All Chapters of The Beta Killer : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
137 Chapters
Chapter 70
“Sure you're ready?” Malachi widened his stance, the girl before him doing the same, her long chestnut hair flowed into her face the wind forcing her to brush it back. She nodded at him, a smile of confidence on her face. “You’re on.”They stepped side to side circling each other. He enjoyed watching her assess, her eyes darting to watch him. Her eyes slid to his bare chest, his biceps and he couldn’t help a smirk. He flexed, just a little watching a pink tinge on her cheeks. Sidestepping, he kicked out towards her chest, knowing the one to make the first move often lost. He'd lose for her. She blocked and smacked his foot upward using her body weight to add to the block. Malachi regained his footing and laughed, “Someone's got guts!” he declared as he moved his weight between his feet. Alissa jabbed towards his stomach which he easily blocked, he realised a little too late how much strength he’d put into the block and she shook out her arm. He gave her time to refocus, feigning a fe
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Chapter 71
Alissa rubbed her forehead, opening her door for breakfast only to find yet another gift. For the eighth day in a row something was left outside her bedroom door. She sighed picking up the bunch of lavender. She wasn’t sure she could forgive him, no matter how many gifts and tokens he left, but he was making it awfully hard not to. She sniffed the lavender unable to help herself. The first three days Alissa had thrown the gifts of chocolates and flowers in the bin. The fourth day was a grey suede box, inside a sapphire bracelet. She had stormed to his room and launched the box inside without looking if he was there. She suspected he had been. Apart from the gifts she wouldn't know if Luca was alive, she hadn't seen him or spoken to him. Part of that of course was her fault, but he could just knock on her door. Every night Alissa's wolf pined for its mate. She hated it, the worst part was she could feel Luca's wolf's pines and whines. She wasn't sure how, but it was as if without he
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Chapter 72
Alissa stared at the phone. Part of her was surprised at what Malachi had said, yet another part… wasn’t that what she wanted him to say? Didn’t she want an excuse to forgive Luca. Feel his arms around her again. Stay up late chatting about anything and everything? She missed leaving packland with him. Missed their sparring sessions. She missed how much he lifted her up, supported her, cheered her on even when she felt she didn’t much deserve being cheered on. He’d made a mistake. Done one stupid thing… like sure it was a pretty bad stupid thing. If he did it again. Anything that made her feel bad. She didn’t care abou
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Chapter 73
  Alissa snuggled into Luca’s side happily as they made their way towards Elder Tobias’ home. She still didn’t completely believe he couldn’t Alpha command her but she wasn’t going to ask him to prove it… at least not right now. Maybe later.  “You really projected your feelings onto the pack?” she asked cautiously.  Luca sighed. “I couldn’t control it. I feel awful about it. Should have some control. Seems to be something I’m shit at,” he mumbled, his muscles tightening against her, his tension obvious. Alissa drew him to a stop gently, placing her hands against his chest. “I wouldn’t say you’re shit but… maybe something to work on?” she suggested. “I mean… I think it may be an alpha thing… you know… emotion control.” So far… all she’d seen was Alpha’s unable to control emotion, particularl
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Chapter 74
  “Seriously! Training! I've only got Jack out there!” Blake shouted above them, his hands on his hips, tapping his foot.  “Five more minutes.” Alissa snuggled further into Luca's chest enjoying his scent and warmth. She really didn’t want to move. She was just so comfy!  “No! Now! Get your skinny butt out there!” Blake was still shouting but he no longer sounded angry. If anything, he sounded quite proud. A low growl came from Luca, “You don't talk about your Alpha Female's butt,” he snarled, wrapping Alissa tightly in his arms, his gaze furiously on Blake’s.  “Oh so you've set the date then?” he asked unapologetically.  “Yep! Harvest Moon. I hope the goddess smiles on us.” Alissa pushed
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Chapter 75
Alissa knocked on Felicity and Henry's green door. The lock clicked and it swung open, revealing Joshua, “Hey Josh, are mum and dad home?” she asked brightly.He nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, is it true you're going to be our Mama Alpha?” Alissa chuckled at his term, “Alpha Female… Like Emily.” “Oh… “ His face fell “Does that mean you won't talk to us anymore?” He looked down sadly. Alissa knelt down and bundled the eight year old into her arms “No, I suppose you're right. I'll be Mama Alpha. I'll look after the pack just like Alpha does, but you can come for cuddles any time you want… deal?” He wrapped his small arms around her “Deal,” he said as he sniffed her neck for comfort. 
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Chapter 76
“Wakey wakey!” Light pierced through Alissa's closed eyes as the sound of curtains being pulled back insulting her ears so early in the morning. “Ew, Luca cover up.” Movement under Alissa alluded to the fact her pillow was Luca. “Ugh Kristen what are you doing?!” Luca shifted Alissa from his chest and sat up. Alissa also sat up rubbing her eyes “You, dear brother, need to go get your suit. We need to go dress shopping!” Kristen's excitable voice was at least an octave higher making the couple in bed flinch.  “And why… Can I ask… are you getting us out of bed at six thirty!?” Alissa cried looking at the clock “Well, you need breakfast and the dress shop opens at eight!” Alissa groaned and flopped back down hiding under the covers “We didn't get to
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Chapter 77
Alissa and Kristen left with two dressbags, they hung them up in the back of the car, Alissa went to go to the passenger side “Don't you want to give driving a go?” Kristen asked making Alissa peer around the car to her “…What?”“Come on, you need to learn at some point.” Kristen had ducked into the car and pulled out two white thick shiny cards with large red 'L's on. She stuck one to the front and one to the back of the 4X4. Alissa made her way to the driver's side, a knot twisting in her stomach. “You remember from our joyrides?” Kristen asked sliding into the passenger seat“Kind of, it's been a long time though.”“Remember C B A, and if the car sounds horrible change gear, press the clutch first.” Alissa nodded starting the car, she
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Chapter 78
A spring poked into her hip. The scratchy, threadbear covers under her fingertips. Footsteps echoed up her steps, her head swam in fear. Her heart pounded so hard and her stomach lurched. She was going to be sick but she couldn’t or that would be something else to clean. Had she not been beaten enough that day? Her hands shook as she grabbed the dress beside her, bundling it beneath the sheets to hide it. It was all she had to wear for the next day. She just ensured it was completely hidden with no lump in the sheets as she heard someone outside her door. The door creaked open, the hinges much louder  than she thought they should be. They were shrill in her ears. A body slipped through the crack the door had opened. “Jack,” she breathed a sigh of relief, his slender but strong frame contrasted Mic
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Chapter 79
 Luca Flashback part 1Luca looked to each member of his new pack, he had never witnessed such infighting. “What do you know Jack?” his deep, eloquent voice rippled through the room. Jack turned to face him “Alpha, Alissa was accused of something she never did. An assumption was made and no-one cared about the truth. Just that they had a scapegoat. They've made her life a living hell ever since” Jack took a breath. Michael snorted, “You saw her covered in blood... She turned and lost control, she took our parents by surprise and slaughtered them... she's a murderer” Michael looked from Luca to Jack. Jack shook his head “I saw her first turn, it was slow and painful. She came to me three months after our parents died. She was pale and sweating, she started convulsing and I knew. I knew
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