All Chapters of The Beta Killer : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
137 Chapters
Chapter 80
Luca Flashback part 2“Natalie!” He ensured his voice boomed throughout the house, but for good measure he pushed it through his thoughts knowing she would hear. He drummed his fingers against the desk, setting his face in a scowl. He shouldn’t have to wait this long, the house is not that big.  He was just about to call her again when his door opened; she didn’t knock. She flounced in, her red hair swishing as her hips swayed suggestively. “Sit.” Luca gestured to the chair in front of his desk but she flounced right past them. She sat on his desk “Come on baby don’t be like that. I know you need to be strong Alpha but you don’t have to be with me” her voice flirtatious. “Sit on a chair” Luca grumbled av
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Chapter 81
The stony silence enveloped the car painfully as Luca drove south, far, far south. Alissa and Michael were both sporting crossed arms glaring daggers at each other. The darkness of the night was starting to give way to day, their features lit up by the yellow street lamps at regular intervals and the sun not quite at the horizon. Luca rubbed his face, stretching his fingers from gripping the steering wheel for so long.  “Have you two finished yet?” Luca snapped at the thick atmosphere.“No.” Alissa sulked, clenching her jaw. “You could have told me,” Michael pouted. “And you could have kept your trap shut!” Alissa retorted, twisting in her seat. 
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Chapter 82
Alissa stepped out of the car admiring the low hedges and rolling manicured lawns. She had never seen grass so short, or lines running through it. A man in his twenties ran to them, his short black hair blending in with his black suit “Alpha Luca, you're right on time, let me show you to the meeting room”“Thank you” Luca replied carefully, entwining his fingers in Alissa's, he followed the young man, Michael bringing up the rear.  They entered the house and Alissa let out a gasp. The white walls with gold accented mouldings gave decoration that made Alissa think of money. She looked up to a huge crystal chandelier glinting in the light. The man led the trio down a tall arched hallway before knocking on a large white double door, pushing it open to reveal a meeting room. Rufus' white hair almost camouflaging in the wal
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Chapter 83
An arm went around Alissa and she was suddenly pulled back and slammed into the intricately painted wall. A large hand went around her throat and tightened before she was lifted, her legs dangling helplessly below her. Panic exploded in her chest, memories filtered into her mind of all the times she was in the same position. She was back in the office. She was back being a slave. She was alone, back being the whipping pole. She struggled desperately, her fingernails digging into the hand pinning her in place but then as quickly as it happened the hand disappeared from her neck.  Alissa landed but didn't manage to regain her footing, falling heavily to the floor in a heap. She looked up to see her attacker being wrestled by two large burly men, similar build and height to Malachi. Cain between them, a sick twisted smile on his face. “I'm sorry, miss” one of the burly men mutte
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Chapter 84
A few hours later. Wade led Luca, Alissa and Michael to another room, this one larger than the previous meeting room. Instead of a large table however, seven throne like chairs were sat on a plinth. Two tables stood opposite each other on an angle towards the chairs. Cain sat behind one of the mahogany tables, chains clinking at every movement. The three sat at the other table, Alissa turned to face the chairs instead of looking at Cain. Movement could be heard at the door. Alissa gulped as Rufus walked in front of her followed by five other men. Alissa recognised Raoul and John from when they had come to deal with the vagrant. She also obviously recognised Wade, the other two men were strangers. They all took their seats, one being left empty… the seventh council member. Alissa quickly asked Luca in her mind
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Chapter 85
A few moments later a phone was handed to Rufus, he dialled and everyone waited “Hello, it's High Lykos Rufus… No no problem I was wondering if Kristen was around… yes, yes I'll wait.” Rufus looked around the room “See what she had to say shall we?” he focused back on the phone, pressing it so everyone could hear “Not a word Cain, Miss Howthorne” Alissa nodded, Cain just stared seriously. They heard a rustle then “Hello?” her voice crackling through the phone“Hello is that Kristen?”“Yes, Blake said you wanted to speak to me High Lykos? Is my brother OK?”“Yes dear he's fine I just need to ask-”“Darling it's daddy just tell… them… that-” every cou
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Chapter 86
A little while later, Wade came to collect them and brought them back to the room they had previously been in, six of the chairs full once Wade took his seat. Cain was already sat behind his table. The two guards now stood behind him. “Miss and Mr Howthorne, you made excellent cases, well done. Of course Alissa, I should really be calling you Alpha, but I shall wait until after the ceremony, which I'm excited to be attending. Alpha Luca, you're doing an excellent job and the siblings next to you are a testament to that. I'm happy the Wuffaman pack is in excellent hands and wish I would live to see the day you take your position as High Lykos.” Luca sat straighter and exuded pride at Rufus' kind words. “Now, Cain, all I can say is you're a disgrace. Even if these allegations hadn't been made I'd be revoking your position with the council” 
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Chapter 87
The darkness wrapped around the woodland when they finally drove up their road. Alissa was about ready to drop and Michael was snoring the back. Luca rubbed his eye as he reversed into the car shed, squeezing beside the other car. Turning off the engine, he just had to sit for a minute. He’d been ignoring what had just happened.Or maybe he was just not processing it properly. He wouldn’t talk about it though or let Alissa know. No way. He needed to be strong for her and she was already stressed with the ceremony preparations. He didn’t need to add to anything she was feeling. His issues were his own, they always had been. They always would be. “We home?” Alissa asked sleepily. 
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Chapter 88
Alissa and Kristen had been getting ready for hours. Luca was close to banging down the door to get them to hurry up when Jack laid a hand on his shoulder “They're not late,” he reminded Luca. Luca had overestimated how long it would take him to get ready in his white three piece suit, he had liked it in the shop but liked it more now. The black lapels complimented the black shirt. Unbeknownst to Alissa he had added a red tie. “Got your rope?” Jack asked, Luca gave him a stiff nod, he was nervous but not wanting to show it. He checked the gold pocket watch he had attached to the black buttons of his waistcoat, he would give them five more minutes then they would be late. The door banged open behind them, Luca let out a little growl, he was on edge.  
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Chapter 89
Ice shot down her back as more growls were added to the first. Grabbing Luca’s hand she looked around, as did everyone in the clearing. A rumble of disquiet filtered through the crowd, the unease as everyone craned to look where the growls had come from. Every Alpha in the clearing began growling and coming forward, their backs tense, a pose of protection mimicked by every Alpha. Despite their growls, it hadn't been them to growl initially.  A flash of fur had Alissa turning to spot a dark wolf slipping from between the trees before others came into view, teeth flashing in the moonlight.  Luca reacted instantly, pulling his arm from Alissa and pushing her behind him, away from the wolves who were surrounding the gathering. She instinctively grabbed onto his jacket, she was more shocked than scared, her mind not compre
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