All Chapters of His Ethical Slut: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
152 Chapters
The silence between them thickened, as Isis' mind wandered and tried to picture the incident in her head, to try to see how Omarion must have felt, what it must have been like for him, losing his brother to death in an accident they both were involved in,and worse more, having parents who chose to do nothing but blame him and saddle him with the responsibility of his death, when he himself only survived luckily. She drew in a long breath and exhaled softly. She now could understand why he panicked back at the office, the realization hit her, and she suddenly just wanted to pull him into her arms and hug him, and tell him he was safe with her, and that he didn't have to worry no more, that she was gonna be there for him irrespective of the circumstance, but, he was up in his room, sleeping. She glanced casually and caught Madam Louisiana staring at her, and wondered why. She liked her and was thankful she had not waved off her question, when she had asked. Madam Louisiana sa
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The next morning, just right before sunrise, Isis' eyes flicked open. She had stayed up until the early hours of the morning, and it told on her, as her eyelids were heavy, her eyes itchy and red from lack of adequate sleep. She made to move, but found out she was wrapped in his arms, tightly against his body, and had to spend a solid 15 minutes trying to slip away from under his arms. She soon got dressed after taking a quick shower in his bathroom, as she had taken off her clothes earlier for comfort and thrown one of his sweatshirts on. She took one final look at herself in the mirror before walking over to the bed to kiss him on the cheeks and exiting the room.* * * As the morning sun cast its warm golden rays into the room, Omarion wore a smile on his face as he patted the side of the bed, expecting to feel Isis by his side. His smile was soon mixed with a slight, confusing frown when he couldn't feel her beside him. He forced
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His eyes lingered on her, tracing the outlines of her facial features and the rest of her body that had not disappeared under the table. "Whatchu staring at?" She asked him slowly, biting her bottom lip and dragging it between her teeth slowly, in a seductive manner. She leaned in across the table and from there, he could get a better view at her cleavage and breasts. He gulped down a lump that had suddenly just seemed to lodge in his throat. "You're hot." He blurted out, his eyes now trained on her breasts, irresistibly. "So hot, I feel like taking you in right now. Right here. On this table." He whispered, his voice filled with a need he never knew it could muster, a warmth coursing through his body as he fought hard against his erection. Isis pressed more into the table, causing her breasts to rise even more, and giving him a much better view, before replying to him. "I think I'd have loved that too." She said daintly, allowing the words slip off her tongue effortle
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Isis overhead her and made towards the duo, in calculated strides, her hips swaying rhythmically with every step she took, which made Omarion swallow a small lump that had now settled in his throat. Isis locked eyes with him for a moment, happy at the fact that she had been able to ignite an emotion, and strike a reaction in him. "Everything good?" She asked when she stopped in front of them, glancing from Raceal to Omarion. She gave a quick wink when her eyes landed on him. "I'm afraid not." Omarion replied to her, at the same time, trying to stifle a smile. "Oh…" she mumbled. "Come on in to my office, you both." He demanded, and they filed in after him. Once in his office, Omarion took his seat behind his desk, while Isis and Racheal stood on the opposite side, waiting for him to pop the pill and say something. "So, Isis, Racheal here made some complaints to me this morning about a misunderstanding between you both." He started. " Racheal, could you please go
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And in a split second, before Isis could catch a breath or blink an eye, went all in with his tongue, at first teasing his way in, while she squirmed and closed her thighs in reflex, his head between them, while his tongue worked its way into her wetness, exploring her as deep as his tongue allowed him, drawing shivering moans from her, as he went. Her moans were getting louder and almost uncontrollable and he loved it, the way he made her feel, and the way she freely expressed it, not withholding anything back. He wondered if Rachel could hear her sounds. Not because he didn't want her to realize he was making out with her or anything, if he wanted anything so badly this moment, it was to satisfy Isis, and for Racheal to be aware of what was happening behind his closed doors. He withdrew his tongue from inside of her and unbuttoned the rest of her shirt, revealing her firm, round breasts, caged in a white silky bra. His left hand reached for her back, and unclasped her bra
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"I was gonna come back, but then, you had someone else already. I almost couldn't believe it. I mean, it was so fast." She continued. " Lizeth, see, it's not what you think. It really isn't." Omarion interrupted, his voice low and calm now. "You've got the wrong information." He said, and patted his pocket for his phone. " Hold on." He said to her, as he located his gallery. "Let me show you something." "Come take a look," he said to her again, motioning for her to come closer, but Lizeth just ignored him and refused to oblige, so he made the move and closed the distance she had created between them. "I don't want to." Lizeth protested, averting her eyes and walking further away from him stubbornly to the other side of the room."Gosh, Lizeth! What the hell is wrong with you?" Omarion asked, clearly tired of all of her dramas. "What has come over me? What the hell is wrong with me?" Lizeth shot back at him, her eyes wide open in disbelief. "I clearly don't want to, and it
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Lizeth looked into Omarion's eyes and she knew she had him wrapped around her fingers again. She had always had him wrapped around her fingers but it was good to know she hadn't lost touch."So you mean she is nothing to you, right?" Lizeth asked, brushing her finger around Omarion's face and the man nodded even though he felt a tight knot in his chest which he didn't know why."I missed you too, babe," Lizeth said gently, placing her lips on Omarion's lips. As soon as their lips met, they started to fight for dominance between themselves and Omarion's hand started roaming Lizeth's body as he could not get enough,vhe had missed her."I love you babe," Omarion declared, breaking up the kiss, while the two gasped for air. He traced Lizeth's neck bone with his lips, kissing her softly and delicately as he went on, while Lizeth gasped, holding onto him.Omarion pressed her hand against his hard groin, making her feel what effect she had on him and Lizeth moaned at the contact. Even though
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Inside the private room that was now smelt of what went down, their bodies could be seen wrapped in each other's embrace, under the tangled sheet and the two soft breathing could be heard. Lizeth stretched her body slightly and moaned seeing how sore she was. She pried her eyes open gently but her face was blocked by Omarion's chest and she smiled seeing how the man's chest was rising due to his breathing and she knew he must be fast asleep.She scraped the man's arms around her and she struggled a little before getting out of his hold. It was more like he wasn't ready to let her go. "God, he is so strong even when asleep," Lizeth hissed in frustration after she got out of the man's hold.She could not believe that she had to sleep with the man again after leaving him heartbroken this whole time. She was really a bad one.She looked at the man that trusted her without thinking twice and she wondered if she should really laugh at his naiveness. If she didn't know how capable and intel
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The whole country had been thrown into a state of shock after the news broke out that early morning, and they all could not believe it. After it broke out, the news had gotten a lot of engagement and also so many likes. A lot of people had started sharing their views about it, but it was all bad reviews. "This!" Phoenix screamed looking at the trending news that popped up on her phone screen and she could not believe her eyes. The view was just not believable, it was a hard realization to take in, so she decided to confirm herself knowing that she should still give her friend the benefit of the doubt.Phoenix rushed towards Isis's room and she was surprised to hear the shower running and she concluded that the girl had not seen the news.She heard Isis humming a song in the shower and Phoenix scoffed hearing that. "She's still got the cheek to sing?" She said and decided to wait for her to be done with her bath. She had a lot of grievances to complain about and especially with the
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The PR department of Omarion's tech company was in disarray as they went on doing their best to contain their boss's scandal. "Of course not, Reporter Jack, the pictures were clearly photoshopped," one of the employees said smiling on the phone, as tons of her other colleagues were also on the phone saying the same thing, trying their best to change the people's view to divert their attention.Just as the PR department was in disarray, Omarion's office was no different.He was seen agitated answering different calls and trying his best to control the rumor."It's really not that way, Mr. Kelvin, I am an upright…" Omarion was trying to explain, but the call was immediately hung up while he was talking. He sighed, but immediately the phone was placed down, another call came through.Omarion decided to pick up the call thinking it was one of the company's investors trying to threaten him about withdrawing their investment, only to find out he was wrong. The call was from his father.He
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