.   "There's no escape from me Ada so don't even try!" Narcissa hissed as Ada's back connected abruptly with the cold hard surface of a wall and she whimpered involuntarily.   Narcissa snorted at the pitiful sound as she pulled to a stop abruptly right in front of her, and dragged her eyes over her face in disgust.  Ada screwed her eyes shut under her mother's intense gaze, trembling violently as she held her breath waiting for the impact that she felt sure was coming from the palm of her hand against her face.  "You're such a disappointment, Ada, I had such high hopes for you, you know?" Narcissa murm
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CHAPTER 100 You Asked For This
  She bit the inside of her cheek painfully to stop herself from crying out and her heart beat rapidly in her chest as her mother yanked her head back to stare at her terrified features with a twisted excitement.  "Your idea intrigues me," Narcissa purred as she removed the blade from Ada's neck and stroked her daughter's hair with the blood-coated blade of the knife.  Ada trembled fiercely under her mother's psychotic embrace, not daring to make a sound in case it provoked her wrath once more.  Narcissa chuckled softly as she planted a kiss on Ada's forehead roughly and licked the blade free of any remaining blood, smiling wickedly down at her daughter's terrified face.  "Tell me everything, my little lamb, and we shall see whether or not I sacrifice your blood and the life of your unborn child tonight, or whether your plan offers you yet another chance to redeem yourself."  Ann sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the phone in her hand for a long time, willing herself to stop
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