All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
1535 Chapters
Chapter 81
Lola skipped happily. “You’re here for Fia? I know her! She used to come here with Eileen all the time! But after Eileen became a celebrity, they no longer do.”“With Eileen Reid?” Conrad asked.“That’s right! They’re best of friends!” Lola answered happily. She then turned and asked her mother, “Mom, is Fia here?”The owner glared at her daughter and watched Conrad like a protective mother hen. “If you’re Fia’s friend, why didn’t you come with her?”“I was late,” Conrad said with a frown. He was quite unhappy with how Fia left without waiting for him.“You could have called her to pick you up! She’s your friend. Don’t tell me you don’t even know her number?”Conrad couldn’t say a word.It was his first time getting interrogated like some common criminal.“Mom, you don’t have to be so aggressive. He’s here for Fia. Just tell him if she’s here. Why are you asking so many questions?” Lola asked her mother unhappily. She was not happy with her mother’s attitude.This was her firs
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Chapter 82
“Have some prawns.”“Thank you, Jason,” Fia said with a daze. Why would a mere acquaintance of hers treat her so well, when Conrad…She was afraid to tell him about her pregnancy. It was because of him that she could not sleep soundly. He made her weep in despair.When Conrad saw how Jason was taking care of Fia, and how she called him so affably, his expression turned even darker. “Ha… How long has it only been, and you’re already on a first-name basis!”“What’s wrong with you?!” Fia countered him coldly.“Something wrong with me? While I’m looking for you, you’re having a feast with a man right here. Have you ever treated me as your husband?”Fia then said with a sneer as she looked into Conrad’s angry gaze, “What about you? When I can’t sleep at home, whose bed are you sleeping in?” Her words shocked Lola and the owner who were waiting by the door.Jason frowned even deeper, looking at her with his heart bleeding.Conrad looked at her in disbelief. He had never thought t
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Chapter 83
Jason took back his handkerchief with a heavy heart.He stood up and said, “Mr. Maxwell, Fia is a good woman. Treat her well.”Conrad held Fia in his arms tightly as he watched Jason with cold eyes.“Thank you for your help, Doctor Evans. But you won’t be needed anymore.”Jason looked at the woman in his arms and said, “Hopefully.”Fia didn’t want to cry in front of so many people. She quickly regained her composure.She pushed Conrad away and then smiled apologetically at Jason with red eyes.“I’m sorry. We can’t even have a meal in peace.”Jason smiled and said in a faint tone, “Don’t worry. I’m full.”“Let me send you back to the hospital.”“No need. It’s late. Go back and rest well. Take care.”With that, Jason turned around and headed out. He didn’t dare to look at Fia again.He could see that she loved Conrad very deeply. So deep that she didn’t want to use his handkerchief to wipe her tears, worried that Conrad would misunderstand her.He was worried that his lust m
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Chapter 84
“You can enjoy a meal with that Jason guy but you lose your appetite when you’re eating with me?!”“That’s right!” Fia spat out. “Since you like Esme that much, why don’t you tell her to eat with you!”Conrad remembered what happened at the Mannings and knew that he was in the wrong. He quietly ate and said nothing more.Lola looked at the two of them and then poked at Fia’s arm, asking, “Fia, how did you and your husband meet?”Fia said in a daze, “We’ve known each other since we were very young.”“Childhood friends, huh?” Lola commented with an innocent look on her face. But in her heart, she was thinking that even childhood friends could become enemies. Seemed like the two didn’t love each other that much.Fia then sneered. “Childhood friends, yes. But I’m not a childhood friend.”Conrad glared at Lola icily and said, “It’s so noisy even when we’re eating!”Lola was so shocked that she quickly said, “Take your time then. I’ll go downstairs to give my mom a hand.”When the o
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Chapter 85
Cold light reflected in his amber eyes as he could feel his anger burn.Fia would never work him up like this in the past. She would always let him have his way.Not anymore. If she was going to suffer, she would make him suffer too.“I’ll let it go alright… When I’m dead!”“Then forget about it!” Conrad smashed the plate in front of him.Fia smiled coldly and said, “Forget about it and let the homewrecker turn into your wife? You should be the one forgetting about it, unless I’m dead.”“Seriously, you…” Conrad was so angry that he couldn’t even speak properly.“Let me tell you something. Even if I die, as long as we’re not divorced, I will still be your late wife.” Fia became more and more excited when she said that. “Even if you marry her, she’ll always be known as the second wife, and I’ll always be her better!”The atmosphere was so bad that it couldn’t get any worse. Conrad stared at Fia.“Why have I never realized that you can be so mean-spirited? All these years… You’ve
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Chapter 86
She walked on the streets and finally saw a shop that had a public phone. She called Eileen.“Eileen, are you busy?”Eileen was having dinner and she looked at the man opposite the candlelight before asking in a low voice, “Why aren’t you in bed? It’s already so late.”“No…” Fia took a deep breath. “I don’t want to go home. I don’t know where to go.”“You fought with that sorry excuse of a man?” Eileen’s voice subconsciously raised. “Tell me where you are right now. I’ll pick you up!”As soon as she hung up, she stood up and took her purse. What she did entered the man’s deep eyes.She said awkwardly, “Boss, my best friend fought with her husband and she has nowhere to go. I have to go pick her up.”“Your best friend?”“Yes. My only one.”That man burst out a laugh. “If I remember, he’s Conrad’s little wife, right?”“Yes, that’s her.” Eileen forced out a smile. She was worried that he would go crazy and stop her from going.“Go,” the man said, and wiped his mouth with a napk
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Chapter 87
“Surprised?” the man said with a faint smile.Fia hadn’t even managed to react yet when she felt Eileen’s body freeze.She held Eileen’s hand and said as she steeled her heart, “Long time no see, Victor.”“Looks like my little cousin’s wife is much more courteous than he ever will be.” Victor Maxwell looked at her amiably before turning his eyes to Eileen. “I’m leaving, Eileen.”“Okay.” Eileen lowered her head and dug into her finger.Fia was very familiar with that action of hers. She would do that every time she was nervous.She looked at Victor leaving on his Lincoln before holding Eileen’s fingers.“Stop it. Does it hurt?”“Fia, I…”Eileen didn’t know where to start.While Fia was quite curious, she didn’t ask.She then told her what she was facing right now.“My grandma passed away and my mom still doesn’t know about it. My uncles don’t want me to go back either. But my grandma treated my mom and me so well… How can we not see her off one last time?”Eileen quickly he
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Chapter 88
“When I was at your place that day, Conrad said that I became famous for no real reason. He wasn’t wrong, because what he said was true.”Fia instinctively held Eileen in her arms. A thousand different thoughts played in her mind, but none of them formed words that she could say to her.She had met Vincent a few times. She met him during the Maxwell’s family dinner with Conrad.Every time, the same woman would stand by his side. She heard that it was his fiancée and they had already been engaged for five years.At the time, she was curious why they hadn’t gotten married in those five years.Not to mention that Victor was two years older than Conrad. Were Conrad’s uncle and aunt not getting anxious?Now that she knew her best friend had a relationship with Victor, she didn’t know if she should tell her.“Fia… On the day that I found out I was pregnant, I was so happy. I even bailed on a bigshot director just to tell him back at the company. And he…”Eileen accidentally bit her o
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Chapter 89
“Eileen, I’m a bit worried.”“About what?” Eileen slurped in a mouthful of delicious spaghetti and glanced at Fia who didn’t take a single bite.Fia took out her SIM card and said, “My phone is dead and I haven’t got the time to buy a new one yet. Do you have an old one? I want to make a call.”“Hang on.” Eileen stood up and walked over to a cabinet. She then took out a box from a bunch of phones. “You can keep this.”It was a new model that wasn’t even available on the market yet.Fia felt that it wasn’t appropriate and quickly said, “This is new. Just give me something you’re not using.”“What are you talking about? With our relationship, if I give it to you, just use it. The manufacturer was the one that gave it to me. I didn’t have to pay a cent.”Since Eileen put it that way, it would make Fia feel like a stranger if she continued to refuse.She then removed the packaging and put in her SIM card.She then called the owner of the seafood restaurant.When the call went thr
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Chapter 90
“Drunk?” Eileen quickly got up. “Let’s go. We have to find him. We can’t have that woman toy with your husband!”Fia sat there unmoving.“I’m tired.”“What happened? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Eileen looked at her with worry and looked at her belly. “Is the baby alright?”“I stayed in the hospital a few days ago. My pregnancy is alright,” Fia said as she raised her trembling hand and massaged her temple. “I’m mentally uncomfortable, physically tired, and generally just upset.”Eileen knew how it felt and quickly sat by her side saying, “I know you’re tired. But you haven’t given up your feelings for him yet. You’re also his wife. You can’t just let him be and let him have fun with other women out there.”“Let me tell you something…” Fia gasped for air. “I drove to the Manning’s family home earlier tonight. He didn’t come out and they refused to let me see him. I forced them to open the door with a dagger in my hand.”Eileen looked at her in shock and she didn’t dare to imag
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