All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 1491 - Chapter 1500
1535 Chapters
Chapter 1491
But when Tiger manages to successfully research the antidote, she would not be able to let Sophia be anymore.After thinking things through, Fia felt less frustrated.Tiger had always been very steady when he did anything. With the antidote ingredients for research, he should be able to send news within three days.Her guess was right. In less than three days, Tiger had already got it. On the second day, she sent her children to the kindergarten and when she had just arrived at the hospital to see Sophia, Tiger came over in a rush.“Madam, I have managed to analyze the components of the antidote, but there is a fluid I need your help to obtain.”“What?” Fia had a look of curiosity.“It’s blood.” Tiger frowned and was very direct. “This person is really vicious. If not for you getting the antidote for analysis, we would never have thought that he had included his own blood in it!”Fia was silent.Conrad asked, “Are you able to reengineer the antidote as long as you get his blood
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Chapter 1492
“Madam!” Tiger said urgently. “Are you able to get his blood?”“I can’t help!” At this moment, Fia’s mood was terrible. Research on the blood coagulation function was forced to a stop and Irene’s disease was incurable.The several doctors they had seen before all said that there was no possibility of treatment.It was Lucifer who brought her hope.Now that there was little hope, she was not in the mood to ask Lucifer for blood to study the antidote to the chaser!Now, things were only going to get worse, and she did not want to stay any longer.Before school was over, she left the hospital and met with the kindergarten teacher."I want to take a leave of absence for my two children. I have something important to do and I'll be away for a while."The teacher asked responsibly, "Can I ask what it is?""I'm sorry, but it's a personal matter. I'm very anxious.""Okay, so when will the kids come back?"Despite seeing the teacher's sincere look, Fia could not give her a specific t
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Chapter 1493
"Impossible!" Adrian said with a stern expression. "How could Daddy, a gentle and kind person, take the initiative to fight with others!""Yes, Daddy is very good." Irene echoed.Adrian said, "The scum seems to be the bad guy. He’s the one who likes to cause trouble!""I… I think neither of them are bad people," Irene said weakly, afraid of provoking her mother and brother into anger."Irene!" Adrian glared at her. "Why do you always speak up for the scum?""He… he is our real father." Irene’s voice became even softer."Hmph, you're so annoying!" Adrian sat leaning against the car window, sulking.Fia was very irritated. She sighed and said, "Let's go home first, okay?""Yeah." The two children responded faintly.She thought about the problem while she drove.Even though Adrian was still taking Lucifer’s side based on his speech, the bloodline could not be suppressed. She could feel that he had developed feelings for Conrad just like Irene did.When she got home, she first c
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Chapter 1494
It was a pity that fate played tricks on people. After all, they would ultimately walk different paths, wouldn’t they?She just hoped that her two children would not be affected.After dinner in the evening, she took her children out to buy some food.She planned to drive away with her two children early the next morning and stay in whichever city she stopped at for a while, treating it as a road trip.After leaving the supermarket, the trio met someone she did not want to see.Conall sat in a wheelchair, looking at Fia and the two children with tears in his eyes.The moment their eyes met, Fia had a headache.Conall had the ability to expand Parker Group so much, and was no simpleton.He must have found out about something.She took the children and wanted to avoid him, but Finn appeared and blocked the way.Finn said, "Ms. Sia, can we have a chat?"Fia replied, "I don't think we need to talk!""My child, if I don't say some of the words I want to now, I'm afraid I'll neve
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Chapter 1495
"No, that's not my intention," Conall hurriedly explained. "I am not making any requests or begging. I just hope to make your life better in the future.""I don't need it." Fia was about to put down the document.Conall said nervously, "Even if you don't provoke them, they will still come to deal with you! I don't want you to be bullied by them when I die!"Fia looked at him. "Aren't you afraid that I will take it and deal with your wife and daughter in the future?"Conall smiled sarcastically. "Joy has always had ulterior motives, and Felicity has been completely led astray by her. I can't make them change their ways, so I only hope I can make it up to you."Fia put the documents into her bag. "Okay, I understand."She took the two children’s hands from Finn’s hands, turned around, and said to Conall, "I hope they never come to disturb me, or else the Parkers will be wiped out!"***After leaving the cafe, facing two children who asked who the Parker brothers were, Fia casuall
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Chapter 1496
There was an amusement park ten minutes away. After leaving the breakfast shop, she drove her two children there.After buying tickets, the children played happily in the amusement park.Fia followed the children around, not daring to relax even for a moment.When the two children were riding the train, she stood in front of the fence and watched, and there were footsteps behind her.She looked back subconsciously."Why are you here?"Quincey shrugged. "My brother asked me to come and take a look, just in case something happens to you."Fia stared at Quincey defensively. "The day Adrian called him, he didn't mention you.""And did you call him today? If it weren't for my brother, how would I know you're here?" Quincey approached Fia, with a hint of surprise in her eyes."You are so good-looking and have a good temperament."Fia remained silent.Quincey’s eyes were a little obsessed. "I have seen photos of you before plastic surgery. You were even purer and more beautiful."
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Chapter 1497
Quincey’s expression changed drastically, and she grabbed Adrian's neck and Irene’s arm."Quincey, if you dare to hurt my children, I will kill you!"Fia punched one of the bodyguards who was blocking her and kicked another bodyguard away."Quincey!"Quincey held Fia’s children hostage, but put on a sad expression."You made me do this. I didn't want to do it! But if I don't do it, what will happen to my brother and I!"Fia swept a glance at the seven or eight bodyguards around her. It would take a few minutes to deal with them.She pulled out the knife from her boot, and Quincey yelled, "If you move again, I will kill your children!"In an instant, Fia’s weakness was caught.Quincey’s eyes burst with manic energy. "Drop the knife. Don't look like a killer in front of your children!""Mommy." Irene’s little face scrunched up as she cried and shouted, while Adrian bit his lip and said nothing.Fia felt like she was going crazy. "Lucifer said he wouldn't touch the children!"
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Chapter 1498
He stood up and was about to leave, when suddenly a bloody hand reached out from the car and grabbed his ankle."Give me back my children!""Let go!" the truck driver said in a panic.Fia held his feet with both hands and quickly climbed out of the car window with his help.Without giving him a chance to react, she knocked him to the ground with a punch and quickly stepped forward to suppress him."Who is it!"The blood from her forehead dripped on his face, and she looked like a ghost crawling out of hell.Grabbing his neck, she asked, "Who asked you to do this!"He had difficulty breathing and said with a look of horror on his face, "I, I took the order online."Fia looked toward the direction where Quincey’s black MPV disappeared. She had nowhere to vent her anger, so she choked the driver till he was unconscious and climbed onto the truck."Quincey, don't let me catch you!"Tiger came back in a hurry. "The parcel was sent from that kindergarten. It should be Quincey!"C
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Chapter 1499
A mixed-race man in a suit and tie stepped out of the silver sports car, with a pair of blue eyes as cold as a snake's.His bodyguards came out of the BMW and held down some people.The two elders of the Hall family. The two elders of the Thomas family and Britney and Barbara.Mary and her daughter, Sharon, Joy and Felicity.The group of people were suppressed by the bodyguards and forced to kneel on the ground. There were wounds on their faces, which showed that they had suffered when they were caught."Sir, is he crazy?!" Tiger shouted.Conrad looked at Lucifer through the windshield and thought of the questions from the group of media reporters when he left the company.The tragedy more than twenty years ago?Could it be related to Lucifer?"Get out of the car." Lucifer put one hand in his pocket and gestured at Conrad with the other.Tiger wanted to refuse, but Conrad had already opened the car door and gotten out."It has nothing to do with the children," Conrad said to
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Chapter 1500
Lucifer smiled eerily. "If not for her and the two children, I planned to play with you even more!"He now wanted to solve things quickly and did not want to waste any more time on these people! Then he would go and accompany her, Adrian, and Irene.Conrad lowered his hands and clenched them into fists as he looked at his mother and those who were being forced to kneel on the ground.Every one of them was in bad condition. They knelt there crying and shouting for mercy.In every family, only the old, weak, women and children were captured, but the mainstay of the family was not.It was clear that he had grasped the weakness of the mainstay.The people around Lucifer said something in his ears.He looked at Conrad angrily. "I know it now! You deliberately said that Fia and the children disappeared, thinking that you could take advantage of me!"Conrad was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him and glanced at Tiger.Tiger put one hand behind his back and made a gesture, and s
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