All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
1535 Chapters
Chapter 61
“Enough! Shut your mouth!” Thea yelled furiously. If she had a stick in her hand, she would beat Beth with it!Her words were simply too vile!“Mom, how can you play favoritism at a time like this?! I didn’t make things up because we all saw it! Don’t fret, Conrad. I’ll get justice for you!”Meanwhile, Esme carefully whispered to her, “Mom, I think you should tone it down. Conrad isn’t feeling that well right now.”She knew Conrad very well, and she could feel that he was on the edge of going berserk.Conrad couldn’t even think straight with all the noise surrounding him. He even felt like the arms around his waist made it hard for him to breathe.He pried Esme’s hands away and pushed her away.However, he put too much strength into it and he managed to push her and the wheelchair about a meter away.“Ah! You surprised me!” Esme cried out as she held onto the wheelchair nervously, showing how helpless she was.Conrad’s expression was even colder.“She’s still my wife right no
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Chapter 62
When Fia saw the concern on Conrad’s face, she felt so wronged that she couldn’t help but cry.She thought that he wouldn’t come over. That he would only stay by Esme’s side.“What’s the point of you simply crying? How are you doing? Tell me.”Jason and the gynecologist came in and the two of them walked to Conrad coldly.“Doctor…” Fia looked at Jason, asking for his help.Jason quickly said, “Don’t worry. I’ve arranged for a private ward for you. We’ll transfer you over right now.”“What’s going on?! Why does she need to be admitted to the hospital?” Conrad asked in irritation.“Who are you to the patient?” The gynecologist questioned him.“I’m her husband!”She frowned and said, “Then do you even know that your wife-““We’ll continue this after we transfer her to her ward,” Jason cut off his colleague.Conrad could see Fia’s face turning pale, as if she was in a lot of pain. He decided to stop asking questions too.He went over and held Fia’s hand.“Don’t worry. I’ll sta
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Chapter 63
When Fia opened her eyes again, only white greeted her.The doctor from earlier and Jason came over.“How do you feel?” Jason asked.Fia looked around the ward.“Where is he?”The doctor looked at Fia pitifully. “You mean your husband?”“Yes.”“He was waiting outside originally. However, he left after answering a call. It should be something urgent.”“Alright,” Fia said. The brilliance in her eyes drifted away.Jason quickly switched the topic and said, “The baby’s alright. Don’t worry and take care of yourself.”When Fia heard it, she gave them a thankful smile.“Thank you.”The doctor patted Fia’s head and said, “You should thank Doctor Evans. He’s been hard at work.”Fia looked at Jason and saw the scar on his lips. She didn’t even have to think twice to know that Conrad must have done that to him.“You two should chat. I have to go back to the examination room.”After the doctor left, Jason wiped the bruise on his mouth.“Don’t worry. It’s just a bruise.”Fia looke
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Chapter 64
Jason had just left when Beth pushed Esme into the ward.Fia looked at the Mannings warily.“What are you afraid of, Fia?” Esme looked at her gently. “I’m just here to tell you that something happened back in the company and Conrad needed to go first. He’ll come back later.“And don’t worry about your mother and grandmother too. That Doctor Evans looks very skilled. The entire hospital is under his command and they’re taking good care of them.”It was at this time that Fia felt Esme was like a stunning, venomous snake. And it was flicking its tongue at her.“What are you trying to say?”“Mom, can you push me over? I want to speak with her alone.”Beth did as she asked. Before she left, she wanted Fia, “IF you hurt your cousin, Fia… I’ll take your life!”“Oh, hush, mom. Fia couldn’t even protect the child inside of her… How could she hurt me!” Esme said gently with scorn in her tone.Fia clutched at the blanket on her leg and stared at Esme cautiously.“Wondering how I found o
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Chapter 65
When Esme saw Fia staying silent for a long time, she couldn’t help but ask, “How about it? Have you reached a decision?”Fia raised her head and looked at Esme, still saying nothing.Esme continued. “You didn’t even dare to tell Conrad about your pregnancy. It’s proof that you know that he doesn’t love you and he would never allow you to have that baby! Rather than him finding out about this and forcing you to abort it, why not use it to make a trade with me?”Fia smiled and said, “You’re right. But I want the project first.”“I never thought that you're someone so materialistic,” Esme said with sarcasm. “I thought you loved Conrad deeply.”“No matter how deep my love is, it won’t sustain me.”“True.” Esme sighed. “We've been destined to be different since we’re little. I have had my father’s love since I was little, and you didn’t. Now, I’ll have Conrad’s love and you won’t.”“…”“Fia, I pity you, really. Unfortunately, we’re enemies. I’ll pity you, but I won’t show you any m
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Chapter 66
Esme was freaking out on the inside. If Fia didn’t get that project, would she tell Conrad about the baby?She had to think of a way to stop her!“Now, tell me. What did Fia say to you to the point that you’re willing to give her the project?”When faced with Conrad’s invasive eyes, Esme’s brain went into overdrive as she began to weave a plot.After spending some time in her mom’s and grandma’s ward, Fia went back into her own. She was surprised by the man sitting in her ward.“When did you get here?”Conrad suddenly turned with red eyes.Fia sniffed and smelled the scent of wine. “You’re drunk?”Suddenly, he rushed over.Fia noticed that his emotions were unstable. She was about to leave the ward when he grabbed her and threw her on to the hospital bed.His hands pressed near her collarbone so that she couldn’t move, his eyes icy cold.“Do you want a child that badly?!”Fia looked at him, confused.“You lied to Esme saying that you’re pregnant just so she would give you
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Chapter 67
Fia was feeling the piercing pain from being pressed against the bed. She glared at him and roared, “Conrad! You’re heartless!”She loved him that much… She loved him so much that she put him on a pedestal…And this was how he treated her in the end?!“Is it me that’s heartless? Or is it you that’s disgusting? You can’t get pregnant but yet you’re lying about being pregnant!”Their eyes crossed and Fia glared at Conrad hatefully.“So… I’m disgusting because I’m pregnant? Does that mean if Esme’s pregnant, that’s not disgusting?!”Conrad frowned and said, “Stop putting words in my mouth!”“Do I even have to?” Fia scratched his face with her nails.She wanted to disfigure him!Unfortunately, Conrad reacted too quickly and caught her wrist. Then, he pushed it away.There was too much of a difference in strength between them. Fia could not go against him at all.He pressed her on the bed as the smell of alcohol polluted the air between their breaths.A few seconds later, he let
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Chapter 68
Her tone was calm and didn’t have much life in it.Jason frowned and said, “I’ll get you into another ward and have your information kept private. They won’t be able to disturb you then.”“Thank you, doctor.”“Don’t worry about your mother and grandmother as well. I’ve told them to not let anyone visit them for the time being.”Fia wept. It really warmed her heart to have someone treat her well at this point of time.After she switched into another ward, no one disturbed her anymore.She would rest in the ward every day and would visit her mom and grandma in the afternoon.She noticed, for the whole week, her grandma would speak with her lawyers regarding the project’s lawsuit.One week later, the doctor said that everything had stabilized, and she could finally be discharged. Fia finally let out a sigh of relief.After she had finished packing up, she went to see her mom and grandma. It only took one week but her mother had become even frailer.As her grandma needed to worry
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Chapter 69
Fia sobbed and said with a cracked voice. “If he wants to divorce me, I don’t know what my child and I will do.”“Don’t!” Thea said with a stern voice. “You cannot divorce for the sake of this child! If you do, it’ll be even harder for you to protect the child! Esme and her mother won’t let the baby survive!“Fia, you experienced the life of living without a father yourself. You know how hard it would be for a child to grow up without a father.” Her grandmother’s words were like needles punctured into her beating heart.Everyone has called her a b*stard since she was little. Everyone bullied her because she had no father.She didn’t want her own child to suffer the same way.But Conrad wanted a divorce no matter what.Thea grabbed Fia’s hand tightly, “Don’t worry. Think about your child. Stay strong! You are Madam Maxwell. As long as you refuse to sign the paper, he can’t go through the process alone.”“But if he demanded it?”“Buy time. At least until you give birth to your
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Chapter 70
“The Lawson household is in a mess right now. We can’t take care of you now, so don’t start any more trouble!”“Take good care of your mom!”They then quickly left to take care of their mother’s matter while leaving Fia by the wall.Conrad, who was not that far away, saw how helpless she was. In the end, he approached her.“I’ll accompany you to tell your mom.”“Leave!” Fia screamed as she flung away Conrad’s hands.She glowered at him with blood red eyes, a handprint from Beth still on her face.Conrad could feel anger rising inside of him. When would she learn to protect herself?It seemed like anyone could simply hit her!“Conrad Maxwell!” She wailed his name, trembling with dismay.“You’re the murderer!”Conrad frowned and tried to explain, “I didn’t do anything. Something was wrong with the will.”“You killed her!” Fia accused him. “You know how unwell she was! Why must you continue with the lawsuit?!”“Fia, your grandma is the one who wants to continue with the lawsu
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