All Chapters of Bound to the Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
“Good morning, beautiful,” Kole says. It’s something so simple, something said across mornings everywhere. A bit cliché even.But when it comes from his lips like that, it sounds like the most special thing in the world. Anything is extra wonderful coming from him. I’m just grateful for every second I get to spend near him. I’m grateful for every word.“Good morning,” I say. “It’s lovely to wake up to you.”“It’s even lovelier waking up to you,” he tells me. “Especially since we now know that no one can creep up on us again.”We lay on the mountain top still since we decided to spend the night here. It was a good decision.Now, we can see anyone who might be coming for us. And we can tackle them together like we did with Troy.“I’m kind of gross though,” I say. “Is there anywhere nearby where we can shower?”“I know of a waterfall,” Kole suggests.His eyes sparkle at the thought. A waterfall sounds wonderful. Being in the water with Kole sounds even better.“Would you like s
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“You’ve been playing with my heart all along,” I say, as each realization hits harder than the last. “You’ve been trying to trick me all along. You’ve been using me for your sick form of entertainment!”“I’m not!” Kole said. “I would never use you. Kierra, I’m not doing any of those things!“I love you. I’m here because I want to be with you. What reason would I have to trick you? Don’t you trust me?”I look at Kole and I no longer see anyone I love or trust. Instead, I see a liar. Instead, I see a monster.“No,” I say. I cross my arms over my chest to further create a barrier between us. “I don’t trust you. Not at all. “You’ve been lying to me this whole time. You’ve been pretending to like me and you’ve done a great job at it too. You’ve truly had me convinced. You’ve truly had me fooled.”“I haven’t been trying to fool you though!” he says.His voice raises and I tremble. He notices and his posture and voice soften.“Kierra, you can’t really think I would ever hurt you,
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KOLE’S POVShe doesn’t even say she loves me back.That’s how I know she truly means it this time. She isn’t just pushing me away because she’s afraid to be so close like she was last time. She’s not unsure this time.She truly believes everything she said. She doesn’t trust me.She doesn’t love me.My mate doesn’t love me.My heart feels like it’s bleeding on the ground and I just don’t understand how this keeps happening. Having a mate isn’t supposed to be like this. We aren’t supposed to keep falling apart like this. She shouldn’t keep leaving me like she does. She does though. She keeps leaving me and I’m exhausted. I’m heartbroken. I don’t know what to do. “Why Kierra?” I mumble. “Why do you do this to me? What did I ever do to you to make you hurt me so?”I start walking to the place I always go to, but I’m not sure that I will find her there, so I don’t get far before returning to the waterfall.I am disgusting regardless. I do need a bath and I hope that dippi
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As night falls, I become even more terrified.I thought my confusion centered around Kole alone, and that once I reached clarity on that, then I’d be set with everything else.And I have reached clarity on that. I realize now he was just using me, laughing at me. He was mocking me like all the others.Yet there are other things that have yet to come into focus as well.I don’t remember much and more and more of my memory is slipping away as I walk away from him.It’s like my mind is unraveling and I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what to do.I walk in circles, trying to figure things out.Where should I go? What should I do?Where do I belong?I don’t even know if I have a home. Or if I do have a home, where that home is. I don’t know anything and that terrifies me. It feels like I can’t trust my own mind.Because I can’t. I can’t trust my own mind when it tricks me like this. And I’m terrified because what am I missing?Will I ever find it again?I’m terrified
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As Catherine walks away, I realize I have no choice but to follow her. Even though she’s the reason I’m in this position, she’s the only lifeline I have. I hate her.I need her.“Why would you do this to me?” I ask her, as I follow her through the woods.“Because I’m trying to protect you,” she says. “I’m your friend, Kierra. I’m just trying to protect you.“The potion has helped you see things clearly when you were turning a blind eye to them before. You see that Kole has bad intentions now. Before, you suspected it, but now you know for sure.”As she says that, I remember being suspicious of Kole before all of this. “I left him because of that,” I say. “I’m not sure why I’m telling you this, other than it seems to help me understand things better when I say them out loud.“But I did break things off with him at one point of time. Because I worried he’d hurt me like everyone else has.“Well, I guess my pack didn’t mean to hurt me. They didn’t want to leave me. But you kno
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The next few days are terrifying as I struggle through the forest, trying to find someone who can help me. Finally, I reach the small gathering of witches, sorcerers, and other magical folks that keep their distance while being the hot spot for people who need that extra help. It has a cute charm to it, where psychics offer to read fortunes, there are shops for doing magic, and other wares I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else.I’m looking for one thing in particular though.I go straight into the potions shop.The woman running it is kind of intimidating with dark hair and red eyes that look like they’re ready to ooze blood. She gives me this wicked smile that makes me want to run.But I need to get through this haze. I need to work this out. It’s worth the risk.“Good afternoon,” she says, in a voice that’s utterly whimsical. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before, which is wonderful.“New customers are my favorite. Can I interest you in a long discussion about poti
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“You know this is what you want,” Catherine says, as she comes over and kisses me.Kissing her feels nothing like kissing Kierra, which is part of the reason I allow Catherine to kiss me.My heart is shattered, bleeding. Kierra is gone and she’s made it clear so many times that she doesn’t want to be with me.It’s awful because I want to be with her more than I’ve ever wanted to be with anyone else. I love her. She’s my mate.She can’t see it though. She’s never going to see it. She wants me to be away from her.So, I try to distract myself with Catherine. I’m trying to respect Kierra’s wishes in that way. I’m trying to be a good mate.It’s hard though. When doing what Kierra wants means being with someone else, it’s the most difficult thing I’ve done.“I want Kierra,” I admit.Catherine’s body goes ridged and I hate how I keep hurting her.“I’m sorry,” I say. “But it’s true. I want you to know it’s true before we go through with this. So you can decide if you don’t want to go
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“I need to find Kole,” I say, once I take the first dose of the potion.“How clear is your mind?” Norah asks. “What are your feelings for him now?”I’ve grown to know her better as we waited for the potion to stew, so she knows all about what happened with Kole and I. She knows that I need to remember everything about him so I can make a solid decision.“I’m not sure,” I admit. “My mind is a bit clearer now though. I’m remembering things more. I feel like I’d be able to function again.“But I’m not sure exactly how I feel about Kole. My mind is still hazy with him. I don’t trust him. I don’t know if I love him.”“But you feel like you need to find him,” Norah says.“Yes,” I reply. “I have this intense need and desire to find him. It feels like it’s the most important thing in my life right now. It’s difficult to explain but…”“It’s the oddity of mates,” Norah says in an understanding tone. “That connection is one that no one can quite comprehend or explain, no matter how many pe
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The panic that I won’t get there in time drives me forward even faster. It’s strange because I still don’t quite know why I feel the urge to be there. I don’t know exactly how I feel about Kole.But I know I need to be near him.I know I need to figure things out.So, I run in my wolf form, since it’s the quickest way for me to get around. And I keep running without pause. I push myself faster, faster.I’m almost at the waterfall when I’m stopped by a copper-colored wolf. We quickly shift into human form because I get the sense that this wolf isn’t my foe. Though once I see her for who she is, I’m not too sure of that anymore.“What are you doing here?” Catherine asks with a mean glint in her eye.“I’m here to talk to Kole,” I say. “I need to see him. I need to sort this out.”Catherine crosses her arms over her chest. “I thought you already had everything sorted.”“Right,” I scoff. “You just thought the potion would work better than it has. You thought I’d be gone for good
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“Give me the potion back!” I say, knocking into Catherine in my wolf form.I’m usually not the type to be aggressive. I let people walk all over me. But I’m done with that.I keep almost losing Kole over it, so now I’m down with being weak. I’m done with not fighting back.I’m going to be strong.I’m going to stand up for myself.I’m going to figure this out, no matter what it takes.“You’re crazy!” Catherine says, shifting as I tumble into her.She tries to lash at me, stopping my attack.I counter, trying to subdue her. Kole watches in shock as Catherine and I fight, scrambling along the ground for that precious antidote. “Stop!” Kole says, as Catherine nips me. “What is going on.”Catherine shifts into human form so she looks like the rational one while I stay in my wolf form.I have her pinned to the ground, completely in control of this situation.Maybe Kole is judging me for it.I don’t care what it looks like.This has honestly become about more than just him. I
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