All Chapters of Mystery Pregnancy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
203 Chapters
jealous Amanda
Since Amanda and her parents have started staying at the Stone Estate she had only heard of Sandra from Mr Stone but she hadn't seen her, though she wished she would see her someday, she wanted to know what she was like, she is sure she would be beautiful since she is white, the general believe was that white girls were beautiful which is why most blacks also want to be white, many end up destroying their skin in the process.She hates those blacks that would not appreciate their volii, and all in the name of being white, they end up giving their skin, different color shade.Amanda loves her color, she also loves the attention she gets from Goodluck and even Mr Stone, she didn't need to be white, to create an impression, even with the predicament she was in, she was still regarded as a Queen, that holds the heart of Goodluck.Not seeing Sandra, gave her mixed feelings, she wanted to see her, to know what she is like, and to know wether she was anything like what Goodluck might fall fo
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Are you jealous
Sandra could tell that Amanda was crazy jealous, but she is enjoyin making her feel so jealous, and that was why she did what she did.Goodluck noticed everything the both women did, and he must say he loves the attention, especially the one he was getting from Amanda, he had always wanted her to show how much she wanted him, he wanted to be sure that he wasn't the only one that dies with jealousy whenever he comes close to loosing her to another man, or even see another man look at her lustfully, which is why he had planned to finish up that man that was bold enough to get her pregnant and make her go through hell.Sandra wasn't aware that Amanda didn't know the father of her baby, because Goodluck had told her that he was responsible, and they had come to get his father's blessings so they could go ahead with their marriage plans.sandra was aware now that she didn't stand a chance, but she was still happy to see that Amanda was jealous of her, she also didn't know why Goodluck chos
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Tracy's Torment continues
Tracy had her plans set, she was going to meet Steven in few hours, Dragon got it all planned out, from which ever hotel room they choose to use, though it was in his neighborhood, he still got it covered, as she got there she was on black with black shades, her stomach had started showing though she was just about two months.Looking around her environment she knew this wasn't going to be an easy war, she didn't try to call Dragon, but she was aware of someone looking at her, she walked towards Steven who was sitting alone on a couple seat, he was drinking and smoking at the same time, as she got close to him he puffed the smoke towards her and she started to cough."What did you do that for, don't you know I am pregnant?"I am I going to F**k a pregnant woman today, am I not lucky? He sure looks like he has been drinking for a while, Tracy rolled her eyes at him, she almost said out loud that today would be his funeral, but she decided to not push her luck."I see you didn't come he
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Furious Steven
Steven had to fight even harder, he was so angry, even the money he had collected from Tracy had been taken back, he felt played, he wanted to know the group that helped her, he didn't mind if he had to work with only one eye, he was going to get even with her."Who are those guys? He kept screaming, hoping someone would just answer him, but no one was insight."What the hell happened to all my men? Yet another question, but he saw no one in sight to answer him, but just at that moment, he saw his right hand man snake.He rushed at him, after he was sure that the Dragon group were no longer in the area, he quietly carried Steven, placing him gently at the back of his car, he drove him, to a hospital.Steven was immediately attended to, but he won't stop asking questions, he was enranged."The dragon group helped her sir"His man who had helped him to the private hospital said as he dropped a file on his laps, he now had only one eye, he was working with, he didn't feel anything but ra
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The truth
Snake had information for his boss, but he really didn't know how to tell him, he wasn't sure how he would take it, but he was sure he was already aware about most of it so he decided to still talk."The lady is seven months, and is still at Abuja, I don't think she has plans to come back"Steven tried to look at him in an annoying way, but his eye wouldn't even let him, that is no news to him, he needed current news, and here Snake was busy giving him stale news.When they had crashed with their cars hitting each other he had seen it as fate, after all she was carrying his child.He deserves the hit, but there was no way he could let her know who he is, even after she came to check on him.When she came to the hospital and said he looked familiar, he had been really afraid as he was so scared that he would be exposed but he was glad again that the trauma alone hadn't made her remember any important thing.Steven had felt guilty for the first time when she brought him a rose, he had
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Don't worry, she will come
Steven was sure Tracy would blame him for his actions, and may not pay up his balance, he was also ready, he wasn't going to release the pictures if he didn't get his balance, but that was not the case, when she heard of his actions she called immediately and congratulated Him for doing a better job, she even added something to his balance that was when he knew that the girl was a she devil, she couldn't be underestimated, behind her facial make up was a devil who would do anything to get what she wants.Steven thought that he was going to destroy her to redeem himself, he had almost lost his life, he was never going to be able to even see his child, this was the first time his dirty actions were yielding fruit, though he knew confronting Amanda was something he should not repeat, else, she might remember where she had seen him and that may not be so funny.Steven was just one day away from the wedding date of his newly found enemy, he begged the doctor in charge to discharge him yet
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The invite
"But I thought you hate her so much, why do you still want her to come? Josh changed his look already, he didn't like the way things were going.The girl hurt his friend, and even left, she should not come to make him feel worse.Even Dave couldn't really answer that question, he didn't know why he wanted her at the wedding, he probably wanted to see how she was doing, or maybe he wanted to spite her again, but hating her was something he wasn't sure of, he doesn't hate her, he doesn't think he could ever hate her."I don't think I hate her, maybe I am just angry with her, but the feeling is definitely not hate"He thought for a while remembering all the happy moments they shared together and he wished fate didn't turn against them."I think I just want to know how she is fairing, you know I still kinda feel guilty for allowing her go like that, she needed support."I also don't think she was telling lies when she said she doesn't know how she became pregnant" Josh addedDave was shoc
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The wedding
She could swear that Josh hates her so much, she didn't know what had changed. When she had married Dave, he was more than a family friend, he was like a brother to her, he listens to her, and he encouraged anything Amanda had planned as long as it would put a smile to his face.She remembered when she had told him that she was organizing a secret birthday party for Dave, Josh had planned everything the way he was sure Dave would have liked it and when Dave was brought in blindfolds he was surprised and happy at the same time, he was more happy because Amanda had worked with Josh and Sonia to put a smile on his face, after the party, Dave had been overwhelmed that he couldn't take his hands off of her, he made sweet love to her and promised her heaven on Earth, but looking at him now about to exchange the same vows he had made with her years ago, she couldn't explain how they got to that point, but once again it wasn't something she needed to explain to herself or anyone, it was evide
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Dave's wedding to Tracy
Dave had been told that Amanda was around, he didn't want to look back but he was tempted to severally, he had been directed where to look but when he had looked at the place, she wasn't there, she was already gone, he was disappointed as he didn't see her, then he saw reporters in the hall and could tell the master minder of that, he had said he wanted a wedding of only 80persons but from what he could see the number had doubled.After they exchanged their vows and he had kissed her they gave the crowd and Dave was shocked to see more than a hundred person, how did that even happen but then he looked at the woman beside him and knew it was her doing. He lowered his head and whispered while people were still clapping and making merry sounds."Why are there too many people in the hall?Tracy smiled because she was aware of the eyes of people on them but she was so angry when she had been told that Amanda was also in the hall and she had entered the hall with the VIP card that only mean
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The interview
The reporter was so happy, she swallowed hard before opening her mouth she looked around and she was the only one around, she brought her recorder out and started." Mrs Dave, why did you come tonight?" Because I was invited and please I am no longer Mrs Dave, you can call me Amanda, from what we have both witnessed today, Dave who use to be my husband is married and I have come to give him my support""You were never divorced ma, you were married to him legally but separated illegally, that is why I called you by your official name but if you want it changed don't you think you should also do it the right way?Amanda was taken aback, she had thought that this reporter was an amateur but she had proven to be a professional, but why was she acting up earlier?" Well I will take that under advisement, thank you""We're you given any form of compensation?Amanda hadn't even thought of it, but she didn't think she wanted anything from Dave."I am not interested, I can take care of myself
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