All Chapters of Mystery Pregnancy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
203 Chapters
The boss
Goodluck didn't know how to answer her, he realized that he had said too much, yet this was not the time for her to know."You will know everything real soon, just do not go there, and for Sonia's burial, I will go with you, you are already at your prime stage and I cannot leave you alone in the Lion's den.Goodluck was clear with his words, he wasn't mincing words when he said he didn't want her there, she was only allowed to go to the burial, that was the closest she could get to Dave. Not like she missed him, she just felt she was responsible for whatever Dave was going through, if she had been more careful and not get pregnant, maybe she would still be married and no one would be looking at her from a distant like a prostitute."Alright"She replied sadly, knowing she couldn't do anything about his decision, he may never change his mind, not with a look like that, his mind was made up a d she knew it was because of her, it was for her own good, he worries too much for her and that
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pregnant she boss
Goodluck couldn't wait to introduce her to the board as his wife, he wasn't planning to call her his fiance, he wanted them to Accord her all the necessary respect.Elena was shocked at her outburst, she didn't know who this lady was but for her to comfortably insult her indirectly, she must be the she boss herself, she blinked several times not knowing what to reply her, she was speechless, as if that was not enough, Amanda looking at her confused state she added."You may leave now"That was a blow, a blow to the face. Elena looked around and at her boss, the man whom she wished could be more than a boss to her, he had a smirk on his face, one that showed her she was alone, standing against two, she took a final look at the pregnant woman and concluded that this woman must have Bewitched her boss in a way or two."Thank you"She found her voice finally and walked out as fast as she could. She didn't know she was already crying until she felt the strong arms if Samuel grab her on th
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Boss lady
Amanda didn't see that coming and Goodluck could see the shock he wanted to see in her eyes. She looked at him and was close to tears, she loved his surprise but she couldn't take the offer but offcourse she wasn't going to say it infront of these people who looked as shocked as she was. The clapping continued while others used the opportunity to gossip while clapping, she took his waiting outstretched hands and walked to the seat prepared for her. She was a communicator, giving an impromptu speech wasn't really a problem for her, bit she wasn't expecting this at all.When she finally sat down. Goodluck moved to sit close to Elena, he was watching Amanda throughout but she was no longer comfortable as she notice the joy emanating from Elena's face, she was so happy just having Goodluck sit close to her.Amanda tried not to loose focus, she sat elegant on the chair and looked round at everyone."Thank you all. I know this must have come as a shock to you all, even I am shocked to be re
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Can I see my brother
Amanda knew she couldn't convince Goodluck anymore, she wanted to know if she could see her brother and discuss with him, he was being too mature with her living with Goodluck and she was no longer comfortable with it.Goodluck saw that she was serious about it so she planned to grant her request, he was atleast happy they had finished the business part, she was going to manage his business, first he wanted to see what she had planned, he was still the director of the hotel even though he had placed her there infront if the board members and staff as the new CEO, giving her a signed documents which state she had more than 87% of the shares, Anna didn't plan to share with anyone, she plans to get their shares one after the other add it to hers and become the real boss, she didn't want to feel like she was cheating anyone in anyway.Goodluck tried to call his friend to inform him of their coming but he wasn't taking calls, so he messaged him instead hoping he would get it and reply him
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I can have another one
She looked at her brother and she could immediately guess what was going on, they were all quiet and seemed to be ashamed, she wondered why her brother would feel shy infront of her, she was indeed happy that her brother was not gay, she had never seen her brother with any girl before, she wondered all those years how her brother was able to stay sane, and be friends with Goodluck knowing he was a chain woman chaser.Taking a final look at Joy she remembered calling her earlier and she had heard her having sex, she hoped it was with her brother because if she had been with someone else earlier and had come to deceive her brother, she was going to deal with her.Maxwell couldn't find his voice, this was not how he planned to tell his sister about his little affair. He kept calling his affair with Joy little but it was taking him away gradually, he had never felt the way he was feeling at the moment before, he didn't even plan to get intimate with her but she had been so irresistible th
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I don't want him to know
Amanda walked faster than Joy leading the way to the kitchen as if she had been there before, Joy first handed her a glass of apple juice she made herself,they were cold and she immediately took a sip, she demanded for the cake by pointing towards it the moment she sighted the freshly baked chocolate cake."Goodluck takes good care of you, you should cherish someone like that, they are not easy to come by"Amanda looked at her and only nodded because she couldn't talk, her mouth was busy."Please I don't want him to know I ate this much cake"She said pleading to Joy, who only smiled and nodded in agreement."Yes I won't tell him anything but you cannot take anymore, it is not good for the baby""I know but I don't think taking what you want once in a while would kill, besides Goodluck is a wicked man, he doesn't let me take anything, he is too protective, he doesn't even let me do anything, he is spoiling me too much"Every girl wishes to be spoiled by their man you know"Amanda look
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The feeling of love
Amanda couldn't believe she was turning the tables in her, she was asking her tHe same question she had asked earlier, she had always know that Joy was smart but she didn't know she could use words so well. Amanda decided to play the word game with her."Well I think you alone can answer that, I believe there must be a reason you all kept it from me, but what ever be the case, I do not want to see my brother get hurt, he is not a womanizer, I am sure he doesn't have much experiences with women, but he is the best a woman could find, do not break his heart, I can be very dangerous when it comes to things that hurt my family.Maxwell didn't like the fact that Amanda was giving so much information about him, why will she say he was inexperienced, he didn't want his new found love feeling like she was an expert when it comes to understanding matters of the heart. But he was overwhelmed with love when he heard her sound warning, Joy may have missed it, but Amanda was warning her not to h
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Hope you didn't eat much cake my love
I was falling so hard, I didn't realize it in time, when I did realize it I tried to stop myself but it only got worse, I couldn't do anything without thinking about him, I stopped coming to visit him, but he didn't make it any easier, he started calling and calling, he wouldn't let me be, he wouldn't let me rest, he was always calling to know how I was and if I was going to come to his house and all, I finally thought I should let him know so that if it was something that wasn't possible we could just stop it immediately, and that was how we got here.Amanda couldn't believe all she had heard, she suspected her brother had a girlfriend and that was what had changed his ways to better, he was more understanding and more accommodating, she was longi g to meet the mystery girl but she probably didn't want to come to them, she was chasi g something else, she was grateful to Joy for helping her brother, she didn't know all that happened to him, but she was sure Goodluck knew everything,
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making Goodluck Jealous
Goodluck is quite sure, that he would be punished, from the way she was acting, he could only imagine what she has planned out within her. He was not sure as to how Amanda plans to punish him, but he was sure it was the worst way ever, he kept looking over his shoulder as she sat close to her brother.His mood changed, and he acted calmer, than he had been before.Maxwell could sense something going on between the two love birds, but he wasn't so interested in their problem, they always have ways of sorting whatever problem it was, they have never asked for his opinion on matters, and he was sure they wouldn't start now.He noticed Joy staring at him and blushing, he loves to see her blush that way, she was always looking at him, like he was the only person she could see in the room, he wanted to hold her at that instance, but with the two Intruders who wouldn't know when to visit, they just couldn't do anything. He feels happy, feeling her hand, on his thigh, then just when he is a
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finally they are all alone again, and they could continue from where they left off.
When Goodluck was finally able to get Amanda outside the house, with her stubbornness, Maxwell exchanged glances with Joy, who looked as confused as he.That was when their team, finally got a chance to score a goal, and still, Goodluck was untouched by it, he was interested in getting Amanda out of there, that seem to be the only thing that interest him right from time, when he finally got up to race after them, Joy also raced after Maxwell, she could tell that he is worried about her sister, she wouldn't want him to end up fighting his friend, but on a second thought, she knew he wouldn't, they already had such drama once, and wouldn't want to repeat it again.When she heard the story of their past from Maxwell, he wept that day in regret, as he still feels bad, about almost killing his friend, who just let him win, because if he had fought back, there is no way, he would have had the chance to throw even a blow at him, so she not only race after Maxwell, but after her friend, she
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