Stop It, She’s Remarrying!의 모든 챕터: 챕터 11 - 챕터 20
1535 챕터
Chapter 11
Fia was accompanying Echo in a gazebo at the back of the mansion, in the garden. Beryl’s shrieks could be heard all the way there.She looked at her mother with concern. “Mom, just sit here for a while. I’ll…”“Don’t go there alone,” Echo said as she held Fia’s hand. “Let her come.”“Mom, Conrad’s mother has a quick temper. She has quite the sharp tongue.”“I am already on my deathbed. Words can do little to harm me.” Echo held Fia’s hands with hers and patted the back of her hand, consoling her. “Don’t be afraid, Fia. If I’m brave enough to move into my son-in-law’s house. I’m not afraid of your mother-in-law.”Fia’s eyes turned red. She was moved, but she was also upset.Her mother was a gentle woman. There were very few times in her life when she would protect her with her fangs bared.She would feel upset anytime she was reminded of her terminal illness.If only Asclepius was real. She would gladly trade half her remaining lifespan if that meant her mother could be healed.
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Chapter 12
“Mrs. Taylor, seriously! Forget about Fia. She doesn’t know anything! How can you simply look at her fight with Conrad’s mom?!”Esme berated them like a warrior of justice.When Mrs. Taylor saw that Beryl had been saved, she heaved a sigh of relief especially when she was found to be physically fine. She then said, “Mr. Maxwell, this is not Madam’s fault.”“Mrs. Taylor, you practically watched over Conrad while he was growing up! How can you help an outsider!” Esme condemned her. “You were here too. Why didn’t you stop Fia bullying Aunt Beryl? Don’t tell me that you and Fia are in this together and you wanted to kill her!”“Oh, shut up, you!” Fia said as she was somehow emboldened as the situation chilled her heart.She stared at Esme and said, “This is a family matter. You have no place here!”“You!” Esme stomped her foot in frustration before jogging toward Conrad and said, “Conrad, just look at her! She isn’t even at least apologetic about it!”Conrad then said with a dark ex
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Chapter 13
Mrs. Taylor shook her head and said, “I’m just a servant. I don’t know much about what is happening among my employers. However, I believe that Ms. Manning came here to have a girl’s talk with the madam.”“Ha! Girl’s talk?” Thea scoffed at the idea as she raised her head to see Conrad walking down the stairs. “As for you, Conrad. Perhaps you can start by explaining the meaning behind your previous lover leaving the mansion together with your mother!”Conrad furrowed his eyebrows but showed no nervousness at all. He firmly descended from the last step and then walked over to hold Thea’s hand as a sign of respect.“Have a seat, Grandmother Thea. I have something to tell you too. Mrs. Taylor, please prepare a pot of tea.”“Of course, Mr. Maxwell.”“Don’t think that I’ll give you a hint of respect just because you sent the servants away. If you did something to Fia, I will make you suffer even if I have to sacrifice myself!”Conrad knew full well what a pain Thea was. He didn’t wan
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Chapter 14
Fia didn’t want to move or speak.As soon as Conrad entered the bedroom, she could smell the scent of Jo Malone’s Cardamom Fragrance from him carried by the cold air outside. It was the same scent that Esme had.While her mom and grandmother were both at home, he was busy dating his childhood friend. He had already forgotten that he had a family.“Fia Lawson!”Conrad pulled the blanket off her and spoke in an angry tone. “I’m talking to you!”Yet, she still didn’t budge.He grabbed her arm and pulled her up, looking at her coldly.“Are you deaf?!”Fia blinked and looked at him with similar cold eyes.This was the man that she had fallen in love with before she even knew what love was.Her lips curled to form a sneer. “You stink.”Conrad frowned and lowered his eyes to look at himself. He had already showered and changed after he got out of the pond. He couldn’t stink.He tightened his grip on her arm and said, “Enough with your tantrum. We need to talk.”“You stink.”She
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Chapter 15
It was late at night. Fia went into bed despite how unwell she was feeling. She didn’t know why her lower belly was in discomfort.Suddenly, she woke up and she could feel some warmth flowing out from inside of her.She gave it a count and realized that her period was about half a month late. Ever since she started taking the medicine two years ago, her period had never gone according to schedule.“Is it my period?”She mumbled to herself as she got out of bed. She felt a different kind of pain in her lower abdomen from the usual pain she felt when she had her period.She then remembered the needle therapy that she went through earlier, and so blamed her pain on the treatment. She changed her underwear and wore a pad before going back to bed.Several minutes later, she looked at the lamp on the ceiling and couldn’t fall back to sleep no matter how hard she tried.She looked at the time using her mobile.It was two in the morning.He was not home yet.Did… Did he really go to
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Chapter 16
Conrad grabbed Fia’s arm and dragged her to the black Bentley. “Just do as you’re told!”Fia was offended. This man, while cold, would never say something that aggressive before Esme came back.It was all because of Esme!“Who’s the one that’s in the wrong here?! It’s you and Esme!”Conrad did not expect someone as gentle as her to ever say something like that. “Are you saying that I’m in the wrong for divorcing you?”“Ha! I don’t have the courage to say that! Since in your eyes, I’m the cowardly, shameless thief that stole you from the woman you love when she went overseas!”Conrad could only frown as he stared at her speechlessly. He was worried that she would cry, and wanted to say something but his phone suddenly rang.Fia freed herself from him and walked away when he answered the call.“Hello?”“Conrad! I really don’t want to marry someone else! I came back for you! Why is Grandmother forcing me like this for Fia?! Conrad, when I die, don’t blame her. Take good care of h
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Chapter 17
“What’s going on here?!” Conrad said, his eyebrows were locked together as he gave Jason an icy glare. “What are you doing here?”He saw it. If he had been a second too late, the doctor’s hand would have already touched Fia’s face.“Mrs. Maxwell’s body…”“She’s my wife and this has nothing to do with you!” Conrad said as he loosened the tie around his neck. He then glared at Fia, who was lying in bed.“Don’t speak to the doctor like that. I fainted in the hospital lobby. Doctor Evans is the one that saved me.”Fia’s explanation made Conrad even angrier for no reason.“How strange! There are so many doctors and nurses in this hospital… But he’s the one that saved you?”Fia couldn’t even mutter a word.Jason let out a sneer and said, “If you, the husband, were at her side at the time, she wouldn’t need anyone else to save her!”“You…!” Conrad tightened his fists.Fia didn’t want him to focus his anger on Jason and quickly said, “Thanks for your help, doctor. I’ll treat you to a
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Chapter 18
“All I’m asking is what will you do if I’m pregnant? Would you still want the child?” Fia refused to stop asking till she got an answer from him.Conrad slowly became agitated and he kicked the leg of the bed.Fia trembled from shock.He then said heartlessly, “What’s the point of saying that you’re pregnant? I told you already. Our marriage is a mistake and we should cut off the bond between us completely!”FIa could feel herself getting short of breath. ‘Our marriage is a mistake and we should cut off the bond between us completely!’What she understood from that was…If the bond between them were to be severed completely, then even if she was pregnant, he wouldn’t want that child.‘I’m so sorry, my baby…‘Daddy doesn’t want you… So, let’s not tell daddy, okay?’Otherwise, what could she do if he forced her to abort her child?She could not let him and Esme find out about this.If any of them knew about this, they would not let the child survive!“Go,” she said, as she
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Chapter 19
It was two o’clock in the afternoon. Fia had consulted the doctor. As long as she paid more attention to her condition, it would be fine even if she didn’t check herself into the hospital.She was worried that if she didn’t go home, her mother and grandma were going to get worried. And so, she checked herself out.The doctor gave her a week’s worth of medicine and told her to come back for a review in one week.She threw away the medicine box out of caution and then placed the medicine in the small pocket inside her tote bag. She was worried that Conrad would force her to get an abortion if he saw it.There was a market near the hospital. As she wanted to make dinner for her mom and grandma in the evening, she walked to the market.As usual, she walked around the market and asked the price of each stall before buying those that were cheap and looked fresh.When she was leaving the market with two bags of ingredients, a slim woman wearing a mask suddenly stopped her.For the past
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Chapter 20
“Oh! I haven’t tasted your cooking for a long time either. I’ll go take a bite!”The driver then started the car.Fia gave Eileen a good look. Three years ago, they were both university students. They were still so immature.Now, Eileen had already grown to become a sexy and attractive woman, becoming Hollywood’s newest superstar.Meanwhile, she had become Mrs. Maxwell. She had no career and she had not improved her fine art skills at all.“I’m quite envious of you, Eileen,” Fia said from the bottom of her heart.Eileen was dumbfounded. She placed her hand one on top of another as she looked at her freshly-done nails.She then said, “I was just joking with you. Yes, I have my own home and car, and I’m quite famous too… But I lost a lot of things.”“What happened?” Fia asked worryingly. Eileen was the only one that she was close to.Eileen gave it a thought and shook her head. “It’s nothing. We all have to suffer a little in life. Suffering isn’t scary. What’s scary is that our
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