All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
1535 Chapters
Chapter 71
When Conrad saw how Fia was trying to be strong, he found it unpleasant.He then said to Echo again, “Mom, I would like to apologize for everything that happened before this.”Echo looked at Conrad with mixed feelings. Her days were numbered.Naturally, she wished that Conrad could protect Fia.“Conrad… Fia has suffered a lot since she was little. I was selfish to hope that she could marry you. I was hoping that you could protect her from others so that she would not be harassed anymore.“But everything you did lately… You did them to hurt her.”Conrad could hear the disappointment in her words. He quickly said, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. I won’t let Fia get hurt again.”“You’re a smart man. I don’t want to say too much to you. Before you’re divorced, I don’t want to see you and Esme together again,” Echo said to him in a serious tone. A tone that she very rarely used.Fia turned to look at Conrad subconsciously.He simply said, with a steady tone, “Alright. I
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Chapter 72
“I’m warning you, Fia. I’m giving you one month. You either get a child in your womb or leave!”Beryl was doing the calculation in her head.Since Esme was back and her son loved her so much, he would never touch Fia.No matter how beautiful she was, if Conrad didn’t want to touch her, she couldn’t have a baby no matter how hard she tried!Not to mention that she was barren all along!Fia tugged Conrad’s sleeve and mumbled, “You hear her?”Conrad’s eyebrows locked together as he glanced at Beryl icily.“Mrs. Taylor.”“I’m here, Master Maxwell.” Mrs. Taylor stepped forward with her head low.“Is this how my mom has treated Fia for the past three years?”Mrs. Taylor was stunned and looked at Beryl carefully.Meanwhile, Beryl stared at her. It was a voiceless warning.After hesitating for two seconds and remembering how Fia treated her with respect, she then straightened her back and said with her head lifted high, “Yes, Master Maxwell.”“Are you getting senile, Mrs. Taylor?
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Chapter 73
“I dare you!” Fia said as she gritted her teeth. “I won’t hold back as I did in the past! If you touch me, I’ll return it back to you two fold!”Beryl kept on cursing and pushing Conrad away, wanting to pounce at Fia.Conrad had never been so irritated before. He had always believed that her wife and her mother had a good relationship. He never thought that they despised each other so much.“Enough!”He roared out in fury and flung Beryl to the sofa.When Beryl was thrown into the sofa, she was stunned.“Oh, God! Just what kind of sins had I committed?! My husband’s not loyal to me, and now even my son is…”Fia turned around and went upstairs. She didn’t have time for Beryl’s drama.In the past, she would pity her.But now, she couldn’t feel any sympathy for her at all.Those who were pitiful were never wholly innocent. The same went for her.Three years ago, she wanted Conrad for herself. She married him like a fool. That was how she ended up in this situation three years l
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Chapter 74
Every step she took felt like she had ants nibbling on her feet. It was painful and numbing.From today onward, she must get her act together and fight back against those who wanted to destroy her!Conrad personally sent his mother to the family home before driving over to the Manning household.“You’re here, Mr. Maxwell. Ms. Esme was making a scene just so she could go and see you!” When the servant of the Manning family saw that it was Conrad, he quickly led him in.He walked into the Manning family home indignantly.“You’re here, Conrad!” Esme stood up with a gentle smile.When she sensed Conrad’s anger, she became even more gentle and said, “My legs have almost recovered and I can move around now.”Conrad stood there and asked in an icy tone, “Did you ask my mom to plot against Fia using a doctor?”“What?” Esme asked in a confused tone. “I simply told her that Fia might be pregnant and told her to treat her better.”Conrad looked at her quietly, wanting to see her reaction
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Chapter 75
“Esme, before my divorce is finalized, let’s not meet again.”“What?” Esme grabbed his arm even tighter. “Is it because Fia…”Conrad cut her off out of irritation and said, “This has nothing to do with her. This is my own decision.”“Then… Can I call?” Esme realized that she could no longer control him like she used to and decided to take a step back.Conrad gave it a thought and said, “Don’t call me if there’s nothing important.”Esme wrapped her arms around his and asked, “Can we text then?”Conrad said nothing and pulled his arm out before putting some distance between them.“I know.” Esme lowered her head in disappointment. “Before we do that, can you at least have a meal in our home? Just one.”“Fine.”Fia was sitting in front of the mirror and simply looking at herself when she suddenly felt uneasy.Fia looked at the time on the clock before going downstairs. She gave Conrad’s phone a call using the house phone.No one picked it up.Conrad had promised that he would n
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Chapter 76
She pried open his shirt as her heart throbbed and tried to remove his belt with shaking hands.However, she realized that his belt was designed in a very strange manner. She couldn’t unbuckle it no matter how she tried.“Damn it!” She cursed and gave up on the belt. Instead, she directly pulled the zipper on his pants.“What are you doing?!” Conrad woke up with a headache and grabbed Esme’s wrist.“Conrad? You… you’re awake?”Esme was regretting her actions right now. If she had known, she would have listened to her mother and added more drugs!Conrad flung away Esme’s hand. “Get out!”“Conrad, you suddenly fainted so I helped carry you into this room to rest. I…”Esme bit her lips and said. “I became obsessed, and I…”“Get out!” Conrad heaved as he felt his heavy head.All he could remember was Fia’s pitiful face and he headed toward the door dizzily.Esme knew that there was no way she could finish it, but even then, she would not let Fia get her way!She ran over and gr
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Chapter 77
Fia looked at Conrad with her eyes red. She shook her head and sobbed like a wounded animal.“You’re mistaken.” Conrad tried to explain.Fia’s tears began to roll down even faster as she shook her head. “You… You liar.”She suddenly felt her throat sore. She could feel the pain in her heart. She was so cold and in so much pain.“Fia!”Darkness consumed her as she fainted out of anger.Conrad managed to grab her in time. That was one of the times when he wanted to slap himself.Why would a cowardly girl that couldn’t even speak with a louder voice during a fight rush into the Manning household with a dagger?When he left with her in his arms, he saw the gate that had been crashed open and the warped hood of the car.He grabbed the fainted Fia in his arms tightly and said, “You’re crazy!”Esme chased after him barefooted. “Conrad!”Conrad opened the car door and put Fia in the back seat and then got into the driver’s seat.Esme slammed into the hood of the car and cried. “Con
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Chapter 78
Jason smiled. It was as if a spring breeze had just blown.“It’s me.”Fia blinked her eyes out of fatigue. “I’m so sorry for bothering you again.”Jason tapped her shoulder and said, “You’re welcome. Your husband was the one that sent you here.”When she heard it, her expression turned cold as she straightened her back. She didn’t want to get close to Conrad anymore.Conrad frowned and pretended nothing had happened. “Since you’re alright now, let’s go home.She remained silent.He then said, “It’s too late at night and you shouldn’t disturb your mother. She’ll get worried. I’ll send you to visit her tomorrow morning.”Fia got down from the bed quietly and tried to grab her shoe using her foot.When the two men saw what she wanted to do, both of them crouched down at the same time and each of them grabbed one of her shoes.Fia instinctively grabbed the shoe from Conrad.Meanwhile, she said to Jason, “I can wear it myself, doctor.”Jason nodded and put the shoe in front of h
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Chapter 79
Fia expertly led Jason into a deep alley and arrived at a wooden door that was covered with dust.“We’re here.”Jason looked around. “Are you sure that there’s food here?”“Technically, the only thing they sell here is seafood, and nothing else.”Fia pushed open the wooden door eagerly.Jason followed her through the door and everything that entered his eyes was made of old wood. Even the floor and walls were made of wood. It felt like he had entered a wooden house back in the 50’s.The wooden floor even creaked when he walked on it.Fia ran over to the counter and said, “Hey, sis!”The lady by the counter raised her head and looked at Fia for a few seconds before happily holding her hands.“You haven’t come in such a long time!”“I’m here now, though.”The owner of the restaurant held Fia’s hand, walked away from the counter, and whispered, “Your friend didn’t come with you?”“You’re just making it difficult, sis. It’s not that convenient for her anymore.”“That’s true. Y
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Chapter 80
He gave Fia’s phone a call but all he received was a message that it could not be reached. Only then did he remember that he had smashed her phone.He kicked a flower pot by the road, and it was so painful that he couldn’t help but grit his teeth.“Fia! How dare you eat with another man behind my back? Darn, you!”He scratched his short hair before contacting Silas to find out Jason’s number.“Doctor, your phone is ringing.” Fia drew Jason’s attention to it.Jason took out his phone from his pocket. It was an unknown number.But his sixth sense was telling him that it was Conrad calling him.“Aren’t you going to take it?” Fia asked.Jason rejected the call, put the phone on silent, and put it back into his pocket.“It’s nothing. Just spam.”“Oh, there are so many spam calls these days. We can’t stop all of them even with our apps,” Fia said as she ate her food.“Yeah,” Jason said as he tightened his grip on his spoon. “Ms. Fia, my name is Jason Evans.”“Huh?” Fia looked at
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