All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 1461 - Chapter 1470
1535 Chapters
Chapter 1461
“You have such ambitions and a good brain. You don’t have to use them on me! Let me tell you honestly. I have been a waste of space lately because I want to quit! If you want to do it, I’ll give you all my resources!”Her manager started crying out of anger. Tugging at Lyn who hadn’t made a sound, she sobbed her complaints. “Do you hear her? Haven’t I been doing it all for her?”She touched her round tummy. “And she’s even asking me to debut? If I had her face and figure, do I even need her to tell me that? I would have long debuted and became a superstar! Good intentions are met with bad repayment!”Lyn did not dare to say a word, fearful of being implicated.Eileen ran her fingers through her hair, saying impatiently, “All of you are people I spent money to hire. How dare you plan this kind of thing without my approval! Have you thought of the consequences? Have you ever thought of how other people would view me?!”“Eileen…” Her manager vented. “In the end, aren’t you just afrai
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Chapter 1462
Eileen looked at her in silence.Lyn said, "You know, Eileen, I come from a rural village and fear suffering. Although the salary you give me isn't low, standing on the side lines of this industry and seeing all of your glamor, I really envy you."Something inside Eileen seemed to crumble, and she didn't blame or mock Lyn. She reached out and held Lyn’s shoulder.In a calm tone, she said, "Go. I wish you a bright future."Before the next day, in the evening, Fia stumbled upon some negative information about Eileen.It ranged from her complicated relationship with Victor to her partying alone with some resource executives and ending up in the hospital.While there was no concrete evidence of any inappropriate transactions, the media was escalating the situation and people were very good at imagining the worst.All of Eileen’s business partners terminated their contracts, and the release of her upcoming drama was postponed. The production company, collaborators, and others were al
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Chapter 1463
Fia fell silent for two seconds. "Why did you fire them? Did they conspire with others to go against you?"Initially, Eileen believed that her manager, Dawn, and Lyn had been deceived by someone. But from the moment Lyn mentioned wanting to debut, Eileen realized she had been too naive."It doesn't matter," Eileen said as she hugged Fia. "Let's have a drink. We won't go home until we're drunk!""When did you become so weak-willed, Eileen?""It's not being weak. It's just that I'm too tired." Eileen hugged Fia’s neck and kissed her cheek, choking back tears. "Right now, I just want to live quietly. Knowing that you're alive is enough for me. If the heavens let you live, I'm willing to lose everything."Fia was speechless."In life, to achieve some wishes, you have to let go of some things. I'm willing to give up everything, as long as my Fia can live peacefully for the rest of her life!"As the night grew late, the best friends leaned on each other, talking about the past and dri
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Chapter 1464
"Those chaotic comments from yesterday were all because of them!" Fia felt frustrated. "Eileen, you weren't like this before.""You weren't like this before either." Eileen was clearly distressed. "Consider it a plea from me. Please don't go after Dawn and Lyn."Fia was silent."You don't understand, Fia. Dawn’s mother can't handle the stress of these things, especially because she's on dialysis. And Lyn’s family has always been in a tough financial situation, and her family members have never really respected her...""These can't be reasons for them to betray you!" Fia massaged her temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Dawn had already made an arrangement with Lyn to have Lyn take some of your resources before you lost your value!""Well, that's just human nature. Many people in this industry do the same thing." Eileen explained with a wry smile, "In this industry, many who were once pure-hearted and friends at the beginning later resort to deceit and backstabbing for their own
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Chapter 1465
Returning upstairs, the two children were already dressed and had eaten breakfast with the help of Mrs. Taylor and Conrad.As soon as Conrad saw Fia, he asked, "Have you had breakfast? We just ate. I can make something for you."Fia checked the time. "No need for that. I'll take the kids to school first."Mrs. Taylor chimed in. "You can't skip breakfast. It won't take long. Wait for me.""No need, Mrs. Taylor. I'll take the kids to the kindergarten, and I'll grab something to eat along the way," Fia said as she carried one child in each arm and headed out.Conrad followed her with a bag of trash from the house. "Is Eileen doing alright?"Inside the elevator, Fia said indifferently, "She's doing very well.""How did you find the evidence about the things that Eileen went through that no one knew about in the past?" Conrad couldn't help but ask, his curiosity getting the better of him.Fia’s lips curved into a cold smile. The things that he referred to as unknown were Victor’s pa
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Chapter 1466
If it weren't for confirming the DNA of the two children, he wouldn't be a hundred percent sure that she was Fia."Conrad, this Sia Stewart is truly a terrifying woman! You must not be deceived by her!"Felicity sent him a voice message.The veins on Conrad's forehead throbbed, and he immediately blocked her.Felicity sent another message, but it indicated that she had been blocked, which infuriated her and made her scream and flip the table."Miss Parker, what's going on?" Her secretary rushed in, surprised. Felicity had always been polite and rarely lost her temper.Felicity’s chest heaved violently. "Put down everything you're doing and help me investigate someone!""Actually, you don't need to stoop to her level.""Hmm?" Fia looked at Conrad sitting at the desk and realized he was talking about Felicity.She said sarcastically, "Why? Are you feeling sorry for her?"Conrad was speechless for a few seconds. "I just don't want you to make yourself unhappy.""Is that so?" Fi
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Chapter 1467
"Why didn't she call me?" Conrad slammed the table and stood up. "Does she even consider me her boss?"Silas dared not make a sound.He felt that if Fia continued like this, Conrad might be driven insane and revert to his original state.In the cafeteria, Fia was surrounded by a group of lively girls."Secretary Sia, how did you apply to become our CEO's secretary?""You're amazing, Secretary Sia!""Our CEO has always had only Silas as his secretary. He's never hired a girl before. You're the first one!""Secretary Sia, share your experience with us!""We'll treat you to a big meal as a thank you!"She flashed a knowing smile. "It's actually quite easy. Our CEO may seem aloof, but deep down, he's rather susceptible and cannot withstand clinginess.“As long as you have the courage and thick skin to express your sincerity, you can definitely achieve it!"She gestured a cheering pose to everyone. "I'm full now, so enjoy your meal, everyone."As she was about to leave with her
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Chapter 1468
Conrad roared. "Scram!"Silas brought his bodyguards to pull away the group of crazy female employees.Conrad said coldly, "No exceptions the next time. Just get out of here if there’s a next time!"The female employees were trembling.Fia hummed a little tune while sorting out the CEO's schedule for today.Catching a glimpse of him coming in, she said, "Hey, Mr. Maxwell, you have a meeting to hold this morning. It's time to go to the conference room."Conrad cast a resentful look. "You are instigating female employees to cause trouble.""Really? Why didn't I know?" Fia looked confused. "I only saw that you, Mr. Maxwell, were so charming that you made all the female employees in your company go crazy!""!!!" Conrad walked to her desk. If he hadn't personally seen her unconcerned expression with his own eyes, he would have thought she was jealous.Fia pretended to sigh and shrugged."Mr. Maxwell, you are as impressive as when you were younger. You don't have to worry about thr
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Chapter 1469
Returning to Aurora Residences, she met an acquaintance at the elevator door – Jason Evans.He brought his mother with him, and neither mother nor son seemed to be in good condition.Fia wanted to pretend not to have seen them and go straight to the elevator."Miss Sia!" Jason stopped her. "Are you and Eileen friends?"Fia was silent for a moment. "What do you want?""Thank you for helping Eileen." Jason’s gaze looked complicated. "Your Twitter account has been exposed."Fia looked at him and thought about the past.Jason explained, "My mother and I came to see her, but we couldn't get through her phone.""Oh," Fia said expressionlessly. "Then I'll ask her if she wants to see you."Jason stared blankly at her as she made the call. Her voice sounded very much like Fia.Now she stood up for Eileen again, which was not something ordinary friends would be willing to do.Could she really be Fia?He didn't dare to ask. If she was Fia but didn't want to admit it, she must have her
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Chapter 1470
Several kinds of fruits were washed.After washing the fruits, Eileen was not in a rush to go out. She said melancholically, "If they look for me every day like this, sooner or later someone will dig out the information and expose it to the world."Fia replied, "Yeah. You have to be mentally prepared. It is inevitable that those people online will bite you.""Just let them bite. I'm used to it. That auntie looks very fragile. I'm afraid she will be scolded." Eileen was upset when she thought of Clarice crying.Fia joked, "You haven't even acknowledged her yet, and you're feeling sorry for her already?""She is a pitiful person." Eileen paused, looked at Fia thoughtfully, and said, "Jason is also quite pitiful."Fia smacked her butt and said, "Don't tell me this. Since you invited them in, just go and entertain them."Eileen replied, "Sigh. I'm not as lucky as you. If Jason was so kind to me back then, I would definitely remarry!"Fia was speechless.The two put away their joki
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