All Chapters of Gosh! My Silly Husband Is a Rich Boss: Chapter 1051 - Chapter 1060
1143 Chapters
Chapter 1051
Malcolm shook his head. "He might have jumped in from outside.""Then find property management and security. Find the cat!""They did. They didn't find the black cat's final whereabouts on the camera. It's probably a stray cat that snuck in from outside.""No master! Without a master, I can't ask them for compensation! What bad luck!"Sonnet hurriedly comforted her. "Don't be angry, Second Aunt. It's not worth it to be angry."Monica thought of something and glanced at her son and husband. She leaned close to Sonnet and asked, "Have you told Maxwell what I told you yesterday?""Maxwell had something on at the company yesterday and was back late. He left early in the morning, so I didn't have the time to tell him. He's busy these few days. Let's wait for two days. It won't make a difference. We have to discuss this matter properly," Sonnet said perfunctorily.Under the gaze of these people, if she said that Maxwell didn't want to pursue Matteo Brooks, she would probably be killed
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Chapter 1052
Jaybie looked up at Sonnet with sparkling eyes. "Mommy doesn't know? The genes of twins are inherited. That's why Mommy gave birth to me and my sister together! Although Dad doesn't have a twin, he has the genes of twins!"Only when he said that did Sonnet realize what he meant.Thinking about it, it made sense. When she gave birth to the twins, she felt very lucky. It turned out that it was just luck. There was a reason."Mom, who's my grandma?" Jaybie asked again.Sonnet shook her head. "I don't know either."Jaybie widened his eyes and looked at her. "Daddy doesn't know either?""That's right. Dad didn't even know that your grandmother had a twin sister." Sonnet told Jaybie the truth.Although Jaybie was young, he was someone who could discuss things. He often made discoveries that adults did not notice."How could this be?" Jaybie stroked his chin and looked like he was in deep thought.Sonnet couldn't help but laugh when she saw his actions. He was becoming more and more
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Chapter 1053
After tearing it open, Sonnet realized that the cover was indeed two layers. With another layer sandwiched in between!Jaybie placed the gap between the layers in front of him and peeked inside with one eye. "There's a small card!"He held up the photo album and slapped it hard. After a while, a black metal piece fell out from the cover. There was also a piece of paper that came out with it. Half of it was still inside the cover.Sonnet picked up the metal piece and saw that it was thin and long. The front looked a little like a key."Eh? What's this?" Jaybie opened the paper and looked at it.Sonnet looked at the paper in his hand and saw that there was a string of English words and numbers written on it."I don't know what it is, either," she said, after a moment’s thought. She had no clue."Daddy will definitely know what it is. We'll wait for him to come back." Jaybie folded the paper according to the original creases, then took the metal piece and put the two together in th
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Chapter 1054
"Why?""Because she thinks there's a secret in the Old Pine Manor.""What secret?""When Grandpa passed away, he specified to leave the Old Pine Manor to me, so she felt that Grandpa must have left something good for me in the house. At that time, I was pretending to be stupid. She was certain that a fool like me would definitely not find that thing in the Old Pine Manor, so she wanted to buy the house and slowly search for it, but she couldn't find it either.""Then what's in this offshore bank?" Sonnet was extremely curious.Maxwell smiled. "If I'm not wrong, it should be the 10% share certificate of Brooks Corporation.""Shares?""That's right. The Brooks Corporation was founded by my grandfather. He held 70% of the shares, and the remaining 30% was split by the other three old ministers who worked with him. When my grandfather passed away, he made a will and gave his three sons and me 15% of the shares each."Because I'm stupid, Grandpa was afraid that I would be bullied, s
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Chapter 1055
Mrs. Wilson replied with a smile, "I'm from the same hometown as Mrs. Cain of the Pine family. We've been in contact occasionally. She especially called me today and told me that Mrs. Pine has started to look at the wedding gowns. It's probably settled.""Lindy, why didn't you tell us about such a huge matter?" Sonnet asked loudly.Lindy rubbed her hair. "I came here today to tell you and my mother about this!"Sophia was excited. "What do you mean? The parents should meet each other first, right?""Yes, Auntie," Marcus answered on Lindy’s behalf. "You need to meet, but don't worry. Lindy and I will arrange it. When the time comes, you and Uncle just need to meet. You don't have to worry about anything else."Sophia touched her face and clothes. "Sigh, I'm really nervous to see my future in-laws!""I'm here!" Myles held her hand and said.Sophia looked like she was comforted.The others at the table felt like they had been fed dog food."Sophia, don't worry. Mrs. Pine and Old
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Chapter 1056
Jaybie replied, "The woman in the photo looks a little like Grandma. It's probably because I've seen her before that I feel like I've seen Grandma somewhere before.""The woman in the photo…" Sonnet was stunned for a moment before reacting. She immediately became excited. "You mean Yves Yates?""I don't know her name, but we met in the restaurant that time!"Sonnet nodded repeatedly as if something in her heart had suddenly lit up.No wonder she felt that her mother-in-law looked familiar. It turned out that Yves looked a little like her!She didn't think so before, but after hearing what Jaybie said and looking at Yves’ photo, she felt that she did look a little like her mother-in-law!She thought of something and looked at Maxwell excitedly. "When we went to Eternal Jewelry's new product launch, didn't you also say that you saw Yves for the first time? She looks a little like your mother!"Maxwell nodded heavily. "Indeed, but if you look closely, your facial features don't loo
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Chapter 1057
She had seen Yves up close and felt that her face was very natural. There were no traces of medical beauty at all."A top-notch medical hospital can do it very naturally and scientifically. Of course, it will also be very expensive," Lindy replied."A top-notch hospital…" Maxwell murmured softly.After Lindy and Marcus left, Maxwell Brooks went into the study to make a call. "I asked you to investigate Yves Yates previously. How's the investigation going?""We haven't found anything yet," Carter answered. "Either there's nothing wrong with her, or her background is too good. I'll send her specific background information to your email. Take a look.""Check the top medical and beauty hospitals and see if there are any plastic surgery records of her," Maxwell said.Carter acknowledged.After a few days, Carter replied, "I didn't find any records of her in the medical and beauty hospitals in the country.""Can't you find anything in China or overseas?""CEO Brooks, this… There are
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Chapter 1058
For some reason, he felt that there was something wrong with Yves, but he could not say why!Maxwell leaned back in his chair tiredly and rubbed his temples.Zachary hadn't been around in the past few days. He had a lot of work to do and was already tired. Now that it involved his mother's matter, he was even more tired.He closed his eyes and began to recall bits and pieces of his past with his mother. Although many years were almost empty, the remaining memories of his childhood were still very warm.In a daze, he heard his mother's voice beside his ear. He looked up in surprise and saw his mother sitting beside him.Her smile was so bright, and her gaze was so gentle. She reached out and rubbed his head. "My Maxwell is so smart!"Maxwell’s heart skipped a beat. He lowered his head and looked at his hand. His hand had become the size of a child. He touched his face again. It had also become smaller and soft. Had he become a child?As she was thinking, she saw her mother, Ruth
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Chapter 1059
There were a lot of updates on his WeChat Moments. He casually scrolled through them and suddenly saw a photo taken by a rich second-generation heir.He was hugging a beautiful woman and taking a selfie. The backdrop should be at the wine table.Originally, it was nothing much. Lucas took a casual glance and was about to look at something else when his gaze unintentionally landed on something. He suddenly paused.There were a few people in the background of the photo. It was a little blurry. If one did not look carefully, they would not be able to see who it was. However, he was very familiar with one of the figures, so he recognized it immediately.It was Yves. She was whispering to a young man. Their faces were especially close, and the way they were whispering looked very intimate.Lucas was a little unhappy. He called Yves, but she did not pick up.It was as if grass had grown in his heart. His mind was in a mess, and the sleepiness that he felt instantly dissipated.He took
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Chapter 1060
Lucas clenched his fists and was considering if he should get out of the car when he saw that Yves did not let the man in. After the two said something at the door, the man left.Lucas heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like that man was only sending Yves home.Thinking about it, it was normal. Yves would definitely drink when she participated in a drinking party. She couldn't drive after drinking, so it was considered gentlemanly for the other party to drive her home.He called Yves. This time, the call was picked up very quickly. He changed into a gentle tone. "How is it? Are you home?""I'm home. I drank a lot today and am a little tired. I'll go to bed after taking a shower. I'll call you tomorrow, darling," Yves replied.From her tone, there didn't seem to be any abnormality. It was still gentle and sweet. Lucas was relieved."Alright, go to sleep. Rest well."Lucas shook his head and blamed himself for being paranoid. He started the car and left.When the car turned to th
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