All Chapters of My brother's suicidal girlfriend is my mate : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
144 Chapters
Chapter 101: Did it hurt?
Ari's pov "Wolfie, do something!" I barked at my wolf."What do you want me to do? Huh, Ari…her wolf, Malia is just as stubborn" Gideon was just as upset as me."Well, I guess it is up to me!"I barely made it a few steps when I ran into something that felt like a log of wood and I lost consciousness temporarily.When I came to, I was tied up and Aniston was waving me goodbye."Bloody fuck! I am going to spank you when I lay my hands on you!" I cursed."Yeah? Well, good luck getting out of the demon's knot, genius!"And just like that she was gone.I stood up very slowly. Any wrong movement and I would suffocate before help reached me.Bloody hell! Who taught the homicidal maniac how to tie the demon's knots with such precision. Only a handful of people in the world could actually tie the demon's knots.I looked for weak points in her knots but found none.I knew what I had to do to create space to free myself and recover my runaway mate before she killed herself, I have to fucking d
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Chapter 102: Journey to the Vale
Aniston's POV "Did it hurt?" I asked.I really wanted to know."Yes. Yes, it did""Perfect. My only regret is not watching you do it. How long do you think your chains can hold me?" I asked him.He rubbed his face."Long enough for me to go to southern Vale to rescue Maya, so you don't have to"Wait what?!"No! You can't. You will get in trouble with the Alpha. It could mean war" I was agitated in a second."What other options do I have? If I don't, you would. Better me than you, Aniston" he said and opened the wardrobe to take a backpack."No! I won't let you!" I yelled at him.Ari stopped and looked at me.""I have to go" he said abruptly to me."No, Ari…come back here. It's my fight not yours!"He was halfway to the door when he stopped and he turned around. He walked in long strides towards me.My heart kept beating faster and faster as he moved towards me. I knew what he was going to do yet I did nothing to stop him.His arms went around me as he pulled me to himself. I felt the
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Chapter 103: Where is Raven?
Ari's pov I took the dagger I dropped on the ground earlier and before Raven could announce her presence, a dagger was pointed at her throat. "You shouldn't creep up on me, Raven. Not when I am armed" I spoke with a calm voice but she simply ogled me. "Your chest is smooth and sculpted. It is evenly toned like the rest of your body…hot" she commented like I was an object. I made no immediate move to clothes myself, I simply stared at the girl that intruded with a firm look. She stared at me. When I saw that she was in no hurry to cower like every proper unmarried girl was supposed to react when seeing a half naked man, I picked up the shirt and pulled it over my head to dress up. "What do you want, Raven?" "I need help undressing. There are so many hooks than I am used to" I watched as she came closer to help me with my cuffs. I knew she was flirting with me but I didn't stop her from helping with my cufflinks. I just watched her curiously. "Thanks" I whispered when she was d
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Chapter 104: Beckley Scum
Lee's POV My father was standing up now and he was looking at me Alpha Ryan had never seen me this way before, so frightened and unsteady."Liam?" Uncle Ryan called out."I can't find her anywhere…I…I..I can't feel her too. Where the hell is she?" I asked.Like Dad, Ryan didn't need a soothsayer to know who I was talking about."Are you sure she is not at one of her friends' houses?" Alpha Ryan asked, trying not to jump into conclusion.I rubbed my face with my left hand. "She's not in Bayblue anymore. She's been captured by the midnight pack. Ari and Storm are trying to invade midnight and get her back. We need help!"Alpha Ryan grabbed his jacket and he was across the room where I was standing. In a second, he grabbed my shoulder and he rubbed it before stepping aside to give way to my father."We will find them" Ryan said reassuringly to his friend."Your uncle is right. Raven is fine. I will find her and I will bring her back home. In the meantime, go to the packhouse and stay t
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Chapter 105: Venom
Raven's POV I stirred and opened my eyes; the rays of sunlight went directly to my eyes from what I thought was an open window. If only I had magical power to command the curtain to close without moving a muscle. I turned to the other side, away from the rays of sunlight and closed my eyes again.It had rained the night before, with thunderstorms and lightning. Half of the children in the world must have been frightened, I used to be frightened too but not last night. Last night, I felt safe. For some reason, probably my imagination, for a few minutes last night, someone with strong arms and body was holding me like I was a frightened little kitty cat.My mind went back and forth on different things until it settled on yesterday and I promptly opened my eyes and looked around my room but I wasn't in my room.I was in a strange looking place, maybe a tent except it was made with sticks and leaves like some sort of an olden day's version of a camping tent.I hurriedly picked up the gr
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Chapter 106: A still night
Aniston's POVGetting out of the cuffs took the help of three maids and Cephas but I was suddenly free.I rubbed my hand and entered my room to shower, so I could go after the son of a bitch who tied me up. I slipped out through the garden and I made it as far as to the creek before I stopped and I sat there with my feet dipped in the shallow water.It was stupid.I hated bodies of water because they reminded me of a time when I had nothing to live for.I sat there for a while just listening to the birds sing in the trees and the sound of the clashing water.It was soothing and relaxing.I laid on my back and for a while, I wasn't the screw up. For a minute, I wasn't the girl that lost her mother at a young age. I wasn't the girl who her family can't stand.For a second, I wasn't worried about the Storm or Lee or AriI was just Aniston, a nobody and I was free.But sometimes, freedom always comes at a heavy price, for me it was a snap of a twig. I opened my eyes and turned around.At
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Chapter 107: My person
Aniston's POV "He is coming. He's doing his best to get here…" my voice trailed off."I am sorry" he whispered."You have nothing to be sorry about. I am sure you did your best, child" Luna soothed him "Now, you just have to hold on, sweetheart…hold on please" "Mom?"He looked surprised that Luna was there."I am here, sweetheart. Mama is here" Luna was in tears."I don't… want to… hate you anymore, mom. exhausted"Luna sobbed harder."Please, stay alive. You can hate me for as long as you want. Just stay alive"Luna rubbed his forehead like he was an ailing baby. "I am so sorry…I am so sorry. Hold on, baby""Mom" he whispered again before turning to look at me. "They put wolfbane in their arrows. I don't have much time, do I?" He asked me."You are fine. You just need rest" I insisted."Did I tell you that I was glad to have met you, Aniston?"I closed my eyes briefly to stop the tears.Storm's breathing was becoming shallower by the second."I failed him. I failed you, I...
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Chapter 108: Someone to die for
Lee's POV I felt someone's hand on my mouth and my mind went blank. Maybe we weren't safe in the mansion after all and whoever hurt my sister finally caught up with us.I did the first thing my father taught me when I was a child learning martial arts, I tried not to panic. I felt the coldness of the iron weapon the bad guy had before I felt it go to my left eye. If this creep thought I was going down without a fight, then he had another thing coming to him because the only way he was going to kill my sister was through me and I loved breathing, a lot.The first mistake the perpetrator made was not restraining me but I couldn't fault him since he didn't know me anyway and he was probably a fool to come after Raven in Bayblue.I pushed him hard on his abdomen but the man's grip didn't loosen and I was very close to losing consciousness and I really didn't want to think about the metallic weapon the bad guy was trying to insert into my eyeballs. I punched him again but this time low
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Chapter 109: Midnight
Chapter 109: Midnight Ari's pov Gideon tried to keep his eyes open, but the weight of his droopy eyelid and the damp eyelash weighed down on him. And so he had to close his eyes at intervals.It's been a very long few days and he was at his limit.(Help me)He whispered softly to me but he got no reply. I have since given up on living and every minute that went by, Gideon could feel my consciousness slip and like slime, the more he tried to hold on to his human, the more slippery it became.(Come on! Help me. Keep your eyes open!)He purred at me, trying to get me to do something. But just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that, Gideon got just a murmur and some gibberish he couldn't make out and then his human aka me was off again into the Cuckoo's world.I am just a day away from going mad from the poison hooked into my hand and when I eventually do, Gideon would turn into a blood thirsty beast and not the cage he was in could hold him back from his murder
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Chapter 110: A dangerous rescue
Aniston's POV Soon, we rejoined our friends and we made our way out of the Midnight pack land. It was going to be a long trip. We parked our van just outside the enemy territory. If we can reach there without being surrounded then we would be safe.I was grateful when we succeeded.We all sat inside the van in silence.I did my best to keep the Alphason comfortable on the bumpy road and with the silver chain gone, Ari was slowly beginning to heal.He drifted in and out of consciousness numerous times. "You are alright now, sweetheart. Just sleep" I always end up telling him even though Lee, Raven and Dev looked at me like I was a lunatic who was secretly in love with a man who didn't know I existed.And I wasn't going to break Ari's trust as much as I wanted to tell everyone that he loves me…he risked his life for me and I am his mate.I was content being the crazy love struck girl cradling a grown ass man like he was a scardy little baby in need of some good loving.But I didn't ca
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