All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 1471 - Chapter 1480
1535 Chapters
Chapter 1471
"My adoptive parents died young. I think my fate with relatives is not great. Now that it has become like this, let's just let it go."Looking at Clarice’s tears again, Eileen spoke softer and quieter."I'm sorry. If we could have found you in the first place, you wouldn't have suffered so much." Clarice cried.Eileen rubbed her temples. "Um...Mr. Evans, please advise your mother.""I'm your brother." Jason’s gentleness revealed a seriousness.Eileen was silent for a few seconds, then said with a cold expression, "I'm living pretty well now. I don't have to worry about food, clothing, and I have my freedom. But you guys coming to me will only make my life complicated.""Eileen, Mom simply wants to acknowledge you and doesn't want you to do anything for us.""Yes, you can say what you want, but after we get to know each other, I will have to change my lifestyle for you."Eileen’s expression became unsightly. "For example, I have to accompany you to dinner during the New Year and
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Chapter 1472
"Wait!" Jason took a deep breath. "If you accepted the help I gave you, can't I get your help in return?"Fia tensed up and got to her feet. "What do you mean?""That's it. Anyway, I respect your choice." After Jason finished speaking, he hung up in a panic.He heard the conversation between Eileen and her in the kitchen. Although she didn't say outright that she was Fia, it was already obvious.He was excited, but couldn't question her. After thinking about it, he decided to respect her.If she did not admit it, he would not ask.To have been able to meet her again was already a blessing from the heavens.Fia was dumbfounded for a few seconds before she realized that Jason might have overheard something while she and Eileen were talking in the kitchen.After Conrad’s meeting, he found that she had packed up her things and left, and almost overturned the table.Silas was frightened. "Madam's current temperament is probably one that will accept the soft approach rather than the
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Chapter 1473
The people in the black car seemed desperate. They drove their cars on a rampage despite the many bodyguards around and followed Conrad’s direction with a few shots.Conrad dragged Silas around to avoid the bullets. It was so dangerous. He would have been shot if he was a little slower.As things were, many of Conrad’s bodyguards were being knocked away and knocked down. The situation was not good!A sports car roared up and wedged itself in between the black car and Conrad's. The window was lowered, and a shot was fired at the black car’s front passenger seat.The person in the driver’s seat of the black car saw that his accomplice in the passenger seat was injured and immediately changed direction and ran off."Are you okay?!" Victor got out of the sports car and ran to Conrad.Conrad bit his tongue, pressed his suit on the spot where Silas was shot in the chest, and said with a terrible expression. "Call Tiger for me and tell him to go to the hospital!"Silas had been shot at
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Chapter 1474
Some past events came to mind. Although Silas was loyal to Conrad, he always respected her and tried his best to protect her.All of Conrad's subordinates gave her warmth.And they didn't hurt her like Conrad did.Only then did she realize that she was not that ruthless these five years.She didn't want anything to happen to Silas."I knew you would come!" The moment Conrad saw her, his tense body relaxed a little and he quickly walked to her.Fia pushed his outstretched hand away. "Don't touch me! Where is Silas now? What kind of injury does he have?"Conrad replied, "A gunshot wound. It’s close to the heart."Fia gave him a hard look. "Those people around you don’t have a good life!"Conrad kept silent.After Fia disinfected her whole body, she put on surgical clothes and entered the operating room. Conrad wanted to follow her in, but she stopped him."Get out!"Conrad wanted to say something, but Victor dragged him out.Victor advised him, "She’s in a bad temper right n
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Chapter 1475
Victor walked out of the medical examiner's office, saw Finn Parker, and hurried over."Director Parker, I have something to ask you."After listening to Victor’s narration, Finn asked, "Is this retribution?""Are you crazy? How can you say such a thing as the director!""Fia died because of Conrad, and he lost his memory for five years and provoked two girls from our Parker family. Now that his legs are healed, he doesn't recognize anyone!"This kind of trash will get retribution if he lives! What a pity for those loyal subordinates around him!”Victor was speechless. He originally wanted to use Finn to get the forensic results out faster, but now it seems he can no longer think about it."No one cares about Miss Parker and that sister of hers. They shamelessly rushed to get in touch with Conrad when he lost his memory!" After saying that, he turned around and left."Stop right there!" Finn was so angry that his chest hurt.Victor walked even faster.Finn shouted, "Are you n
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Chapter 1476
Instead, it was Sally that gave him the answer, “The bullet almost hit his heart. If it weren’t for Ms. Sia, he would have died on the operating table earlier. He’s really lucky.”Victor asked, “Can we pay visit him now?”“Sure, go ahead—if you want him to die faster!” Fia barked as she threw him a sharp glare.“Must you talk in such a cutting tone?” Victor retorted in frustration.Seeing this, Sally anxiously explained, “But she’s right. You can’t see him right now. He needs to be in intensive care in a sterile environment. Visiting him now wouldn’t do anything to help him.”“I… I see…” Victor stammered, “Well, it ain’t my fault. This woman doesn’t explain anything and simply shuts me out.”Letting her hair down as she unequipped the surgical cap, Fia turned to Conrad and asked, “How did he get hurt?”“Someone fired a gun in front of our company. I was the original target,” Conrad answered.Furrowing her brows, Fia mocked up a cold grin as she tried her best to suppress the n
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Chapter 1477
Recalling how she and Felicity fought at the mall the last time, Finn said to Fia passive aggressively, “Ms. Sia, may I remind you to behave yourself whilst in Fortuna. You have, after all, a rather suspiciously unknown origin.”“What do you mean by that?” Fia took a step toward him and asked coldly, “Is this about me fighting with your niece the other day? So, what? Is this you taking revenge on her behalf?”“…”Finn was stunned seeing her hot temper. Actually, it seemed to be more than a “hot temper”. He could sense that she was not just being angry at him—she was also displaying a sense of dreaded hatred toward him.“What a bunch of clowns! Every single one of you, losing your composure like you’ve seen a ghost when you see me! And I keep telling you douches that I’m not that poor woman who married Conrad Maxwell! I looked up on her, you know? That woman was so unfortunate. Not only that, she’s a Parker that you’ve abandoned for years!”Fia said cuttingly with a scowl. Finn dis
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Chapter 1478
Felicity squealed in pain as she was manhandled by Fia.“Miss Parker, I’ve told you time and again. Do not piss me off. Yet, you keep doing it. So, this is on you.”“I’ll never let you off easy! I’ll make Conrad know the real you!”Scoffing at her words, Fia stepped on Felicity’s knee pit.“Then, allow me to give you a gift as you’re trying to do that. How about that?”Finishing her words, Fia shoved Felicity aside and entered her car before driving away.Falling onto the ground, Felicity was in great pain. She felt as though her wrists had been broken by that woman!She took out her phone to give Conrad a call. Yet, he had already blacklisted her number. So, her calls and messages could not get through.When she was about to bawl her eyes out, Felicity saw a pair of glistening, black leather shoes before her. She immediately raised her head and grabbed the man’s leg. “Conrad!”Conrad glared at her coldly, “So, you were giving Ms. Sia trouble?”“No… No…! It was her… She hit m
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Chapter 1479
“Mom.” Felicity walked in, distraught. “It has nothing to do with my dad or uncle. It’s Sia!” “What happened?” Both Conall and Parker asked. Felicity sat on the chair and cried. Despite her usual strength, she cried like she was still a little girl. All her elders were upset with her. Joy walked over and hugged her, wiping her tears away. “What exactly is going on? Don’t just cry.” Finn said, “If Sia did anything to hurt you, I’ll help you get back at her!” Conall remembered Fia’s tanned face and asked hesitantly, “Is there any mistake? What can she do to make Conrad go crazy like that?” “She seduced Conrad and slandered me, making him misunderstand me. That’s why Conrad stopped the cooperation between the two companies!” Felicity then stared at her father with red eyes. “What’s with that expression of yours, Dad? Don’t you trust me?” Conall didn’t want to say anything. His daughter had changed a lot. Sometimes, she was like a stranger to him. “Don’t get so worked u
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Chapter 1480
“Hello.” There was a moment of silence as the person on the other side chuckled. “What are you doing?” Fia’s expression darkened swiftly. “My call to you won’t go through. You’re busy chatting with your sister using a landline?” “She’s a sentimental woman and likes to use something classic. So what?” Lucifer’s temper flared. “Is there something wrong with me not picking up your call?” “That’s right! You’re acting very suspiciously! Conrad almost died in an ambush from a gun the moment he walked out of the company!” Even Fia didn’t realize just how agitated she was. Lucifer took in a deep breath. “You’re sad if he’s dead?” Fia was silent. “Do you remember what you promised me? And what you said to me?” Fia’s mind was in turmoil. Lucifer’s gentle voice was like the voice of a demon coming from hell. Lucifer continued, “You’ve disappointed me!” “Shut up!” Fia took a deep breath. “Did you tell Quincey to do it? You’re worried that she’ll be exposed, so you asked her t
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