All Chapters of Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
302 Chapters
CHAPTER 81 I Want You by My Side
  After showering and changing, Adam came up with the idea of taking her to see the offices that he had bought. Ann agreed with very little hesitation. There was no point in wasting time moping about her losses.  She had to adapt quickly and keep moving forward, whether she wanted to or not.  Ann was curious to see what he thought would constitute a good working environment for her and as the final decision on whether or not to start a new company had been forced upon her, she also wanted to see what she had to work with.  "I didn't think you would want to be in the same building as me for business purposes, especially after our last conversation on the matter," Adam said nonchalantly as he drove them toward their destination.  The slightly pensive expression on his face and crease in his forehead told Ann that as casual as he sounded, he was clearly a little hurt by the thought that she didn't want to spend every waking second with him.  "Don't take it personally Adam. I would ha
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CHAPTER 82 The Baby is in Perfect Health
  AT THE HOSPTIAL  "Well?" Narcissa demanded imperiously as she stood in the corridor outside of her daughter's private room.  The consultant in charge of her daughter's care narrowed his eyes lightly and cleared his throat before he spoke. No wonder the midwives didn't want to deal with her, her arrogance was almost suffocating.  "Everything seems fine with the baby, your highness. We can't pinpoint where the blood originated from though, there was certainly no sign of any bleeding internally at least." The doctor said flatly, glancing suspiciously over Narcissa's shoulder and into the room where Ada reclined lazily on the bed.  He frowned slightly as he watched Ada flicking through the phone as if nothing had happened, an odd grin on her face as she covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.  "Are you quite sure? Are there no more tests that you can run to make sure?"  "I can assure you, your highness, that the pictures obtained on the ultrasound were perfectly clear. The bab
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CHAPTER 83 The Inheritance of the Throne
  "There is no redeeming yourself now Ada. If the Coven demands that you are to be flayed alive, then as far as I'm concerned, they can take their sweet time doing whatever it is that they want to with you. You're a disappointment, a fucking disgrace!" Narcissa hissed venomously as a malicious smile spread across her face.  "What's going on? Narcissa?"  Instantly, Narcissa's face froze and after a moment's hesitation she stood upright and smoothed her clothes down, before plastering a sickly sweet smile on her face and turning to face the unexpected visitor.  "Leopold, Darling, what a lovely surprise." She purred, her voice like silk as she faced the confused expression of her husband.  "You didn't have to come all the way here, my love. We were just about to head home." Narcissa purred as she shimmied her way over to where Leopold stood uncertainly.  She ran her hands down his chest and looked up at him coyly, a flirtatious little smirk on her bright red lips, and instantly all o
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CHAPTER 84 The Sadness Won't Last Forever
  As Adam gave Ann a brief tour of the multi-story office block, she couldn't help but smile at the almost childlike excitement on his face, and the way his chest seemed to puff proudly before him as he strode forward through each room.  He chattered excitedly about ideas for the layout and when Ann protested about the size of the office, an impish smirk appeared on his lips as she blushed furiously.  "You don't usually complain about things being too big, my Luna." He whispered heatedly as he stalked towards her slowly.  Ann giggled helplessly and felt her cheeks flush as he pressed her up against a glass partition and ran his hands along the lines of her upper body, exhaling slowly.  "Adam... behave.." She murmured with a shy smile on her face.  "Why? We own this building... we can do whatever we want in here and no one can say a thing..." he murmured huskily in her ear as he began kissing down the sensitive skin of her neck and nibbling at the spot her mark lay.  The sensation
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CHAPTER 85 Not a Crybaby
  Ann allowed herself to cry for only a few moments. Ultimately, her father didn't deserve her tears. She grieved for her mother and the life that she had never had with her, and the happy childhood that was wrenched from her so painfully.  There was no doubt in Ann's mind that she would eventually avenge her mother's death, but eventually wasn't now, and she was impatient for justice.  Narcissa and Ada deserved to answer for the crimes that they were suspected of, but she needed solid proof, and as hard as Lexi and her father were searching for answers, so far their search had reached dead ends.  Reluctantly, she removed herself from the comforting safety of Adam's arms and wondered briefly when she had become so reliant on him in her life.  His eyes desperately tried to search hers as she pulled away, but she averted her gaze. The disappointment and hurt on his face was simply too much for Ann to bear.  She knew that she should have been stronger, she shouldn't have cried over t
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CHAPTER 86 Security Dome
  "Wait, what? Hold on Eva, what do you mean?"  Ann shook her head in disbelief as she pushed away from the glass panel that Adam had pressed her against only moments earlier.  "Well, I knew that something wasn't right as soon as it all kicked off. They had no business being there at all. So after everyone had left and we set about cleaning up, the guards that Alpha Nocturne left here for you, they offered to help me clean up. Matteus is lovely by the way, you know, the big sulky furball?"  Ann chuckled at Adam's incredulous look as he mouthed silently back to her the words 'Big, sulky, furball?! Accompanied by an elaborate hand gesture.  "Yes, go on," Ann answered patiently.  She was used to Eva's elaborate way of retelling events and actually found it quite endearing. It was a nice change sometimes from the rigid work environment, just to sit with a coffee and catch up on tales from her social life.  "Okay, well, there was a little patch of blood left on the carpet where Ada ha
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CHAPTER 87 Rebuild The Reputation
  Ann and Adam made their way to the front of the building to wait for Eva and Matteus.  Even when she glanced back over her shoulder, she still couldn't believe that this building was now hers.  She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to fill all the floors, as her staff team was only small, but at least now, she had room to expand and consider other avenues to explore. She had always had an entrepreneurial mindset, and Adam did nothing but encourage her to explore all of the possibilities.  "You're going to have to think of a name for the company you know," Adam said with a sly grin. "It would be better if you thought of a corporate name first so that when you expand in other areas, they can be listed under the same umbrella."  Ann nodded thoughtfully as she squinted up at the dazzling sight of the building. It would make sense to make this the corporate headquarters, after all, it was big enough, and then each floor could be dedicated to various departments.  She would have t
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CHAPTER 88 Call Her Mrs. Nocturne
  Eva was horrified though and gasped loudly, covering her mouth in horror.  "But... that's terrible! Ann, you have to do something! You need to..."  "Eva, you have to trust me on this that I know exactly what I'm doing. I just need you to do everything that I say, when I say it. For now, we remain silent. Not a word to anyone. Do you understand? " Ann said, her expression serious.  Eva nodded furiously.  "Of course! I'll make the copy now and head home Miss Veritas."  Adam growled suddenly and scowled at Eva, making her jump violently and the color drain from her face.  "Don't call her that again. She isn't Ann Veritas anymore, and she hasn't been for a long time. She is my wife and Luna of the Dark Moon Pack, and as such, you will call her Mrs. Nocturne."  As the day of the trial rapidly approached, Ann found herself fascinated with the daily release of sensationalist articles designed to tarnish her reputation even further.  She laughed loudly at some of the wild theories th
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CHAPTER 89 The Special Gift
  "Grandmother had a few run-in's with dark witches in her younger days, but she was lucky enough to have been friendly with the daughter of a light witch. She gifted her this with the promise that it would protect her and whoever wore it, from dark magic." Adam explained softly as he watched Ann run her fingers over the delicate design.  "Adam... I don't know what to say... it's beautiful!" Ann exclaimed almost reverently.  "She was fond of intricate designs and artwork, as I'm sure you can tell." Adam chuckled softly. "It's made from obsidian and moonstone and wrapped in platinum. If you open it up, inside is a depiction of Selene, the Moon Goddess, and her first children, the Lycans, and her second born, the Werewolves."  Ann nodded wordlessly. There wasn't much she could say, it was truly a breathtaking piece.  "I should have given you this earlier, Ann. At this point, I'm willing to try anything that has the slightest chance of being able to protect you from those vile women."
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CHAPTER 90 Court Day
  "She's lying! I was taken by ambulance and admitted to the hospital immediately after the incident!" Ada yelled suddenly, banging her hands furiously on the railing that surrounded the platform where she sat.  Ann said nothing and stared confidently ahead at her father's face, her expression neutral but her eyes burned with a determination that wasn't lost on him.  "You will be silent until your testimony is called for Princess Ada. These are serious proceedings with dire consequences for the accused if found guilty. You will respect the order of things here, do you understand?" An irritated male voice came from above.  One thing was for sure, the reputation of the Royal Court's Elder Council certainly seemed to be true.  It made sense in a way, as the Royal Court undoubtedly had to have seen its fair share of power plays and false accusations over the centuries that they had presided over justice across the kingdom.  The Elders that sat in the Courtroom were the oldest, and mos
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