All Chapters of Gosh! My Silly Husband Is a Rich Boss: Chapter 1061 - Chapter 1070
1143 Chapters
Chapter 1061
After filming, it happened to be mealtime. Lucas sent his assistant away and went to the restaurant where he had agreed to meet Lindy in full gear. They had already eaten there several times, so the confidentiality was quite good.When he reached the entrance of the restaurant, he saw a Rolls-Royce slowly stop. The door opened and Sonnet came out from the backseat!Upon seeing Sonnet, Lucas immediately took two quick steps to speak to her.When he got closer, he saw Sonnet bending down to greet the driver inside. "Eat by yourself. I'll call you when it's over."Lucas looked in Sonnet's direction and his heart skipped a beat.He had seen that driver before. Last night, the man who sent Yves home was in the car!"Eh, Lucas?" After Sonnet finished speaking, she turned and recognized Lucas.Although Lucas had wrapped up very well, Sonnet had grown up with him. She could tell him from his figure.Lucas was thinking about the driver when he heard Sonnet call him. He snapped back to h
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Chapter 1062
Not long after, Lune returned and said happily to Lucas, "Daddy said that Godfather is welcome to come and play. He will come back early."Lucas smiled and agreed. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart.After a while, Sonnet returned. She did not suspect anything when she saw Lucas. She welcomed him warmly. "Go home if you want. Don't bring anything in the future, understand? Otherwise, I won't let you in!"Lucas was very warm-hearted and agreed with a smile.Maxwell was the last to come back. Before dinner, he brought a bottle of red wine."Lucas drove here. How can he drink?" Sonnet rolled her eyes at Maxwell."It's okay, just call for a substitute driver," Maxwell said with a smile.Lucas looked at him deeply. "Why don't we do this? I'll drink with Sonnet and family. You don’t drink. You can send me off later."Maxwell's expression froze for a moment before he smiled and said, "That's good too. I'll sacrifice myself and let you enjoy yourselves."The family sat aroun
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Chapter 1063
After Lucas heard this, he pondered for a long time before looking at Maxwell. "You don't have any evidence to prove that Yves is another woman. Even if you have, Yves probably has her reasons for not acknowledging you."Don't expect me to help you. I'll stand firmly on Yves' side. Even if you have evidence that she is, I'll help her if she doesn't want to admit it!"Maxwell nodded with a smile. "You can do whatever you want. That's your freedom. But I hope you won't tell her about this. If she doesn’t want to admit her identity, won't you be adding to her troubles by telling her?"Lucas raised his head. "I can choose not to tell her, but you have to promise me that you'll remove your men and stop all sorts of people from getting close to her!"Maxwell stopped talking. He stared at Lucas for a moment and suddenly asked, "You're close to her. In your opinion, has she had plastic surgery?"Lucas choked and replied loudly, "Of course, she hasn't had plastic surgery!"Silence fell be
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Chapter 1064
When Maxwell returned home, Lucas received a call from Yves at the hotel.On the phone, her voice was sweet and a little drunk. "Lucas, I feel a little uncomfortable…""What's wrong with you?""I've had two extra drinks tonight. I feel sick. If only you could be here for me."Lucas immediately put on his clothes and prepared to go out. "Then I'll look for you now.""It's already so late. I can't bear to let you come over," Yves said with a smile."As long as you miss me, I can go over anytime. Wait for me. I'll be right there.""Okay! I'll be waiting for you!" Yves replied with a smile. The laziness in her voice was captivating.Lucas "armed" himself and jogged out of the hotel before driving off.He missed Yves too much. He even disregarded the fact that he had drunk earlier and hoped he wouldn’t encounter any police.Fortunately, his luck was not bad. Along the way, he did not encounter any police officers investigating drunk driving and successfully arrived at Yves' villa.
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Chapter 1065
When he returned to his room and saw Yves sleeping soundly, his heart was filled with love.He lay gently beside her, tracing her features with his fingers, tracing the bridge of her nose, her eyes, her lips, her jaw.So what if she had undergone plastic surgery? He did not care. He loved her soul, not her appearance! If one day, his relationship with her was exposed, as long as she was willing to take him, he would not hesitate to give up his career to accompany her!With this in mind, he hugged Yves' body and slowly fell asleep…The next day, Lucas woke very early. He first made breakfast for Yves, then packed up and left Yves' villa.To protect her, he had to hide. If his relationship with her was exposed, he was afraid she would be criticized.Although she might not care, he could not help but feel sorry for her. It was his duty to protect her!Before dawn, he got into the car and drove from the villa area.He thought that he had hidden well, but he was still careless and d
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Chapter 1066
Lucas was stunned. He did not expect Yves to react faster than him!He felt a little uncomfortable as if Yves was even more afraid of scandals than him…He hurriedly shook his head. No, it shouldn't be! Yves must have been afraid that it would affect his career, so she quickly made a statement.Since she was so considerate of him, he could not let her suffer!He went to the dressing room to call Yves. "Yves, I saw your statement. I know you're doing this for my own good, but if you feel aggrieved because of this, you don't have to do this. I've already thought about it. As long as you're willing, I'm willing to announce our relationship to the public! Anyway, someone has spread it, right?""For you, I don't feel wronged!" Yves smiled gently. "As long as your career goes smoothly, this matter is nothing."These words deeply touched Lucas. "Why don't we just find an entertainment reporter and make it public…""Don't!" Before Lucas could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yves.
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Chapter 1067
"Me?" Lucas was taken aback. "Is it appropriate for me to go?""What's inappropriate about it? They all know that I know you. What's wrong with me bringing my friends? Besides, didn't you say before that it's best to become an asset? You can use this opportunity to get to know some assets."Yves drew circles on Lucas' chest with her finger. "Besides, I'm just a woman at a gathering with those big shots. I'll definitely be forced to drink by them. You can protect me if you go, right?"Upon hearing this, Lucas immediately made up his mind. "Alright, I'll help you fend off the alcohol!"Coincidentally, there were no scenes the next night. After filming the last scene in the afternoon, Lucas changed into formal attire and went to fetch Yves before following her to the hotel.As expected, the people who came were all big shots and men. Yves was the only woman.He sat down with Yves. When Yves introduced him, the big shots laughed. "How can we not know top celebrities? However, it's ru
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Chapter 1068
He thought it was Yves. When he thought of Yves, a strong desire suddenly ignited in his heart. Driven by his primitive desire, he got off the bed and hugged the person walking towards him in the darkness.When his hand touched the other party's body, he felt something was wrong. It wasn't Yves!That round waist and abdomen, as well as the strong smell of a man lingering at the tip of his nose, made his nerves jump. This was not even a woman, but a man!He immediately wanted to retract his hand, but the other party stretched out his arm and hugged him tightly.Lucas struggled with all his might. In the past, he would have been able to break free. However, he did not know if it was because he had drunk too much today, but he was unable to.The strong smell of alcohol rushed into his nose, followed by his lips which pressed against Lucas’ cheek.Disgusted, he almost threw up. "Did you get the wrong room!" he managed to say."That's right, my little darling. I came especially for y
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Chapter 1069
"Bang!"With a loud bang, the bathroom door fan was kicked open from the outside.Two big men rushed in, grabbed him by the shoulders, and lifted him off his feet.Lucas did not struggle. With his current strength and being restrained by the burly man, struggling was just a waste of energy. He could only secretly gather his strength and look for an opportunity to strike with all his might.The two men threw him onto the bed. Director Feng issued a command. "Tie his arms and legs!"The two burly men immediately took action. Not long after, Lucas' arms and legs were tied to the bedpost in a "big" shape.Director Feng asked the two burly men to go out and stand guard, then turned on the lights.Lucas narrowed his eyes and saw Director Feng walking towards him. His eyes were filled with lust. "Little darling, just accept your fate. If you serve me well tonight, you'll have a good life in the future!"As he spoke, he began to take off his clothes.Lucas' heart turned cold. He felt
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Chapter 1070
"Yes, I have something to tell you about Yves, but let me recover a little, okay? I'm in such a sorry state now!" Lucas lowered his head and said."There's no hurry. I'll send you back first."He said he would send Lucas back but did not send him to the hotel. Instead, he sent him to the apartment below Sonnet."I used to live in this apartment. I don’t need to pretend to be Johnson Yates anymore so it is empty. You can stay here for a few days," Maxwell said to Lucas.As he spoke, there was a knock on the door. Maxwell opened the door to welcome Sonnet in. Lindy followed her in.Upon seeing the two of them, Lucas looked awkward.Sonnet hurriedly explained, "When you called Maxwell, we happened to be together. I was worried that something happened to you, so I repeatedly instructed Maxwell to inform me after picking you up. That's why I came over."Lindy nodded and walked forward. She held Lucas' shoulder. "Lucas, we're family. If anything happens, we'll help you shoulder it! Te
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