All Chapters of Hold Me Tight, Alpha : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
89 Chapters
41~It won't hurt to try it
“As a Warlock you are born with different abilities. You are a descendant of a high warlock so you have multiple abilities one of which is being a witch. Vlad has the ability to create multiple portals at once. He can send you wherever you want to go even without him being there but the rest of us have to be there to be able to send you there. With Vlad’s portal you can not be lost in quantum. I on the other hand have the ability to look into your head. If you let me I can dig out the dreams and we would both see it.” She explained. Audrey looked at her in surprise. "It won't hurt to try it." May suggested. Eugenia opened her palms. "Eugenia, what are you doing?" Audrey asked, slightly hesitant as Eugenia asked her to place her hands on her shoulders. "Just trust me," Eugenia replied with a small smile, before placing her own hands on the sides of Audrey's head and closing her eyes in meditation. Audrey watched as Eugenia face twisted in concentration. She could feel a strange s
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42~Not just your power
Hercules and Audrey walked hand in hand until they arrived at the cottage. Audrey took a deep breath and turned to face the group. "I'm ready," she said with determination in her voice. "I'm ready to learn how to harness my powers." The group exchanged excited glances, and May let out a small cheer. Vlad gave her a nod of approval, and Eugenia placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Hercules smiled at her and squeezed her hand. "We're all here to support you," he said. "Whenever you're ready. "How about now? I'm ready to learn now." She tells them. Eugenia was clearly impressed, she couldn't hide her smile. "Okay Audrey," Eugenia said with a smile. "I'm ready to teach you." Audrey beamed with excitement. "Great, I'm ready to start immediately." Eugenia led the group outside and instructed Audrey to focus on creating a portal. "Just focus your energy on creating a portal. You have to concentrate." She urged her. Audrey concentrated intently, but after several attempts, she st
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43~Before she was Missed
The resistance has been working round the clock to come up with a plan to release Isabella but they needed to take care of her health first. Declan was of the opinion that the doctor may be working with Valentine to poison Isabella so they made a stronger healing portion for her. They instructs Fay to give the portion to Sarah and Instruct her to give it to Isabella. Fay took the portion from the group and thanked them. She then left the cave and made her way back to the palace. As she approached the gate, she noticed one of the guards staring at her intently. She felt a twinge of fear, but tried to remain calm and composed. She decided to take a detour and walked towards the palace garden. She needed a moment to herself to think and plan her next move. As she strolled through the garden, she spotted a bench under a large tree and sat down. Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching, and she quickly hid the portion in her pocket. A guard appeared from around the corner and asked w
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44~Manipulate the water
Bradley felt her lips cover his shaft as she moved vigorously. The held her head in place trying to sustain her movement. The sound of moaning and groaning’s filled the room along side the sloppy sound her mouth made. He felt a surge of blood rushing to his erection, he knew he was close so he lifted her up, turned her over so she was on all fours before ramming into her hard. She screamed in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He quickened his pace thrusting deep into her till he got to his peak. Bradley shot his eyes tight as he emptied his load in her. He slumped beside her on the bed gasping. She laid her head on his chest and began caressing his beards but Bradley was quick to stand up. He walked to the bathroom but before going in he turned to her, "Make sure you are out of here before I get out of the bathroom." He ordered. The smile on her face fell. She stood up and gathered her things before leaving his room with a scowl on her face. Bradley walked into the bathroom unbothere
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45~The cook made it
Isabella felt stronger as the day went by. The portion Sarah brought, what ever it is worked wonders. She stopped taking that of the healer because the other portion does the job better. For a split second Isabella decided to imagine what life would have been if Valentine hadn’t stretched his dirty claws into the heart of her family. She was so lost in thoughts that the steady stumping of the guards boots were beginning to fade. She drifted into the vision of her imagination. She saw herself wrapped in the arms of Malcolm as they watch their daughter train. Her giggles filled the air. The sound ever so melodious. “She’s indeed skilled.” Malcolm whispered into her ears. Isabella smiled, she didn’t want to say anything with fear the image e would disappear. Her gaze drifted back to her daughter. “Mother, I did it.” She heard her daughter call on her. She was running towards them. “I finally mastered the phantom.” She announced excitedly almost jumping from foot to foot. “You hav
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46~About my request
It's been 2 years since Sarah joined the palace as an undercover maid. She tried her best to keep to herself and not compromise herself. She knew a lot of maids were intimidated by her attitude but she tried not to pay them any mind. Lately, she noticed this particular maid always stealing glances at her. Now here she was asking her stupid questions. The maid snickered and leaned in, as if sharing a secret. "I heard you've been having an affair with one of the guards down there," she said in a hushed tone. Sarah's eyes widened in shock at the maid's audacity. "That's ridiculous," she sputtered. "You shouldn't spread such rumors." The maid just shrugged and walked away, leaving Sarah feeling flustered and embarrassed. She quickly shook off the encounter and went about her business, determined to focus on her mission to help Isabella and the resistance. ===== Fay sat in front of the mirror combing her hair, admiring how the light reflected off each strand. Suddenly, she saw Valenti
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47~Gesture of goodwill
Fay walked out of the palace gates, taking care to blend in with the crowd. She kept her head down and her hood up, trying to look inconspicuous. Once she was a safe distance away, she quickened her pace and made her way to the gardens. She found a quiet spot under a tree and sat down, pretending to read a book while keeping an eye out for any guards that might be watching her. After a few minutes, she decided it was safe to move on. Fay walked through the garden, taking in the beauty of the flowers as she made her way to the small gate. It was rusty and looked like it had not been used in years, but she knew it was the perfect escape route. She pushed it open and it creaked loudly, making her heart skip a beat. She paused, listening intently for any sign of a guard or anyone who might have heard the sound. When she was convinced that no one was coming, she continued through the gate and down the steep path that led her into the woods. The path was overgrown with weeds and vines, ma
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48~Scent of Lavender
Valentine smiled. "What makes you think I want something else?" He asked "You are being generous." Fay told him. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked but didn't allow her to answer. "You are having my child, I meant it when I said you shall want for nothing." He told her. Fay looked at him suspiciously. She knew he never did anything without an ulterior motive. She asked him why he was doing all of this for her. He just smiled and said he wanted her to be happy. Fay couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She knew she had to be cautious around him. She thanked him for his generosity and finished her breakfast quickly. She excused herself from the table and went back to her room. As Fay lay on her bed, she couldn't help but feel trapped. She had been working tirelessly with the resistance group for months now, trying to bring an end to Valentine's reign of terror. They had made some progress, but it was always one step forward and two steps back. It seemed as though no
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49~The high warlock
The mages watched in surprise as their master whistled happily all morning. They whispered amongst themselves, wondering what could be the reason for his joy. One of them finally summoned the courage to ask him. "Master, forgive us for prying, but we can't help but notice your happiness this morning. May we know the reason?" the mage asked. The master mage looked at them with a smile and replied, "I am happy because I sense in my spirit that a force is coming to challenge the tyrant." The mages looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what their master meant. "What force, master?" one of them asked. "I do not know yet, but I can feel it. The winds of change are blowing, and the tyrant will soon face a challenge like never before," the master mage said with conviction. The mages were still confused but felt a sense of hope in their master's words. They continued with their work, but their minds were now filled with questions about what the future holds. ==== Somehow
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50~Crescent moon pack
May tossed and turned in her bed, unable to shake off the worries that plagued her mind. She was worried sick about Martin's trip to the Crescent moon Pack and couldn't find solace in her thoughts. After some time, she gave up trying to sleep and decided to seek comfort from someone who would understand. Hercules was the first person who came to mind. She quietly made her way to his room, tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered that she needed to talk to him. Hercules, still groggy from sleep, nodded in understanding and led her outside to the hallway to avoid disturbing Audrey. "What's wrong?" Hercules asked, concern etched on his face as he looked at May's troubled expression. "I want to go with Martin to Crescent moon Pack," she said firmly. Hercules looked at her incredulously. "Are you joking? You can't just go running off like that." May shook her head. "I'm serious. I want to go as the beta female." Hercules sighed. "May, I can't allow you to go. It's too dangerous." Ma
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