All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 1451 - Chapter 1460
1535 Chapters
Chapter 1451
The other parents left once they picked up their kids. Only Fia was left as she didn’t manage to pick up Adrian and Irene.She pushed the teacher who was stopping her from entering the kindergarten and yelled.Just then, the principal and his wife arrived.“What’s happening?”“How can two children just disappear without a sign?”The teachers then explained to them what happened.“It’s Quincey. She said that the children’s mother gave them a call and asked her to send the children to her car.“I don’t know what happened but, she said she didn’t pick up her children.”“Mr. Principal, why would Quincey lie?”They had worked with Quincey for three years. She was diligent and was the principal’s daughter. She was also the assistant principal. She wouldn’t do anything so ridiculous.The wife then glared at her husband. “Look what your daughter did!”“There... must be a misunderstanding!”The principal walked over to Fia. “Didn’t you give Quincey a call? Do you know where she is r
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Chapter 1452
The police station.After taking down the statement, the police said, “We still can’t prove that they’re missing or being kidnapped. We have to wait for twenty-four hours to pass before we can begin an investigation...”“Wait?!” Fia roared. “Who knows what will happen in twenty-four hours?!”The police simply said, “That’s the rules.”Fia was so angry that her tears rolled down again.She had not cried for the past five years unless it was related to her children.Conrad was on the phone negotiating when Finn made his way there.With Finn’s help, the police station immediately acted.Conrad had also sent Tiger and his men out for the search.Fia pushed the principal and wife who were crying in front of her. When she left the station, she gave Lucifer a call.It wouldn’t get through!She stood in the night, pulling her hair. Then, she remembered how she thought she saw Lucifer’s likeness on Quincey.She turned around and stopped the principal and his wife.“Is Quincey reall
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Chapter 1453
Fia was gritting her teeth in rage. She wished she could shred Conrad into pieces.Eileen held her tightly. “Please don’t, please don’t... We all want the kids to be alright. If you really do collapse right now, you’ll just make the person behind this happy!”Victor nodded. “You’ve been with him for five years and know him better than any of us. Now, you must keep in touch with him and see if he can leave the children alone seeing that he raised them.”“No!” Fia immediately pushed Eileen away and stubbornly said, “It can’t be Lucifer!”“Then what is it with Quincey? She has no connection to you at all. Why did she take the children away?” Conrad asked coldly as he was jealous of Lucifer’s place in Fia’s heart.Fia shook her head. “It can’t be.”Even her conviction was faltering, but she still refused to believe it.All the factions had sent out men for the search while Eileen took Fia back to Aurora Residences.Fia refused to go home. When no one was paying attention, she ran a
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Chapter 1454
Lucifer hung up. Fia bent over at the airport as she pulled her hair, hoping that Lucifer could really deal with this.She had a good impression of Quincey, and she hoped that she wasn’t someone with an ulterior motive.Several minutes later, her phone rang. It was from an unknown number.She quickly picked it up, her voice trembling. “Hello? Is this... Quincey?”The other side was quiet for two seconds before saying, “Yes.”Fia felt pain in her heart for some reason. “Quincey, I don’t care what you want. Adrian and Irene are innocent. If you have anything you’re unhappy with, come at me.”“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt them. They wanted to see my brother, so I took them to see him.”Fia was emotionally breaking down. “But they’re my children!”Quincey let out a lonely smile. “But they’re my brother’s anchors. Don’t you want to stop my brother from falling into hell?”Fia couldn’t say a word.“He never told you why he treated you so well, right? He told me, though. While he didn’
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Chapter 1455
“You know what? I really liked you the first time I saw you at the kindergarten.” Fia told her the honest thoughts she had. “I was so confused at the time. After going through so much, why would I have such a good feeling toward a woman I met for the first time.“Now that I think about it, it’s my sixth sense telling me that, just like your brother, you’re my savior.“Despite not being with your brother for all these years, he misses you too. But I used your identity to start a new life.“Little Sia... Let me go with you, alright?”Quincey couldn’t help but cry.In her memories, only her parents had called her something as close as Little Sia.Fia slowly consoled her. “I promise that I won’t hurt your brother, Little Sia.”Quincey’s tears rolled down her face. Even her brother had never called her that.... “Mommy!”The children’s cries among the crowd immediately struck Fia’s heartstrings. She ran over and crouched down, holding the two children tightly.Quincey simply
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Chapter 1456
Before Quincey left, she looked at Fia with mixed feelings. “You’re a good woman, other than your eyes, I guess. Even another woman will treat you better than your sorry excuse of a man.”Fia remembered how she told her that she was a lesbian, and she couldn’t help but look away.Quincey let out a lonely smile. “You should move Adrian and Irene to another kindergarten. I’ll ask the principal to refund your school fees.”Fia didn’t say anything. Even if Quincey didn’t have any bad intentions, she didn’t want to send her children to the same kindergarten anymore.After what happened, Fia couldn’t afford to be careless about choosing a kindergarten.After selecting the kindergarten that Maxwell Corporation ran, she could then keep an eye on the kids in the kindergarten through the surveillance cameras at any time.Quincey worked very quickly. She refunded Fia the money the second day.None of them talked with each other after that.One week later, Fia gave Quincey a call after the
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Chapter 1457
After she separated from Quincey and left the cafe, Fia didn’t rush back to Maxwell Corporation. Instead, she took a walk on the nearby streets.She walked into a mall and saw Parker Group’s sign. She wanted to leave when she realized it was the Parkers’ property.“Ms. Sia!”Fia raised her head to see where the voice was coming from.Felicity was looking at her from the top of an elevator and walked toward her on her black heels.Fia glanced at her and asked, “What is it, Ms. Parker?”Felicity said, “I’ve been thinking about you. Since we’re here, can we have a chat?”Fia shook her head. “I don’t think there’s anything to talk about.”Felicity said, “What about the land that Conrad had just won at the auction?”Fia was stunned. “He already won the auction. You’re still not giving up?”“From a commercial standpoint, yes. But as a friend, I’m worried about him!” Felicity smiled gently, but Fia didn’t miss the sharpness in her eyes.“Ms. Sia, you’re someone prideful and full of
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Chapter 1458
“No need for that!” Conall sighed. “Send me back. I told you we shouldn’t have come out here, but you wanted to take me out no matter what.”“But it’s not good for you to keep on lying in your bed all the time. The doctor also said that we should take you out as much as possible.”“What’s the point with a wasted body like mine?”Fia got into a taxi at the mall and remembered Felicity’s shameless face.Just then, Lucifer sent her a message asking about the kids.After replying, she quickly sent a voice message.“I want to investigate someone. Can you help me?”“Felicity Parker.”Lucifer gave it a thought and immediately called her.“You want to interfere with the Parkers’ business? Didn’t you say you don’t care about Conall? Are you worried that he’s going to die?”Fia rolled her eyes and said, “You think too much.”“Don’t think I didn’t know that you asked a doctor to tell the Parkers to let Conall go out and about. Then, the trait
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Chapter 1459
“Why don’t we eavesdrop together? If I’m right, I can do one thing for you.”The normally fainthearted Silas didn’t think it through when he saw the excitement in Fia’s eyes.“You’ll really do whatever I ask?”Silas was already sure that Ms. Sia was Madam Fia, but she never acknowledged it. Tiger and he continued to call her Ms. Sia despite knowing that.If she could do one thing for him, he had to help his boss get a chance to get back together with her!Fia easily guessed what Silas was thinking. “But if I’m right, you’ll have to do one thing for me.”Silas got a headache this time.Madam really was cunning!“What? Too scared?” Fia provoked him.Back in the office.Felicity sent Conrad a video clip. “Take a look.”“What?”“Just watch.”Conrad clicked it open, and Fia’s voice was played. It was the moment Fia and Felicity confronted each other at the mall.Felicity was trying her best to advise her but Fia simply snapped back at her.Felicity asked, “Why are you getting
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Chapter 1460
Felicity was stunned.Suddenly, her eyes opened wide as she stared at Conrad.“Out of nowhere... Two children...” She was completely shocked. “When Fia passed away, she had twins inside of her womb, didn’t she?”Conrad frowned. He didn’t expect Felicity to be able to realize that she was Fia.Felicity let out a maddening laughter instead. “Oh, Conrad! How foolish can you be?! Just because she looks a little like Fia... Just because she also has a pair of twins... You’re treating her like a replacement?!”Conrad chuckled and told his men to get rid of Felicity.“Don’t touch me!” Felicity got the security off her and said furiously, “You’ll regret this, Conrad! I’m the one woman that’s fit for you, but I was never in your consideration! Do you think that you can complete that project just because you have the land?! Well, I’m going to tell you right now that it’s impossible! Without the help of the Parkers, it’ll all be meaningless for you!”Conrad looked at Felicity as she left,
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