All Chapters of Gosh! My Silly Husband Is a Rich Boss: Chapter 1081 - Chapter 1090
1143 Chapters
Chapter 1081
Yves' face twitched. "How would I know!""It's clearly you—" Lucas instantly became angry. He wanted to react, but his hand was grabbed.He turned to look at Lindy, who held his hand. "Don't be agitated, Lucas. I think Maxwell will let you figure out the whole thing."Lucas' agitated emotions calmed down slightly. He turned to look at Yves again and stopped talking.The living room fell silent. After a while, Maxwell spoke first. "Auntie."Hearing this, Yves' body trembled."Although it's a little awkward to call you that, you're indeed my aunt by blood. I can only call you that."Yves turned her head away angrily. "Don't call me that!""Are you going to say it first, or should I do it for you?" Maxwell crossed his arms and looked at her."Say what? What's there to say!" Yves turned and looked at Maxwell with a ferocious look.This was a moment Sonnet had never seen before. Yves was not being elegant.Maxwell didn't answer. He took out a recording pen from his pocket and pre
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Chapter 1082
"What's going on between you and my mother? Why were you born and raised in South City?" Maxwell asked.Yves sneered. "Isn't it all because of your grandfather—my biological father? Although he's a successful businessman, he's an out-and-out superstitious person! Back then, my mother was pregnant and was diagnosed as having twins. He immediately found a famous fortune teller to divine it."The fortune teller said that the two girls in my mother's womb will affect the Yates family's luck and one needed to be sent away. My mother asked the fortune teller if the two children were born at the same time, how could they determine which one to send away? The fortune teller replied that the one who cries the loudest after birth had to be sent away.""Are you the one who cried loudest?" Sonnet couldn't help but interrupt.Generally speaking, the louder one cried, the stronger one was.Yves nodded. "That's right. Although I'm a younger sister, my cries were strong and powerful when I was bo
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Chapter 1083
Yves snorted disdainfully. "So what if she found out? That woman relied on her husband to support her. She clearly knew what her husband had done, but she didn't dare to say a word. Instead, she secretly vented her anger on me and bullied me when Yinde wasn't around."Later on, in order to protect myself, I had no choice but to feign civility with Yin De. I even deliberately let Yin De find out that his wife was secretly bullying me. Yin De beat his wife ruthlessly, and his wife avoided me whenever she saw me."At this, she laughed at herself. "It was at this point that I realized that women were born with weapons. My beauty was my weapon."Sonnet looked at her beautiful face and thought to herself, ‘so you used your weapon to carve out a bloody path?’"How did you reunite with my mother and grandmother after that? Did you look for them?" Maxwell asked.Yves shook her head. "No, on the contrary, they came to look for me. Something happened to the Yates family and it fell overnight
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Chapter 1084
"She's quite happy, but have you ever thought of me in deep trouble? In order to survive, I had no choice but to sell my body and soul to deal with those people. I even missed her!"What about her? She eats well, dresses well, and enjoys a good life, but she didn't even send anyone to ask of me! What kind of heartless person is she?!""What happened after that? You went to Harbor City?""That's right. I went to Harbor City. I originally wanted to snatch Ruth’s husband away from her, but I accidentally met Winston. I didn't spend much effort to make him fall for me. Then, I told him about my experience. Not only did he not despise me, but he even felt sorry for me.""Maybe he really loves you and still loves you till now. That's why he's willing to be used by you," Maxwell said.Yves shook her head. "I didn't use him at all. I just pretended to be pitiful in front of him, and he was willing to kill for me.""So you planned to kill my parents!" Maxwell said sternly. "Even if my mot
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Chapter 1085
Sonnet was silent. Previously, she had also deeply experienced the sorrow of not having money. Because of her lack of money, she almost lost her father.Later on, she married Maxwell, instead of him marrying Jessie Cole, because of money, didn't she? It was just that she was luckier than Yves and accidentally married the right person.Sometimes, money was really important. Although people could not lose their bottom line for money, heroes could also be forced into a terrible state because of money."So, you became Winston's secret lover and instructed him to do so many heartless things?" Lindy asked loudly."I told you, I didn't instruct him! He wanted to do it for me! I didn't even ask!" Yves rolled her eyes at Lindy.Lucas, who had been silent, smiled bitterly.Yves was indeed charming. In the past, he was willing to destroy his path to stardom for her.It turned out that she already had this kind of charm when she was in her early twenties, and she had practiced it to perfect
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Chapter 1086
Upon hearing Sonnet's words, Yves clenched her fists. "You can only blame Ruth herself. If she had continued to be so crazy, it would have been fine. Who knew that she would wake up?"To make Ruth's illness better, Wesley brought her and Maxwell to Pelang for a vacation. This method worked. After staying by the sea for a few days, Ruth's illness improved a lot. Her mind started to clear and she told Wesley about the past."Wesley was furious and drove Ruth and Maxwell from Pelang to Harbor City on the spot. Fortunately, the servants we bribed heard about this and secretly told us. That was why Winston decided to strike first and kill Wesley and his family."Everything went smoothly, but what man proposes, God disposes. Ruth protected her son with all her might before she died, and this kid pretended to be stupid and deceived all of us! We shouldn't have been compassionate. At that time, even if he was stupid, he should have reunited with his parents. This shouldn’t have been allowed
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Chapter 1087
Her heart ached for Lucas. The path of life was filled with thorns. It was not easy for him to rely on his hard work to make a name for himself, but it was filled with obstacles on the path of love.When it came to relationships, Lucas had always been thirsty. From the love he had for his mother to the love he had for his childhood friend, and now to the heavy blow he had suffered after running in both directions. Sigh…The living room fell silent again. They sat opposite each other but with different emotions in their hearts.Yves laughed for a while, and her sharp eyes suddenly turned to Maxwell. "I want to know, how did you start to suspect me? Starting from that photo?""No, that photo only confused me for a while, but it didn't make me suspect you. The person who made us pay attention to you, you can't imagine, was my son!"Yves looked enlightened. "So it's that kid! When I saw him in the restaurant that time, I felt that he was very smart. As expected!""Children are often
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Chapter 1088
"Lucas found a tie clip with a unique design in your bedside drawer. It's a design designed by Matteo when he was young. This tie clip is handmade, and there are only two of them. Matteo and Winston each have one. Why is Winston's tie clip with you? Isn't this suspicious?""I saw the tie clip first and then the hickey on the back of Lucas' neck. I was then very sure that the woman outside Winston was you!"Yves frowned and went to her room with a solemn expression. After a while, she came out with the tie clip in her hand.A smile of realization appeared on her face. "I see. I understand now. Indeed, men are unreliable!"The smile on her face was not so much a smile as a cry. It was uglier than a cry.Sonnet looked at her in surprise, not knowing why she had such an expression.Yves smiled and asked, "So you suspect that I might have given birth to Matteo? You even asked Lucas to take my DNA sample?""You know that I took your sample?" Lucas asked involuntarily."I was asleep,
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Chapter 1089
Lindy clenched her fists. "What about the tricks Winston used to kill Maxwell?""That was all Winston’s doing. Later on, Winston wanted to kill Maxwell purely out of ambition. Of course, it was also to hide his past crimes," Marcus replied.Sonnet nodded. "This is like lying. Once you lie, you need many lies to cover it up.""The only time we can see Yves participate was when Sonnet was hiding. She only told us verbally and there's no conclusive evidence, so we really can't do anything to her," Marcus said.Lindy punched the hospital bed heavily. "She was clearly the instigator, but she couldn't be punished by the law. That fool Winston was so protective of her!""She's a very powerful woman. She's good at seeing inside men's hearts. She enslaves men by using soft methods to make them willing to pay for her," Maxwell said in a low voice."But there's no retribution for such a person. I'm really frustrated!" Lindy said angrily."No, there is retribution. Being abandoned by everyo
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Chapter 1090
Matteo wasn't surprised to see Sonnet. He nodded and said, "Second Sister-in-law, you're here too?"Sonnet nodded at him. She felt that he was different from usual today. His usual gentle smile was gone!She looked at Maxwell, feeling a little anxious. Did something happen?Maxwell pulled Sonnet to sit opposite Matteo and said calmly, "Let's begin."Matteo said with a serious expression, "Second Brother, what I want to tell you is that I've already obtained the absolute advantage of Brooks Corporation's shares and have the right to speak. You have no right to dismiss the CEO of the Brooks Corporation!"Sonnet was shocked. She looked at Matteo and then at Maxwell.She didn't expect Maxwell to ask her to come and watch his brother fall out with him. Why did he suddenly fall out?Maxwell didn't look surprised at all. He folded his arms and looked at Matteo calmly. "Oh, is that so? Don't you only have 20% of the shares? Fourth Uncle's 15% plus the 5% you bought from Second Uncle?"
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