All Chapters of Hold Me Tight, Alpha : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
89 Chapters
21~Against the mages
Serendipity Hill A man dressed in a long robe walked into the palace of the high warlock. He looked distressed as he approached the throne room. "May you live long, your highness." He yelled and bowed The high warlock looked down in anger to see who dared disrupt his play time. He had three young ladies with him semi-unclad. This has been the situation the Warlock found their selves in. A high warlock who abused the power of the throne and melted injustice to anyone that dares question him. The high warlock sat upon his throne, surrounded by the opulence of the palace. The three women were draped over him, laughing and cooing as they vied for his attention. As he reveled in his power and prestige, the door to the throne room opened. Not many had the audacity to walk into the throne room. "Williams. To what do I owe this rude intrusion." Valentine asked in a sing song voice. The mage bent his knees and bowed down stretching his hands in total submission. "Pardon my intrusio
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22~I don't believe you
The group fell silent, each lost in their thoughts. The task ahead of them was daunting, but they knew they couldn't back down. The fate of the community was in their hands, and they had to do whatever it takes to save it. After a few moments of silence, Samantha spoke up. "We need to gather more information," she said. "We should send someone to spy on the palace and see what the high warlock is up to." Raymond nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea," he said. "We'll need someone who can move around unnoticed and gather information quickly." "I have a plan, why don't we send someone to Valentine women are his weakness." Ross suggested "That's a good suggestion but who do we send and how do we trust this person?" Raymond asked. They all pondered on it until a meek voice interrupted them. "I will go." She said. They turned to see Fay. "Fay, it's not safe besides you don't know what his capable of. If he senses any funny movement." Samantha argues. "Sam, I will be fine. We need
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23~We are friends, Lucinda
Vladimir and Eugenia settled beside a low burning fire, feeling the warmth of its glow. They had been walking for hours and their bodies were tired. As they rested, Vladimir's stomach let out a loud growl, causing Eugenia to laugh. "Seems like someone has a bottomless stomach," she teased. Vladimir chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I can't help it," he said. Eugenia rummaged through her bag and pulled out an apple. "Here," she said, handing it to him. "This should keep you quiet for a while." Vladimir took a bite of the apple savoring its sweetness. "Thank you," he said, feeling grateful for the small gesture. Vladimir took another bite of the apple and smiled mischievously at Eugenia. "You're soft inside, you know that?" he teased. Eugenia rolled her eyes, knowing he was just trying to get a reaction out of her. "Don't get any ideas," she said, trying to hide a smile. "I was just trying to help so your stomach noise won't disrupt my sleep." Vladimir laughed an
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24~How brave of you
Serendipity Hill 21 years ago Before
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25~Left Alone
As the days passed, Valentine became more and more careless about his duties as a ruler. He spent most of his time partying and reveling in his newfound power, ignoring the needs of his people. The once prosperous and peaceful kingdom began to deteriorate under his rule. Valentine's carelessness was evident as he indulged in his lavish lifestyle without regard for the consequences. He spent his days and nights reveling in the attention of the women who fawned over him, living in the moment without a thought for the future. His careless behavior and disregard for the needs of his people had begun to sow the seeds of discontent, and many whispered in hushed tones about the direction their kingdom was headed. Despite the warnings and the growing unrest, Valentine continued to bask in his moment of glory, blind to the potential dangers that lay ahead. On the third day of his reign, one of his spies came to report an incident. The spy reported to Valentine, "My lord, the warlocks are crea
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26~A pang of sympathy
As the hours passed, Isabella's stomach began to grumble, aching for food. But she knew it was unlikely that she would receive anything from her captors. They had made it clear that they had no intention of showing her any mercy. Just as Isabella was beginning to lose hope, she caught the eye of the head maid as she walked past her cell. The maid seemed to understand the silent plea in her eyes, and Isabella felt a spark of hope flicker within her. Later that night, as Isabella lay on her hard, damp mattress, she heard a soft tapping at her cell door. She sat up, her heart racing with anticipation. The door creaked open, and the head maid slipped inside, carrying a small plate of warm soup and crackers. Isabella’s eyes widened with surprise and gratitude as she took the plate from the maid's hands. She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she took her first sip of the warm soup. It was the first proper meal she had had in what felt like weeks. "Thank you," she whispered, h
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27~She stays in the dungeon
Serendipity hill Present day. Valentine led fay into his chambers. She felt her guts failing her but she knew she was doing this for the greater good. She smiled at him even though she wanted to just drive a dagger deep into his chest and take away that drool from his face. He closed the doors behind them and pulled her to him. "It's going to be a very long night." He stated as he ordered her to strip. "Strip!" She shuddered as she pulled the string holding her corsets. "Faster woman." He yelled. She knew if she continued like this she would give him the ultimate power over her. If there was one place fay wanted to have a little say in it was in the bedroom so she stopped and turned to him giving him her bravest look. "First of all, if you want us to have a great time you need to drop the yelling." She retorted. It sounded harsher than she planned it causing Valentine to raise a brow in question. She had to smile to lessen the tension in the room. "What is that supposed to m
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28~Safe and comfortable
Isabella leaned into the wall and clutched her knees to her chest. She watched as a rat came out from a hole in the wall and eyed her stale bread. It nuzzled closer and picked the smaller chunk then ran back to the hole. On any other situation she would have found it funny but she wasn’t the least bit amused. She sighed and turned her gaze to the chains on her hands as the clanked against each other. They had the size reduced when her hands grew too thin and would easily let loose from the previous one. She sat there as her hair matted to her head from sweat and moisture from the tepid temperature of the cell. The locks clicked and doors to the cells rattled before it was thrown open. A guard walked in and opened her chains. He ordered her to follow him. She looked at him in surprise. The only time she ever left her cell was once every two months when she reinforced the Wards. But she just did so a few days ago, or has she lost track of time and two months has gone by quick
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29~Calm and peaceful
Isabella was woken up by the rattling of keys. She stirred and opened her eyes. She eyed the door lazily. It's been three days since she was brought to this room. She sat up on the bed and yawned as the door was thrown open. Sarah walked in with a man on white coat. "Good morning, Isabella." Sarah greeted with a smile. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Good morning Sarah. I slept well and you?" Isabella asked. Sarah shrugged, "I can't complain. This is the healer sent to monitor your health." She responded Isabella turned to the man. He looked to be middle aged with a stubby moustache. "Good morning." She greeted offering him a weak smile. “Good morning to you.” The healer greeted as he dropped his bag on the cupboard. The healer didn't meet up the other day. Hence, his presence here. “You can call me Adolphus.” He said. Isabella nodded as she watched him open the bag. He brought out a long tube with opening on both side and told her to lift up to breathe in. He used it t
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30~Who is she?
He removed a strand of hair from her face and leaned in to give her a kiss, but paused mid way. He sat upright and wondered what was wrong with him. Was he getting weak? He shook he head and walked into his bathroom. Valentine stood under the shower, letting the water flow through his hair and over his body. His thoughts drifted to Fay, the woman lying on his bed, waiting for him. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her, but he knew he had to get a string hold on himself as this was just a mere distraction. She is a good lay and he need not think so much about it. As he continued to shower, his thoughts turned to the weakened wards and the said prisoner. He knew he need to get situation report on what was going on with Isabella. Valentine shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the distracting thoughts. He turned off the shower and reached for a towel, drying himself off quickly before heading back to his chambers to face Fay.Valentine shook his head and walked back
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