All Chapters of My brother's suicidal girlfriend is my mate : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Chapter 131: Drop Dead girl
Markle's POV I turned to walk away and I froze. Aniston stood not far from us with a blank face."Aniston?" I was surprised to see her and so was Alpha Alaric"Mark, please ask papa if it was an easy decision…killing me was it easy?"I felt my heart squeeze. How much of what he said did she hear?"Come on, Ani... let's go home. There is no point trying to understand how a father could do that to his child" I tried to take her hand and lead her away but she took a step back. "If you won't ask him, I will" she moved closer to our father."Was it easy, Papa?"Alaric reached out and touched her. He didn't answer her question but his silence was an answer.She nodded."I guess you and me both, Dad. You and me both"She turned and she fled. I was right behind her. I walked behind my sister. What was I supposed to say to make her feel better? She worshiped the ground our father walked on. I must have opened my mouth a million times but no words came out."Ani" I called out her name soft
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Chapter 132: Six ways to Sunday
Aniston's POV Petra, the omega who served as Anisa's servant plus playmate entered the room and she simply stared.What was it with girls and staring?!After a few seconds of not saying anything, she lowered her head in my presence, I guess she remembered I was the Alpha's daughter after all, no matter how dead Alaric wanted me to be."Miss" she murmured "Petra, any report about my sister I should know about?" I asked her.I was barely containing the anger that was coursing through my body. I couldn't believe that Anisa could say something so vile to me. She wanted me dead and she didn't hide the fact.My twin sister wanted me dead."You are not saying anything, Petra""It's…it's not my story to tell. You should talk to Anisa" "Well, it doesn't look like she wants to talk to me since she just stormed out of here. So, fill me in and that's an order"Petra stood upright like she was suddenly back to her senses and she stared at me with these cold eyes that told me she was just as mad
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Chapter 133: Welcome to Africa
Ari's POV The flight from Astoria to Muritala Muhammad international airport in Lagos was surprisingly smooth.When We got off the plane, the guide I hired through the internet was there with a placard with my name.The man was average with a pot belly and cheerful demeanor. He smiled brightly showcasing what appeared to be white set of teeth and perfect dentition. He looked at the picture he was holding several times before looking up at my face. When he was satisfied that both the picture and the man were the same person, he waved vigorously at me.When we came close enough he took Dev's bags from her."Welcome sir, how was the journey sir? My name is Musa sir and I will be your guide" Musa chatted heartily without allowing me or anyone to respond.When I was able to get a word in, I told him."I think there was a mix up. We are not going to the place yet""You mean the orphanage, sir?" he asked with a raised eyebrow."Yeah, that. I am going to a hotel to have a good night sleep b
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Chapter 134: Chioma
Dev's POV "Hello, Amy" Caleb smiled."You just kissed me in public!" I said wide eyed and hugged him.The last time I saw Cal was at a nightclub, days ago.. It was one of the most embarrassing yet exciting moments of my life. Cal had asked to buy a drink for me but I offered to dance with him and five minutes later, I was kissing a total stranger and telling him my deepest secret."I want to ask you how you've been but that sounds silly" he was smiling brightly too.He looked the same. The easygoing confidence that radiated from him, the playful mischief in his eyes and the way he fitted right in his environment. It was like his superpower - that ability to feel right at home anywhere he might be. I wished it was that easy for me. "You have to tell me what you are doing in Nigeria. Oh Caleb, you don't know how wonderful it is to see a familiar face in a foreign country" I was almost sounding like a child with a new toy."How about we catch up? If today is not convenient, you can pi
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Chapter 135: Doey eyed girl
Aniston's POV It's been four days since I returned to dryer-red, four days since I left with saying goodbye to Stormi…Four days since I chose to leave Ari ... .four days since I realized I killed Anisa's baby.Four days of hell.I went back to living life like nothing happened. I just took my things from our bedroom where I have been exiled and I left the castle. I made the little cabin by the river my new home. Anisa hardly goes there anymore. She hardly reads books either.I am beginning to realize that Anisa is hardly Anisa anymore.Anyway, I went back to living my life like my world didn't really go to hell. I was cheerful and unusually chatty with everyone like the man I love didn't just turn away from me and everything wasn't as bleak as it looked.(His stuffs are gone, Miss)One of the domestic help, a friend of mine, sent a text message to me about Ari's disappearance.(Since when?) I asked her.(It's been a few days, Miss. He went to Africa, I'm told)(Oh. Good…good. Thanks
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Chapter 137: hiccup
ChapterAri's POV "Yes, that's one reason and second, is I don't want anything complicated right now. Nothing about starting up a relationship with Chioma screams simple. So, just drop it" I told him firmly. "And Lee, don't talk about Aniston like that ever again"Lee was quiet for a few seconds before he said something."Let's see how long you can go without sex, Ari""You make it sound like I am an addict" I turned to look at him."Just saying….the only thing the two of us have in common is the fact that we aren't saints. We all including Caleb love a good bang, maybe you more than all of us""I love sex! I ain't ashamed to acknowledge that but I am not a dog and I have self control. And I refuse to treat women like a sex object. Worry about yourself, Lee"I said and walked away but not before I heard him mutter "you are so full of it"I almost made it to my room which was opposite Chioma's when I saw a boy knocking on her door.He was skinny, average and had a dark chocolate skin
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Chapter 137: Naked
ChapterAri's POV Chioma didn't give it much thought; she just went around the table and hugged Veronica. "It won't be enough for the whole project but it is a good start. You can stop hugging me now, I haven't told you but…there is only a tiny hiccup, we need an engineer""Oh that's okay, Ari is one and a damn good one too. I am sure he is happy to help" Lee said and I turned sharply to glare at him in shock.Why on earth would he volunteer me for a project that huge when we leave in three weeks for home?"Will you?" Chioma asked me with a puppy dog look I couldn't turn down."Sure. Excuse us, come on guys" I ushered my friends out the door specifically to get my hands on Lee and murder him.When we were out of a hearing distance from Veronica's office, Lee took off on a run.I looked at Dev and I didn't have to ask too. She seemed pissed off."I will get him and I am going to fucking kill him!" She ran after him leaving just Caleb and I to stand in the middle of the hallway stari
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Chapter 138: Anger
Chapter "Wow…you are really…really bad at threats, Aniston. Laxatives? Laxative was the best threat you could come up with. Even the way you are standing doesn't encourage fear and your face looked like you are about to offer me chocolate"I was taken aback and I couldn't speak. Anton removed his hand from his pocket."I am going to do something I rarely do. I am going to teach you how to effectively threaten someone and get them to take you seriously. Now stand upright, it will make you taller, narrow your eyes…please stop smiling…move closer to your intended recipient, pout and make sure to voice out each word with precision and bone chilling coldness, none of your sweet soprano voice, for Christ sake you are threatening someone not trying to get them to fall in love with you. Now, give it a try" Anton instructed me.I relaxed. I was always in the mood to learn something new.I stood upright earning another inch; I narrowed my eyes and pouted. When I opened my mouth, every word was
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Chapter 139: Weak
Aniston's POV "No, I am not""Yes, you are. It was idiotic of me to trust someone like Anton, I know but I was going crazy with boredom and…" I was interrupted by Markle "Do you know what is worse than boredom? Death, sis. You went with a strange man to God knows where, outside the scope of my protection and he could have hurt you…really hurt. Did you even think it through….""I am not a child, Mark. I can fucking take care of myself and stop treating me like some porcelain doll that will break at the sign of trouble! I am not breakable! Or I would have shattered a long time ago…so, just stop! Just…cut me some slack" i voiced my opinion strongly before continuing on my journey to my room, he tried to follow me but I stopped him"I know you suddenly want to be a good big brother but Just give me some space…I am serious, Mark, don't follow me!"I walked away and banged the door as loudly as I could when I got to my cabin.I went into my makeshift closet to change into something less
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Chapter 140: Hidden under the sun
Ari's POV I must have stood there for a very long time, just staring at nothing. Images of a naked man in Aniston’s room stayed with me for as long as i stood there. I mean nothing made sense anymore; nothing seemed real anymore too…everything has gone to shit. “Ari?” Everything seemed so far away like I was floating and nothing was keeping me tethered to earth anymore. Something didn’t feel right. I could feel it from the depth of my soul…I could feel it. I just can’t explain it. “Ari? Hey, are you alright?” Dev’s voice brought back to reality, I turned around and looked at her. She had a smile on her face. “Making this trip is the best thing to have happened to…” “I have to go” I murmured, more to myself than for her benefit. “What? Go where?” she looked puzzled. “I just saw a naked man in Ani’s room” I said and looked at her with this deep frown that came from my soul. “I am so sorry” She said. It sounded like she meant it. “It is a good thing we are here…away from all t
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