All Chapters of My brother's suicidal girlfriend is my mate : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
144 Chapters
Chapter 111: Little Storm
Storm's POV I could barely see anything, including my feet. The smoke had already engorged the whole room. I could see the fire on the roof and part of the walls. I had a bad feeling that the roof would give way and crush me to death, if I don't get out on time.The smoke made my eyes itch and then the coughing started. I have never felt so hot like this before. It was like I was being roasted on a hot oven. I took a deep breath but that was a mistake. My lungs burned as I fought for oxygen. "Little boy! Little boy! Little boy!"I called out several times but I couldn't make any distinctive sound of a human being in the room. I almost gave up and decided to turn back. But a crazy thought entered into my mind and head. What if I abandon my mission and the little boy's body was found burned to a crisp the next day, Will I be able to live with the guilt? Probably not! I heard the sound before it happened. One second the roof was still intact and the next, half of it came crashing d
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Chapter 112: Time bubble
Aniston's POV I watched as he regained consciousness. I knew it in the way he watched me. I wrapped my arms around him and I vowed not to let him go again."Hey. You shouldn't have risked your life for me"His short black hair that was usually neatly combed to the back and was everywhere and sticky with wet dirt.He seemed to have shrunk in height or was it the way I gathered him into my arms like he was an infant?"Why not?" I whispered into his ears.I remembered how I first described him the first time I saw him.I thought what a beautiful devil he was with his sculpture-like chiseled jawline and distinctive straight nose. It made me smile, I touched his jaw, he was still the most beautiful man I have ever seen even in his disarray.Ari looked at me. Taking every effort to hold my gaze."I would rather put a blade through my own chest than see you hurt trying to save me"I focused on him.I stared at his high cheekbones that looked man made and too perfect, his lips delicious and
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Chapter 113: I know
Aniston's POV.I stared at the door for a few more seconds before I sniffed back and opened it.That was enough cowering for a lifetime and it was time to rejoin the real world and get medical attention to Ari.It was time to burst the bubble and find out if my best friend made it or not. I stepped down from the van and I offered my hand to Ari.He was reluctant."Do we have to?" He asked and clutched his abdomen like he was in pain, which he was."I need to be with Stormi. Good or bad, I need to be with him" I sniffed back tears and I tried to be brave.Bravery eluded me since it felt like my insides were on fire and I was slowly roasting alive, and so, I did what I do best and I faked it…for Storm's sake and for Ari's sake, I had to."There is no need to cower here. We are Alpha wolves, we face things head on" I said in a stone cold voice.Ari pushed himself out of the van but he stayed seated."Don't do that" he whispered.He closed his eyes briefly and he waited for the pain to pa
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Chapter 114: Leave
Ari's POV Luna tossed on the bed like she was being prodded like a cattle. She was sweating profusely but she was also cold too. I did my best to wipe each bead of sweat as it came, anything to keep it from soaking her body.Her breathing was steady and normal now but that was about the only thing that was working in Luna's favor. Apart from sweating, Mom had chills and general weakness. She was easily irritated even in her unconscious state.Dr Alyssa warned me about the headaches and muscle aches she might experience due to sucking the venom out of Storm's blood and that it might lead to a bad temper on her side.I tried feeding her the mashed potato Cephas sent to her room but my mother would not have any of it. If her inability to take any food continues, Doctor Alyssa would have no other option than to insert a feeding tube through her nose and it was a sight I would rather not see.I was able to deal with her dehydration by constantly pouring water down her throat with my other
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Chapter 115: He almost died
Storm's POV I kept my back to the wall and I did my best to make myself extra small. I took a deep breath and I took another step and another step until I was almost out of the danger zone. I was so close to the gate when I heard a voice behind me. "Why are you walking like a thief?" I exhaled when I realized the voice belonged to my brother but Ari was being exceptionally loud. I turned around and I placed my hand over his mouth to quiet him out before the person I was trying to evade found me. I pushed him against the wall and I looked around to be sure we were still alone before I spoke in whisper. "Hush" (Take your filthy hand away from my mouth, it smells like cheese burger) He told me through his mind link and I quickly obliged. "Sorry" I murmured and looked around. "Who are you hiding from?" Ari asked me and adjusted his clothes. "... because if it's Alpha Ryan then I am hiding from him too" "Not Ryan, I am trying to get away from Aniston. She won't give me any bre
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Chapter 116: Break up ville
Aniston's POV I found Ari outside by the pool, he wasn't bleeding like I expected. Instead he was sitting down with his legs crossed sipping a glass of Brandy."Oh, there you are. Are you alright?"He dropped the glass when he saw me and stood up.I hugged him before I realized we were in public and that was just a recipe for gossip."Sorry, I shouldn't have done that" I apologized immediately."That's okay. They will find out about us sooner than later""Is there a place we can go to? Somewhere private" I asked him.I wanted to fuss over him without an audience."I have been meaning to check out the orange Plantation. Do you want to come along?" He asked me and offered me his hand.I have been to the plantation before with Stormi and it was exactly what I needed."I thought you would never ask"We took a walk down the orange plantation. It was a new therapeutic project that was started four years ago which at first glance looked like a total waste of funds but on a second glance tur
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Chapter 117: Evil Luna
Luna's POV I dragged the big basket filled with clothes with me. It was a tad heavier than I had expected but it saved me another trip to the backyard where I hung my clothes. I missed the washing machines back in the main mansion which is not the case for this guest house at the other end of the mansion that I have been staying since Ryan mandated I vacate our bedroom and stay the hell out of his way but I couldn't go home and risk running into Ryan.Here, I have to wash my clothes by hand or give them to the hired help or order an omega to do it but one of the disadvantages of being dubbed the evil Luna is that you hesitate before barking orders.I wonder when people will realize I am just misunderstood.But I made a mental note to put in a request for a washing machine or ask Ari to provide it out of pocketThese past few days have been the best because for the first time since Storm turned eighteen, my own child didn't look at me like he wanted to press a pillow against my face
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Chapter 118: I'm done
Ari's POV My hunched figure could be seen from a distance. The wooden beach chair I was lying on looked out of place, it was probably because it was meant for a luxurious beach and not a small pool at the back of the mansion.I rubbed my temple with my finger in a futile attempt to alleviate the persistent throbbing pain there. Slowly, my hands moved from my temple down my neck, for a moment it felt like the lower my hand went, the persistent the pain was. It felt like the throbbing pain was actually following the direction of my hands.Suddenly, the comfortable wooden chair felt like it was lined with corrosiveness and I had to stand up. Pacing felt okay until I became incessantly dizzy and had to sit back down.I shut my eyes for a minute or two, it was my attempt to practice the relaxing technique my long time girlfriend, Tania taught me and even that didn't last just like my relationship with Tania didn't go beyond three weeks too.I briefly thought of Storm. My little brother wh
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Chapter 119: Me or them
Aniston's POVI sat in the pack house public cafeteria and I focused on the plate in front of me and the book in my hand.I heard whispers and people stared at me.At first, I chose to ignore them but then mocking laughs and giggles from girls around me became hard to ignore.I was still eating my food when a little red haired girl walked up to me with three others. "Hi, I am Jenner. And this is for you"With her was a plate of fries that was arranged into one word - Slut.I was puzzled but as the queen bee of dryer red (before I fell from glory) I knew exactly how to deal with bullies."Hello, Jenner. Thanks for the fries" I had a big smile.I decided at the last minute that I had no strength left in me to do anything other than to step away from a potential energy draining situation that could blow up in my face.I was already on thin ice with Alpha Ryan."Oh shut up…we all know your kind. You pretend to be goody two shoes but you're just a whore in the making" Jenner whispered to
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Chapter 120: Second thoughts
Aniston's POV I felt my breath shudder as he walked right out the door. I looked away and closed my eyes as it felt like someone was using a dagger to shred what I knew were the last pieces of my heart.Maybe I was taking it so hard because for once I was really hoping Ari would be someone other than the person who wants to keep me his dirty secret.I thought captivity changed him.I was hoping he would choose to protect me but instead he left. I guess he didn't love me enough to risk his reputation.If he did, he wouldn't have left me sitting on a dirty floor and in tears. He would have fought for me and made sure I was alright. The man I love would have done that and more. But atlas, he was nowhere to be found.I tried to protect my face as the food throwing started again, harder than before and as much as I wanted to stand up and walk out of the cafeteria, my legs refused to move.But I am Vanessa Aniston Stillblood, I am bloody royalty! I wasn't going to cower because my legs s
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