All Chapters of The Lycan Prince's Fragile Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
82 Chapters
Chapter 30 - Ghost
..........Evaki ..........I look out the window at the picturesque scenery as we travel down the winding roads of the countryside. We've been driving for almost an hour, and we've now left the city completely behind. I slide down my window, the fresh air invigorating as I marvel at the rolling hills dotted with wildflowers and streams. This reminds me of my village. I enjoy city life, but if I had to choose between city and country living, I would choose the latter. Paris looks at me and smiles, and I return the smile with an even bigger one. "We’re almost there," he says, raising my hand to his lips and leaving a kiss atop it. We drive in comfortable silence for a while before we finally arrive at our destination, and I gape in awe at the opulent mansion in front of us, surrounded by lush greenery and a stable close by."Where are we?" I whisper, my eyes wandering to the stylish patio as we pull into the large driveway, and he says we are home, confusing me. He comes around to my
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Chapter 31 - Unworthy
.........Paris ........."Are you ready?" I ask Eva, and she nods, whispering a yes while the familiar pain stifles my heart as I hear her heartbeat rise with fear. We came back about an hour ago from our new home, and her mood immediately shifted once we got back here. She pretended like it hadn’t, but I could see and feel that it had. I’m trying to lessen the pressure, but it’s not helping. She feels like she’s letting me down by not falling pregnant, and it’s tearing her apart. It’s making her feel unworthy.I let her go and head to the door to let the elders in. They enter and follow me inside after greeting me. She knows what to do since this isn’t her first checkup, so she follows them toward the bathroom. I wish I could be there, but I’m not allowed in, so I head toward the window and look outside. I don't know what I'm looking at, but I'm unable to sit. Eva confessed to me while we were in Arcamia that she went to a fertility clinic with Tory. She expected me to be mad that
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Chapter 32 - Fortune Teller
...............Stefania ...............I hesitate for a second after entering the palace, unsure if I should see Pari’s parents first or my soon-to-be husband and his beloved wife. But it would look better if I started with Eva and Paris, so I proceed inside and toward their room's direction. I instruct the guards to make my people feel at home and only take one guard with me, the one carrying the gifts. I don't need protection from this point on. I’m safe here."My king!" I exclaim, seeing Paris coming down the staircase just as I turn the corner, looking like he's coming from the direction of his father’s office. He stops and turns to me, saying there's no need for such formalities when no one is around, as I curtsy. His face stretches into a smile as he says that, but I can immediately tell that something is wrong. He asks how I'm doing, adding that it's good to see me, and I tell him I’m fine before asking him. He says he's good, and I compliment him, telling him he looks goo
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Chapter 33 - Idea
...............Stefania..............."No, I-I was just wondering," Eva says, and I look away, knowing my face will reveal my intentions if I don’t take a second. I open my mouth after I’ve composed myself but close it again, deciding not to push. I have to be careful. I don’t have all the time in the world, but I will have to find some other way to push; maybe I won’t even have to—maybe the idea has already been planted. After we finish drinking our tea, we chat for a bit, and I tell her I will be going, adding that she also needs to rest since tomorrow might be exhausting. Her expression immediately morphs to one of dread the moment I mention tomorrow. She follows me to my feet, and we share a hug that we linger in for a while before pulling back while I assure her that she’s going to be okay. "Everything will happen at the right time," I add before wishing her luck, and she thanks me as we pull back. She asks if I’m going to be okay tomorrow, and I tell her I have no choice but
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Chapter 34 - Pride of the kingdom
.........Evaki.........I nervously sit in the car, watching the passing countryside as my driver makes his way toward the kingdom. Stefania wanted to send her royal guard to meet me at the airport, but I told her not to. We want this visit to remain between the two of us; it’s the reason she didn’t even want me to tell Tory, from whom I never keep anything. So, I felt a royal guard would work against that. Instead of a royal escort, I took a page from her book and only brought Malachy, my trusted guard. I sigh, looking at my wedding band, and my heart sinks very low, thinking of how I lied to my husband. I left him in the throne room after I was done with the things I had to do. After speaking to Stefania last night, she wanted to postpone her meeting with the fortune teller, thinking I wouldn’t be able to make it today, but I told her I would. Before she mentioned the fortune teller, I had accepted that there was nothing I could do except pray, but after she mentioned it, my brai
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Chapter 35 - Sore Subject
.........Evaki ........."I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but I cannot see into your future," he says, his voice low and serious, and tears immediately pool in my eyes as I ask him to try again. He closes his eyes and opens them again, looking into mine, which are now gleaming with tears again. But he shakes his head, saying it’s blank."You are a seer; you must be doing something wrong. I have to know." I choke on the lump in my throat as my anxiety turns to anger, even though a part of me knows he’s probably telling the truth and really can’t."I’m sorry, Your Majesty. Only time can reveal your future to you," he says, looking at me with compassion in his eyes as I struggle to keep my tears from falling."I want to be alone," I say in hushed tones, and he gets up and bows, saying of course before exiting the room. I don't even wait for him to close the door before bursting into tears. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m still sitting there, crying w
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Chapter 36 - Gut-wrenching
.........Paris........."Welcome, my love," I say, trying to sound calm as I take her coat before pulling her into a quick kiss and then leading her to the table. I had all her favorite dishes made and spared no expense in creating the perfect atmosphere for this moment. But as we sit down to eat, my nerves get the best of me. I fidget with my fork and take a deep breath, trying to summon the courage to speak when the time comes. I want her to enjoy the meal first. She compliments the food, but stops mid-sentence and asks if I’m okay, making me realize I’m showing. I quickly try to fix my face as best as I can and tell her I am. I can see she’s not buying it, but she doesn’t say anything. She reaches across the table and holds my hand for a bit. Ever since having the discussion with my father, I haven’t been okay, and I know, as much as I’ve tried to hide it, that she knows something is wrong. I hated doing that to her, but I didn’t know how I would begin telling her what I’m about
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Chapter 37 - Yours Forever
.........Paris.........I close my eyes and lean against the door after closing it behind Anton. Father sent him to get Eva and me, but I’m not forcing her to go out there while she’s this broken. It’s been three days since I told Eva what I have to do, and she hasn’t gotten out of bed since then. When we came back from the house, she never said anything to me in the car. I didn’t push her because I knew she needed time. We got into bed because it was nighttime when we got here and I had to go into the office the following day. The following morning, I apologized to her again. I told her that I begged the council to give us some more time, but they only said I had a week to tell her and ask Stefania to have me back. After that, I called Tory to come be with her, and she did, but when I returned to check on her, she said she didn’t say anything and was just lying in bed unmoving the whole time except for when she had to use the bathroom. I didn’t want to leave her, but I had a meetin
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Chapter 38 - Home
........Tory ........"Babe, you didn’t eat?" Anton asks, opening my still-covered dish, and I open my mouth to respond to him, but someone barges inside the door, stopping me. I get to my feet, seeing it's Paris, wondering what could have happened, noticing the panic in his eyes."She’s gone. She left me. Eva’s gone," he says, shocking us just as Anton asks what’s wrong, both of us now rushing to him. He hands me a letter, saying it's what she left, and the palace guards said they didn’t see her when he asked them. He says he’s got people looking, and some of them are heading over to our place, but I don’t think she would go there. She knows that’s the first place he would look and would only go there if she wanted him to find her, which I doubt since I know Eva is not the kind of person who does things for attention. Paris asks me if I know where she would go, and I tell him back to Eldrida; it’s the only place I can think of since Eva doesn’t have any family. I tell him I will
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Chapter 39 - Carefree
..........Evaki.........."Paris," I whisper, frozen in place as the person I’m running from walks up to me, eyes gleaming with unshed tears as they look into mine."How could you just throw everything away and leave me so easily?" He asks, his voice cracking with emotion, and my heart races at the heartbreaking sight of his pain. Leaving him was the hardest decision I have ever made, but I couldn’t stay."I didn’t leave you easily, Paris," I say, my voice barely above a whisper as I take a small step forward, still holding his gaze, and he says I did, which makes me shake my head."I thought you loved me.""I do, Paris-""-Then why didn’t you fight for me, for our love, for us? Why didn’t you fight like I have been doing, Eva? I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but I never expected you to just give up. I expected you to fight because you love me," he chokes, his eyes searching mine, like he’s trying to understand what happened to the woman he loved, and I break down and cry."Leavi
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