All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
1535 Chapters
Chapter 41
“What?” Fia felt her heart thumping when she saw his deep set eyes.Did he notice the medicine that she hid in her bag?Did he search for her bag when he went up to the room to search for things?That shouldn’t be it. He respected her privacy and would never search her belongings.“Why didn’t you tell me?”“Tell you what?”Fia could feel her heartbeat speed up. Did he really see the medicine in her bag?“My mother might have forced you to eat medicine in the past two years, but that’s for your own well-being. Even after we’re separated, after you’re cured, you and your future husband can still…”Conrad paused. He felt agitated when he thought of her being with another man.“Mrs. Taylor told me that not only did my mother yell at you constantly, she even forced you to go for some needle therapy. I heard it was very painful.”“Huh?” Fia couldn’t react just yet.“Why didn't you tell me? Don’t you feel sad about it?”Fia frowned and said, “Would you fight with your mom if I had
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Chapter 42
“Alright. Other than the project, is there anything else that you’re not happy with?”Fia bit the inside of her mouth again and said, “I want you to remain unmarried for the next three years. Can you do that?”Conrad was taken aback. “What?”“The three years that I married to you is also time that I spent. Why should you be free to find your own happiness?”“That’s not right,” Conrad said instinctively.“Then forget about it.”“…”Conrad frowned and said, “Your grandma taught you that?”Fia moved her eyes away. “No one taught me that.”“Fia… I can begin a divorce through legal means.”“Ha!” She let out a stiff smile.“We have to be separated for half a year, at least, or one of us has to do something that breaks the marriage.”She then continued with a sneer. “With that yearning of yours, can you even keep your hands to yourself for half a year?”Conrad felt like he had just been given a slap across the face.“Oh, right. You can go look for my cousin…” Fia looked at him w
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Chapter 43
“Are you angry at me because I came over to look for you?” She scanned her surroundings worriedly. “I thought I could come to see you with our relationship.”“I’m not angry at you. Don’t think too much.”“Okay.” Esme let out a smile before grabbing Conrad’s arm. “Conrad, I haven’t eaten breakfast yet and I’m hungry. Can you ask Mrs. Taylor to prepare something for me? I remember that Mrs. Taylor can cook very well, and I miss her cooking so much.”Conrad hesitated for a moment.Esme then said, “It’s fine if you don’t want to. I think I can hold my hunger for a bit more. Let’s go find a cafe and have something there.”Conrad recalled how Fia was vomiting early in the morning. She was much better after having her breakfast.Back in the living room.“Madam, I told Master Maxwell about his mother harassing you. Did he say anything to you about it?” Mrs. Taylor asked curiously.Fia smiled at her and said, “There’s nothing to be said. That’s his mother. He wouldn’t start a fight with
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Chapter 44
“Aren’t you not feeling well, Mrs. Taylor? I wouldn’t dream of asking you to do it. Fia could do it.” Esme didn’t let go of the opportunity, an innocent smile plastered on her face. “Let’s see… If you make me the spaghetti, I’ll pay you the same price that a Michelin-grade restaurant charges.”Esme pressed on knowing that she had the advantage and didn’t even let Fia have a breather.“I’ll do it,” Mrs. Taylor said.“You’re going to be on leave for the rest of the day,” Conrad said in a stern voice.“This is not suitable, Master Maxwell.” Mrs. Taylor was filled with regret. If she had known that this would happen, she would not have made up an excuse.“There’s no such thing. Esme’s her cousin and her guest. She has a duty to take care of her needs.”Fia was so angry that she was shaking, and she was controlling how hard she was tightening her fists.“It’s okay, Mrs. Taylor. Have a pleasant holiday.”“Madam…”“It’s fine. I’m the host and she’s the guest. I should take care of he
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Chapter 45
Esme’s face became pale as she stared dead at the pork chop in front of her.No matter how bad her lover’s cooking was, she had to eat it. She had to make it look delicious, too.“This is your first time making pork chop, right?”“Yes,” Conrad said gloomily as he glared at Fia. He was very unhappy with what she did.Even if what he made for her was not delicious, she shouldn’t have given it to someone else!Where was the respect?!“Thank you for your generosity, Fia!” Esme pulled the dish toward her as if worried that someone would steal it from her. She picked up a piece with her fork and ate it.The joy on her face froze. She wanted to spit it out, but she stopped when she saw Conrad looking at her.She didn’t know how she could swallow the charred, salty, hard, and weird-tasting meat. She immediately slurped some noodles.That mouthful of noodles almost sent her to her maker.“Augh!”Esme had never eaten something so disgusting, especially the Bolognese spaghetti, which t
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Chapter 46
Esme struggled for a few more seconds before picking up another piece with a fork and then putting it into her mouth. At the next second, she could not help but grab at her chest in pain.She spat out the pork chop and said, “I’m… I’m really not feeling that comfortable. I really can’t eat any more of this.”“Fine. Don’t come to me for the time being.” Conrad stood up and walked out of the door. He didn’t care how Esme was pleading with him. He simply called the Manning household’s driver over and had him take her away.“Conrad! I couldn’t sleep the entire night because I was thinking of you! Why are you so cruel to me?!” Esme grabbed Conrad’s arm when the driver pushed the wheelchair by him on the way out.Conrad suddenly remembered how Fia had been looking at him lately. The looks she gave him were filled with disdain. He looked at the crying woman before he felt himself gasping for air. He pulled his arm away and roared at the driver. “Take her back!”Esme instantly became quie
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Chapter 47
“What is it?” Conrad could see the tears from Fia’s eyes and he walked toward her.She looked down with a soft chuckle. “It’s the dust.”With that, she rubbed her eyes, wiping the tears away.“Since you’re going to be so heartless, I suppose we’ll take this to court then,” Fia said calmly.Conrad frowned. “Are you sure you want to take this to court?”The Maxwell Corporation’s lawyers were all well-known elites across Fortuna. No one dared to take his company to court. “I’m sure.”“Fia, you have never worked, so you don’t know how much this will cost you. Let’s discuss this. I won’t owe you a cent.”“We won’t know the result until the end. I simply hope that you’re willing to abide by the court’s rulings,” Fia said. She trusted her grandma had connections and that they could hire some capable lawyers.“Fine, let’s do it.” Conrad shrugged and wanted to go into the ward.Fia reacted quickly and stood in front of the room’s door, blocking his path.“Thanks, but no thanks. You
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Chapter 48
When Fia saw those words, she felt somewhat comforted.After accompanying her mom and grandma for the whole day, Fia grabbed a cab and went home around five in the evening.“Mrs. Taylor, is he back?”“Master Maxwell isn’t back yet. He must be busy at work.”“Right.”When Mrs. Taylor saw the expectation on Fia’s face dissipated, she quickly said, “If there’s anything urgent, you can call him directly. He’ll pick it up.”“No need.” Fia lowered her eyes and remembered the baby in her womb.During lunch in the hospital, she lost her appetite thanks to the scent of sanitizers. She was starving now.“Mrs. Taylor, I’m hungry.”“I’ve already finished cooking. It’s your favorite.”Fia happily followed Mrs. Taylor into the dining room. Mrs. Taylor removed the cover and said, “I’ve prep
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Chapter 49
Fia hesitated for a few seconds before saying with insistence, “You’re reading too much into it, Mrs. Taylor. I’m not pregnant.”“Understood, Madam. Since you’re not feeling well, please return to the bedroom and have some rest.”“Sure.”At ten at night, Conrad finally reached home. The moment he entered through the door, he was greeted by Mrs. Taylor’s worried eyes.“Master Maxwell, please speak with the madam when you have the time.”“What happened?”“I believe that she’s pregnant. However, she probably doesn’t know it herself or doesn’t want you to know.”Conrad frowned and looked at Mrs. Taylor with a strange look. “She’s infertile. Not to mention that being pregnant isn’t something to be ashamed of. If she really is pregnant, why wouldn’t she tell me?”Mrs. Taylor had no answers to his questions.That was true. If she really was pregnant, the madam would be overjoyed.She had to endure so much pain during the therapy and even with her mother-in-law. The reason that she d
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Chapter 50
Fia could no longer maintain her cool and opened her eyes, glaring at Conrad.“Why?”“It belongs to me. I can give it to whomever I want!” Conrad said with cold eyes.Fia suddenly remembered something. “It’s her birthday today.”When he saw the misgivings in her eyes calm, Conrad felt like he was a jester.“You’re right. It’s yours. You can give it to whoever you want, even the entire company.”Fia turned around and looked at the other side. She didn’t want to see him again.Conrad felt his anger reach its tipping point as he pulled her up.“Why are you doing this?!”Fia frowned. She could feel the pain in her arm as he pulled her.She raised her head and said, “Can you please stop? It’s the middle of the night.”“And who’s the one that started this?!”He grabbed her by the neck. He didn’t put any strength into it, but it was firm enough to make her immobile.Fia looked at him, shocked. This was the first time she was seeing him being this violent.“I gave you the wedding
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