All Chapters of Stop It, She’s Remarrying!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
1535 Chapters
Chapter 91
Conrad shook his heavy head and stared at his older cousin Victor.While he hadn’t gathered what had happened, he could still feel the insult that was hurled his way.He freed himself from Victor’s lackeys and pounced on him.“Oh?” Victor let out an amused laugh as he looked at his cousin staggering toward him and the punch he threw at him.He yawned and couldn’t be bothered to say another word. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep.He then said to his men, “Send Mr. Maxwell home. If there’s even a single bruise on him, you know what will happen to you.”“Understood. What about the woman in the car?”Victor gave her a glance and said, “That shrieking bird’s not part of the family, so stop being such a busybody.”“I got him and am sending him back.” Victor gave Eileen a call. “When will you come over to accompany me?”Eileen looked at Fia as she held her phone in her hand. Fia was simply sitting in the living room staring into the air.“Not today, boss.”“Eileen, now that
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Chapter 92
“Madam, where were you so late at night?”“I was meeting a friend.”“You shouldn’t go out so late at night alone. There might be bad people out there.”“It’s fine. My friend got her driver to send me home.”Mrs. Taylor couldn’t help but sigh and pointed at the second floor. “Master Maxwell is drunk and Master Victor’s men have sent him home. He was so drunk that he attacked them.”“Oh,” Fia said, recalling how he was when he was at school. He needed to fight at least once a week.However, he became much more of a gentleman after he became the heir to the Maxwell Corporation.She suddenly couldn’t remember what he looked like when he fought.“Are you hungry? Should I make supper for you?”“I’ve already eaten at Eileen’s place.”“Alright. Then you should head up and rest,” Mrs. Taylor said before closing the door.In the master bedroom, the door wasn’t properly closed. A night lamp was left switched on inside.Fia took in a deep breath before quietly pushing open the door.S
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Chapter 93
“Do you hate me because I destroyed you? Because you married me and lost him?”Fia was speechless.She didn’t know what he was thinking in that brain of his… The way he thought was beyond any ordinary person.If he was a normal person, he would have known that she loved him!Three years they slept on the same bed during their marriage… If he had a heart, he would have sensed her love for him!Whatever. His love didn’t belong to her. He couldn’t have sensed it.All she wanted to do was hide her love for him. Only then would she be able to stop herself from being humiliated that much!“Speak!”When Conrad thought of that possibility, he was so angry that he almost exploded.He grabbed her by the mouth. “I told you to speak!”Fia gritted her teeth and looked at him with a sneer. She didn’t want to say anything.“Who’s the man?”He asked in a low voice.“Doctor Jason Evans?”Fia frowned as she didn’t say a word, but all that did was anger him.“I got it right? No wonder you
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Chapter 94
She was staring at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking.His possessiveness took over as he pulled her into his arms.“You were very beautiful and obedient just now, Fi.”Fia’s body tensed up as she covered herself using the blanket.She was supposed to be angry, but she was very embarrassed instead.Love… It really could make someone so cheap.She lost all her bottom lines.When Conrad saw how she was acting, he let out a cheeky chuckle.“Get out!” She raised her knuckle and whacked him twice although she was still under the blanket.That was the first time he was like that after being married for three years. She was blushing like there was no tomorrow.It felt… Very strange.The more she thought about it, the more she yearned for it.“Fi, be honest with me. Are you old acquaintances with Doctor Evans?” Conrad’s ire had been doused as he asked her that with her in his arms.Fia closed her eyes and said, “I only got to know Doctor Evans recently. Nothing you
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Chapter 95
It was four in the morning. After Conrad left, Fia did not shut her eyes.It was only when Mrs. Taylor came to wake her did she mechanically rise from bed to wash up.“Why are your eyes so puffy, madam?” Mrs. Taylor asked worryingly.Fia replied calmly, “Allergy.”“Did you fight with Master Maxwell last night? I noticed that the car he usually drives isn’t here. When did he leave?”“He went to look for love,” Fia answered before heading to the dining room.She ate alone. Slept alone.She would sometimes look at where he would usually be.However, he would slowly change.There would be a day.When all her love for him finally was consumed.Perhaps, she would be free when the time came?Fia’s thoughts were all over the place. She didn’t have much appetite when she looked at the food that she used to like to eat.Ever since she got pregnant, her taste had changed.She got up and went to the kitchen after taking a few bites.She opened the fridge and saw big mangoes inside.
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Chapter 96
“The madam ate some mangoes and she’s having an allergic reaction. Please, come home quickly.”“Doesn’t she know that she’s allergic to mangoes?” Conrad asked with a calm voice. “She ate it intentionally?”Mrs. Taylor was taken aback. “Please just come back, Master Maxwell! Did you two fight last night? She hasn’t even eaten breakfast.”“She started this, she can see this through!” With that, the call was hung up.Mrs. Taylor looked at Fia and didn’t know what to say.However, her phone was of an older model and was quite loud. Fia could hear everything.She shut her puffy eyes to stop herself from crying.She tried her best and said, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Taylor. I only ate a little, so I’m going to be fine.”When Mrs. Taylor saw the red dots already appearing on her neck, she mumbled, “I’ll give Silas a call. I’ll have him take you to the hospital!”When Silas picked up, he was waiting outside a ward. He peeked at Conrad who was sitting by the bed inside.He gritted his teeth
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Chapter 97
Conrad frowned but he knew that Mrs. Taylor wouldn’t lie.“Why is it that serious?”Mrs. Taylor said, “I don’t know…”“I don’t want to drive alone again! Please don’t leave me alone…”Mrs. Taylor froze. She was not deaf. She could clearly hear everything that Esme had said.Even through the phone she could already imagine how her master was holding Esme.She then looked at Fia, who was sitting on the sofa as she gasped for air. Even someone like her who was not involved in their affairs could feel her heart turning into stone.“Mrs. Taylor?” Conrad looked at the phone. She didn’t even finish before hanging up the call.“Madam, I’ll take you to the hospital.” Mrs. Taylor helped Fia up as she cried.Why would fate treat someone as gentle as her madam like this?The ambulance siren could be heard once she was outside and she saw Silas get out of the ambulance with Jason.“How is the madam doing, Mrs. Taylor?”“She can’t breathe… Can’t speak…”Jason looked at her with a darken
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Chapter 98
“I don’t think I did anything. I won’t apologize to her.”“You were not like this in the past, Fia!”When Conrad remembered how Esme wouldn’t eat or sleep and only kept on crying after the shock, he felt agitated.“This is between us and should have stayed between us. You shouldn’t have asked Victor to interfere!”“Go.” Fia turned her head away.If Victor hadn’t found him, would he have gone back?When Conrad saw that she had somewhat recovered, he said, “Rest well. I’ll come back later.”After he left, Fia got herself up and pressed the bell.A nurse quickly came by. “Can I help you?”“Is my baby alright?”The nurse looked at her strangely and looked at her records.“You’re not pregnant. You were admitted to the hospital because of anaphylactic shock. Doctor Evans took you in.”Fia was stunned. “Can you help me get Doctor Evans, then?”“Sure.”The nurse had just left when she saw Jason walking in her direction in haste.“Doctor, your friend…”“I know. I’ll go take a lo
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Chapter 99
Conrad could feel his rage burning.He shouted back at her, “You didn’t do anything to me, but you did that to Esme! You shouldn’t have asked Victor to interfere with our matters and got Esme into a shock!”Fia felt something break inside of her. She didn’t want to explain anymore.“Yeah, it’s all my fault! I shouldn’t ask for someone to look for you despite being your wife! I shouldn’t have pulled you out of your lover’s car!“I should have called for an orchestra instead! To make it even grander for the two of you!”Conrad eyebrows locked together. “Why aren’t you even a little regretful of what you did?”Jason could no longer simply watch and do nothing, and he stood between him and the bed.“Mr. Maxwell, Fia is now my patient and I need to take care of both her physical and emotional health. Please take this miss here with you and leave!”Conrad had nowhere to unleash his rage and simply stared at Jason.“Out of my way!”Jason took a step forward and blocked Conrad from l
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Chapter 100
Conrad could feel another headache coming. He stared at Fia saying, “No matter what, you have to apologize to Esme about what happened to her last night.”FIa tightened her fists and asked coldly, “If I don’t?”“Then I’m going to hold you responsible for this as well!”“Hold me responsible? Did I bite her? Or did I slice her?!”“Ah! Conrad, I’m so scared!” Esme screamed and held Conrad’s arm again, screaming as loudly as she could.Fia’s eardrums were hurting from the screaming.Jason frowned and started to get rid of the two. “Please leave, both of you.”Conrad was worried about Esme as well. He took her in his arms and quickly left to look for a doctor.Fia’s tensed body relaxed. Even when she sat on the bed, all she could do was look down as her tears blurred her vision.“There’s something that I forgot to tell you.”Jason then told her about it without her asking.“That lady was admitted in the middle of the night with wounds all over her body. She almost jumped down fro
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