All Chapters of The Beta Killer : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
137 Chapters
Chapter 100
Michael sank heavily into the sofa beside Kimberly. “Good day?” she asked quietly. He frowned, watching her closely. “Are you OK?” He scanned her face, her body, looking for what was wrong. “Yeah…” She shifted, a wince flashing over her face. His exhaustion disappeared in an instant to be replaced with worry. “What’s wrong?” Alarm flittered through his chest. “I think the baby is just laying funny. I’m fine.” She offered a pinched smile.  “I can ring the midwife,” he offered immediately. She glared at him and wrapped her hand around his wrist stopping
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Chapter 101
Alissa huffed to herself as she pondered what to take, what to move, what to leave. Ugh it was a nightmare. She looked around her room wondering why they were even moving. Her room was fine. It was perfect! She liked it, there was no reason to move. “Are you stressing?” Luca asked, walking into the room with a box he’d brought from the attic. She shook her head, “No,” she fibbed. “Uh huh. Sure.” He approached and offered a hug, she immediately basked in his warmth and comfort. She let out a sigh, relaxing against him. “We’re taking the bed. Quite frankly… we can switch everything. I don’t like the master suite’s furniture.”“‘Cause it’s your dad’s,&rdq
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Chapter 102
They were all sat around the table like usual on a particularly cold evening. The arga was still on offering warmth to the kitchen while they filled their bellies with mashed root veg and chicken.As they ate, the conversation turned to the upcoming winter season and how they would all stay warm. “We should get more firewood in, a large tree should do,” Blake suggested.“Can we get more blankets? Fluffy ones?” Kristen asked“There should be some in the attic. All our beds will need extra blankets. It’s going to be a bad one this year.” Luca took a bite of chicken. “Might be worth stocking up a little more. Food and stuff. Just in case we can’t get into the human town.” Blake stretched, his plate empty.&nbs
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Chapter 103
There was a chill in the air as she sat in a rocking chair. The room was strange. Two beds were squeezed in. A small set of drawers with a wicker basket like for a baby. The window was rattling in the stone arch. The door was hazy like it wasn’t really there. She looked in her lap to find a baby. It was an instinct almost… or it just happened she was nursing the small babe. She cooed down to him, his perfect tiny fingers gripped at her finger while he suckled. “Aunty, where's daddy?” A little boy entered the room and sat at Alissa's feet. He was probably about five, his blonde hair almost down to his shoulders. Alissa's jaw quivered, she didn’t know why. She just knew the mention of this boy’s daddy upset her, “He's keeping you safe little one, he loves you so much, come here.” She shifted her baby so the boy could climb on her lap. 
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Chapter 104
The night crept in, it was a dark night with heavy cloud cover, “I hope it doesn't rain” Jack muttered as they took the last of the wood towards the bonfire. “Doesn't feel humid enough, but you need the moon or the boys won't see you,” Alissa muttered back, Jack hummed in agreement. They threw their wood onto the pile that was stacked in the middle.  Alissa crouched down next to Luca who was preparing the kindling, “I don't think we stacked the logs right,” he muttered looking into the wood and rearranging some logs pointlessly.“We're the masters at fire building, it'll light” Alissa blew on his embers for him, small flames licked at the dried birch fungus. He slowly pushed the now burning ball into the centre of the bonfire with a stick as Al
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Chapter 105
“Do you fancy getting out of packland for the afternoon?” Luca asked as he entered the games room where Alissa was reading. “Sounds good. Got anything in mind?”“Of course!” He plopped into the sofa, lifting her legs to sit beneath them. “Not telling you though.”“Ohhh,” she complained, setting the book on the floor face down to not lose her place. “Want to surprise you. I think you’ll like it.”“Think?”“Have I done anything that you haven’t like when I surprised you?”“Well… no. That’s true.&rdquo
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Chapter 106
Jack shouldered the axe, wiping his forehead as he looked at the fallen tree. All the houses needed firewood now the weather had changed. There had been a frost clinging to the ground for the last two days and their firewood stores were almost out. His breath puffed out in white clouds as he breathed through his momentary exhaustion, the tree was slightly larger than he really appreciated. He sighed and began taking the small branches from the tree until all was left was a pile of kindling and a very large, tree sized log. Grabbing rope from his belt, he bundled the kindling until it was one big pile tied securely by the rope so he could carry it on his back before he gripped the sparse tree, managing to get it in a position he could drag it back to their homes.  Finally, he made it to the edge of their clearing and he dropped the tree with a big boom, sweat streaming from his hairline.
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Chapter 107
Jack turned over the bacon before slicing the bread. A noise had him looking to the door. “Oh, hey,” Sophie mumbled. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”“Didn’t know you cook.”“Uh huh, well, I can muddle through.” “Where are the others?” she asked, moving cautiously into the kitchen. “Not seen them, I’m sure they’ll be about soon. Smell of bacon usually works.” He shrugged, setting the now sliced loaf on the table. Sophie let out a quiet giggle. “I enjoyed playing pool with you last night.”“Same, it was nice
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Chapter 108
Alissa wove the evergreens together, the wreath finally looking like a wreath. She hadn’t participated in this for years and it felt nice to connect to her ancestors. The longest night was fast approaching and she was excited; Yule is a time of reflection, renewal, and celebration, and many people find that participating in age-old customs and rituals helps to deepen their connection to the season and its significance. As Alissa prepares for the longest night of the year, she can take comfort in knowing that the darkness will soon give way to the light. Yule marks the beginning of the return of the sun, and with it, the promise of new growth, new beginnings, and new opportunities. By embracing the spirit of the season and participating in its traditions, Alissa can set the stage for a joyful and fulfilling year ahead. Which mea
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Chapter 109
Christmas music blasted from everywhere he went now. While he was working it was on the radio, when he went to get a drink from the local shop it was there too. It was strange. They didn’t really have music like this playing around the pack house on the lead up to Yule… Although many humans seem to celebrate Christmas instead.Kimberly did anyway and she was looking forward to her last Christmas without a child, although she was looking forward to Christmas with their baby too the following year.And that made him anxious. Luca wanted Michael’s babe to be within the pack almost immediately. He didn’t want to take their child from the woman he loved. He felt like he was deceiving her. 
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