All Chapters of Mystery Pregnancy: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
203 Chapters
Tracy in my house
Amanda had called Dave immediately she saw her family leave the hospital, she wanted to be sure if her brother and lover were right, they had sounded so sure that Dave didn't need her and the way he responded to her call only proved what they said, she thought about calling them to wait for her at the airport but then again she told herself it wasn't over till it was over.Dave was surprised to hear from Amanda, she was worried about his arm when she called, she wanted to know how he was doing while she hadn't even bothered to ask about her.Her card would have meant alot to him if it was in a different situation but with the present situation he just couldn't find a reason to want to be nice to her or show her love, she was acting all nice because she knows she was the one that had wronged him."Amanda is coming tomorrow morning"He had told Tracy who didn't seem trouble about the news one bit, she had Dave wrapped around her fingers, he was so hungry for her that they haven't done a
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Tracy is the love of my life
Amanda went back to the living room and sat down to munch on her cheese, she was hungry and was not really bothered by what she saw, she had expected to see something that would annoy her especially since Dave didn't sound happy to know she was on her way.She switched on the TV and relaxed to watch some musicals, a love song was playing by Adele, she loved the ariste so much she didn't know when she started singing the song 'hello'She had heard the song many times, it was even her ring tone bit whenever she hears it play it always feels like she was hearing it for the first time, there was so much passion in her voice as she cry out apologising.Dave and Tracy were through and they shamelessly walked in naked, she was really surprised to see how shamelessly Dave was acting but she pretended not to be moved at all, she took one look at them and continued eating what she was eating, she was showing now, one could tell that she was pregnant, but she was strong, she could tell, her firs
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Before Amanda could fully settle in, Goodluck called, she wasn't surprised he was calling, his assistant must have told him what going on and he just wanted to know if she was okay."Hey! She said trying to sound normal."Hey! He replied sensing she was trying to pretend but her voice gave her away so he went straight to asking."Are you okay?"Yes I guess, I am fine, he doesn't want me in his life, you were right, I should have listened to you."Don't blame yourself, you did the right thing."How is my mum?"She is fine, my Dad wants to meet you, he won't let me rest, when will you be able to come here?"I wish I come right away, I don't feel alright staying here""Really? How about the next flight to Abuja, it leaves in three hours, is it enough time for you to get ready?"It's more than enough""Then it's settled, I will send you the details, I will be waiting for you at the terminal""No problems, see you soon"Goodluck was really happy, he was glad Dave didn't try to keep Amanda
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Amanda met GoodLuck's father
They all sat on the dinning table while they were served Rice and chicken, it was as though they read her mind, she was starving, it was when the food arrived that she remembered that she hadn't eaten any other thing than the cheese she had collected from Dave's house, calling it Dave's house in her mind only made her think she was cutting herself off from that family, she had always referred to the house as her house not his house, she wondered what Dave was doing at the moment, maybe he was back from his outing with Tracy and they had started again from where they had stopped, they were really having fun while she was restricting herself from exploring.After the meal, desert was served, she was truely satisfied, she had initially planned not to eat so much because she wanted to make a good first impression, she didn't want Goodluck's father to see her as a glutton but the food was so tasty she forgot about the plan, she ate to her heart content and even asked for more, the desert
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More questions
His answer made her smile, she was happy indeed, that the man Goodluck speaks so highly of, was also inlove with him."I believe you, and he speaks highly of you, he has been through a lot, please just be his father, he has no one, which is why I hate myself for not being there for him, I wish I did what is expected of me back then, maybe things would have turned out differently for me". She said, feeling dejected.Mr Stone wasn't really expecting her to be the one asking questions and dishing orders, but he liked the fact that she was talking, he needed to only read her to know what she truely felt for his son.The atmosphere became Intense as silence eluded them, she thought of changing the topic to lighten up the mood, she was good at making people laugh, but tonight wasn't one of such nights, she wanted to get to know this man."So what have you found out about my mother's condition?"Well there is an already established report that I got from the last doctor who treated her, but
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More on leukemia
"that sounds scary, please don't tell me about it". Amanda exclaimed looking scared, and that was when Goodluck made a moving sound."Why are you laughing? She asked, as she hit him on his laps before she added "You know I don't like scary things like that.She said as she looked away to see Goodluck smiling, he knew what his father was doing, he likes using very gross way to explain things to people to see their reaction, they were getting along well, and now he feels like a pest who wouldn't or couldn't stay away, he shouldn't have come and now it seems his father was about to retire for the night because of his presence, but he was shocked by his next word."Let me give you a little break down of mamas situation" you know Lukemia happens when blood cells mutates the cause is that a segment of DNA makes up genes which are arranged on larger structures called chromosomes. All cells that arise from that initial mutated cell also have the mutated DNA.Lukemia runs in family but it is a
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Are you tired?
Amanda was no longer feeling as tired as she was feeling earlier while talking with Mr Stone, she was happy he had left even though she had really enjoyed his company she was craving for another person's company."Are you tired? He finally asked, even though,That was not the first thing she wanted him to say to her, how could she be tired when he was with her, he was just trying to be nice, that was so him, but she wasn't tired."No I am not, not when you are here" she answered truthfully, he already knows the answer, she didn't need to try and pretend."Did you enjoy your lecture with my Dad? He asked, being really official with her, which she didn't like very much, though she knows he would change soon, because she wants him close to her."Well he is quite something, he does know how to hold a conversation, but you interrupted us and he had to stop" she rolled her eyes, and acted like she was angry it stopped, he was almost confused at the tone of her voice.Goodluck didn't know if
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In the mood
His tongue were moving in and out of her mouth, and he was still just holding her close.She released herself to catch her breath."You drive me crazy, do you know that? He told her, and she smiles, knowing he speaks the truth."My father knew I would have sent him Away, if he had stayed longer with you here, he should know that I wanted to be with you more than his theories".He added again, as he started kissing her neck.Amanda knew she could not hold what she was feeling anymore, she could loose it any moment soon, as they started kissing, she felt all her being change, the shiver in her spine increased, she was shivering, was she catching a cold? She couldn't really tell, though his hands were really cold, but still very comforting, he was the only one that could make her feel that way, she was overwhelmed with what his hands just holding her close could do, she didn't want to imagine what his hands would do if it dares to move around her body to the other parts.His tongue went
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Are you sure about this?
The question came as a shock, how can he put her in that kind of mood, and yet he was asking."What sort of question is that? Hearing her ask, Goodluck almost laughed at it, she sounded like she could spank him for even asking.What was he asking, sure about what?, she had never been more sure about anything in her life, she wanted to think otherwise about it before, but there was no point, her marriage with Dave was obviously over, and even if it hadn't been officially done, she couldn't be mistaken about what she truely feels.She didn't answer him as she was layed down, she just pulled him close to express to him how sure she was.The kissing continued soon enough her shirt was off and it was her Lacy breast cover that was left.Goodluck wanted them off, but he didn't have time to turn her around to open it so he just pulled her breast out and it landed right where he could see it clearly, he needed the complete view, so he had to lift her a little to undo her hook which came off i
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The mood (18+)
Amanda looked around and noticed that the floor wasn't bad to lay on so she went to the floor while he watched, before she sat down on the floor she removed what was left of her clothing, and she became stake naked. He was even more amazed to see how beautiful she looked with her growing stomach, she was his first, he hadn't had sex with a pregnant woman before, and he didn't want to hurt her, but still he couldn't say no to what was infront of him, even if she stopped him now, he was sure he would cry and refuse to be comforted, but with the way Amanda was swinging her legs and licking her lips, he knew nothing could stop her, she was as hungry as he was, and all they needed to do was enjoy themselves.He came and sat beside her, and he turned her side ways to take her from the side, his entrance into her world was a blast, she was dripping wet, he moved slowly constantly asking if he was hurting her or not, he continued moving up and down on her as she mourned all through, he was s
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