All Chapters of Hold Me Tight, Alpha : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
89 Chapters
51~Not the Alpha
Martin waited for what seemed like eternity before he heard shuffling and soon a figure came off the inner chamber. The Alpha was tall with broad shoulders and like the rest of the pack clothed in Animal skin. He bowed "Greetings dear Alpha." He greeted but to his surprised the big man only smacked his tongue. Martin looked up at him in confusion. Has he done something wrong? He wondered. "I am not the Alpha." The man responded. Martin's confusion grew deeper. "If you are not the Alpha, then who are you?" He asked. "I am Maguire the beta." He replied Martin was taken aback. "You are the beta? Why then did that pack member bring me to you?" He asked. "Just like every other Up worlder you ask too many questions. " He replied "Up worlder?" Martin asked "Yes. We know you people call us the Cavemen so to make our younglings happy we call you all the Up worlders." Maguire explained. "Anyway, Were you expecting him to just take you to our Alpha?" He asked Martin knew anything he
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52~More allies equals strength
Martin felt his jaw drop slightly at the Alpha's words. He had never heard of a pack Alpha marrying so young, let alone taking multiple wives. He glanced over at Maguire, who was stoically sipping his drink and avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. The girl, who had been nervously twirling her hair, looked up at the Alpha with a small smile. Martin could see that she was trying her best to appear happy and content, but he could see the sadness in her eyes that he couldn't ignore. He wondered what kind of life she would have, being married off to a man old enough to be her father. The Alpha seemed to sense Martin's discomfort and quickly changed the subject, asking him about his journey and how he had been faring in the Crescent Moon Pack. Martin tried to focus on the conversation, but his mind kept wandering back to the young girl sitting beside the Alpha. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for all the other women in the pack who had been forced into such a life. T
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53~A hunger in him
Hercules sat across from Martin in the living room. “I don’t think I can guarantee the loyalty of the black diamond pack.” Martin stated Hercules raised a brow, “Why do you say so?” He asked Martin sat up, “Anna is his daughter, and by now I’m sure he already knows Anna is dead. It won’t be difficult to put two and two together before he finds out it is Audrey’s doing.” He explained Hercules sat back relaxing into his chair. “What other options do we have!” He asked “I think we can meet with still water packs and Fury pack.” Martin suggested “I don’t know about that. They are even more uncivilized than the crescent moon pack.” Hercules argued “Uncivilized yes, but not without loyalty.” Martin pressed “Okay, we will establish contact with them and see what happens.” “Alright. I will leave at first light so I can get there on time.” Martin suggested “What pack are you heading to first?” Hercules asked “Fury pack. They are the closest. I will stay there a day then head over
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54~A bad Joke
Could he had known it would be so consuming? Everything about her was vivid and honed sharp. Her taste an intoxicating mix of both lavender and lily so livid. Her skin as lush as petals drenched in evening dew. Her scent as dark as his own passion. Her need as sharp as a freshly whetted blade. She arched against him, offering, challenging, crying out when he sought. Pleasure aroused in him as her small agile body pressed against his. Strong willful she rolled over him to exploit and explore until his breath was on fire in his lungs and his body a mass of sensation. His wolf didn't like her taking control, but Hercules had lost the will to fight at the moment. Half-mad he tumbled with her on the ground. When he lifted himself over her, he could see the wild curtain of her hair like a dark cloud, the deep, rich glow of her eyes as they clung to his. Her breathing was as hurried a s his own. Her body as willing. Palm to palm their hands met, fingers gripping hard like one soul graspi
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55~Before Nightfall
May and Martin kept walking for hours under the hot sun, with May determined to keep going despite feeling weak on her knees. Martin noticed her struggles and suggested they rest for a while, but May refused, not wanting to seem weak. "I'm fine, let's keep going," she insisted. However, as she wobbled and stumbled, Martin grew tired of her stubbornness and lifted her up to a nearby tree, saying, "No, you need to take a break. You're pushing yourself too hard." May reluctantly shook her head. "May, you can't keep pushing yourself like this," Martin said, his voice filled with concern. "We've been walking for hours, and you're clearly struggling. Just take a break for a few minutes, and then we can continue." May hesitated, but the heat and fatigue were starting to take a toll on her. She finally gave in and allowed Martin to lift her to a nearby tree. She gratefully took off her sandals, feeling the coolness of the tree's shade on her bare feet. "Thanks," May said softly, looking up
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56~Come with me
The sun was beating down on them mercilessly, scorching their skin and making them feel as though they were walking through an oven. Sweat poured down their faces, soaking their shirts and dampening their hair. The constant glare of the sun made their eyes ache, and they were forced to squint against the blinding light. Their backs were hunched from hours of walking, and their legs felt as though they were made of lead. Every step felt like a herculean effort, and their feet throbbed from the relentless pounding on the hard ground. Audrey's legs were trembling, and she could feel her knees giving out from under her. Their throats were parched, and they longed for a sip of cool water. But their water supply was running low, and they didn't know when they would come across another source. Their stomachs grumbled, reminding them that they had been walking for hours without any food. All these factors combined to make them feel utterly drained and exhausted. The fatigue they were experi
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57~A way out
They walked a distance and the noise grew louder the more they approached a gate. The man opened the gate, it opened into a very large clearing. It looked like a large arena. The air was thick with dust and filled with chants. The man led them through a short staircase till they came before a throne. The man sitting on the throne wasn't the old man Martin had guessed. It was a younger looking man. "You must be Martin." He asked. Martin nodded, "Yes Alpha. This is the beta female, May." He introduced "You are welcome." The man said not bothering to offer a smile. "We are sorry to bother you, but I have a matter of great importance." "Your matter would have to wait. I have a beta choosing ceremony to enjoy we will talk about that later." He turned around and faced the arena. Martin watched as he raised his hands indicating the ceremony to start. The crowd went up in an uproar. May noticed the view was better from up here, she walked closer to the barricade and peered as a large
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58~The barrier is gone
They both had came a long way, the unforgiving sun providing a mirage at each bend that they would wrath in the possibility of. “How do we even find our way to the Warlock community”. May, even though coveted by the shade casted by Martin’s shadow, could still be engulfed by the seeking heat. “I don’t even know, I didn’t think this through.” “Perhaps we can ask around in any of the nearest village we see.” May was subtle in giving an actually alright suggestion. “That one there looks like it would know where it is, maybe we should stop by and inquire from the local.” Martin suggested. “But we know the warlock community is under seize, is it really wise to heave it’s name in our mouths?” May could tell of the gravity of a warring people, from experience. The manner in which the two packs they had visited involved with their cases so quickly could be attributed to the state of their pack, at least that’s what she thought deep down. With somber steps and a raise palm to block th
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59~I will help
“What are you talking about, what are you doing to me?” Martin asked as he failed to comprehend the squabbling of rats prancing atop his abdomen. “Guess what surface seems like the most plausible to escape the heat right now, you.” He added. The rats continued their scurrying but their concentration had become focused atop his bare abdomen. “They’ll eat their way through me to escape the heat?” Martin asked. “Right on the money.” The werewolf affirmed. The situation was tense and the heat was seering, the rats were getting desperate and one had just found the start of a way out, through Martin’s navel. *** “Let go of me, take me back this instant.” She demanded to be returned but the werewolf that yanked her only pulled in the direction of the colosseum the more. “Your mate will be alright, think of yourself because I can’t possibly say the same about you.” The werewolf that dragged onto the undisclosed direction said. May couldn’t say it as many times as his ears could
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60~Your dead lover
“I don’t understand?” She said, as she tried to pry into the reason for his abrupt agreement. “But sire, we can’t just help her when she knows about the warlocks and Valentine.” The werewolf said. “Woah!” A chorus from the crowd cheered and intercepted his reveal. The Alpha’s expression now stiffened as he broke the cup in his hand, causing blood to rush. A smile now etched its way as his eye signals to he guards mounted at the door cause them to knock and invite the rest into the viewing area. “You are a fool, I’ll have you know that.” The Alpha said as he snapped his finger and used his hand to caress his forehead. “Thud!” A large sound led an echo throughout the room that ceased the array of moaning that served in the rhythm of background noises. Now everyone stood silent, except for the drugged werewolf that still managed to continue her enveloping the Alpha length into her mouth. They all stared at the aligned werewolves that formed a straight path from the corner to
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