All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
999 Chapters
Chapter 111
With the thought in mind, Mona locked the door as soon as they went in. However, the lingering thought fueled her anxiety and she decided to call Linda about it. She informed Linda of the mysterious neighbor and asked her for help. Being a good friend, Linda offered to move over starting tomorrow. Despite feeling warm because of Linda’s offer, Mona also felt sad because she only had one true friend in this big city. She thought she was an independent and strong woman, but being a human being with complex emotions, living alone with only two kids in this world would feel lonely and tiring at times. Thankfully she still had her kids as mental support. After doing nothing for a while, she pulled out a pair of men’s leather shoes from the shoe rack and placed them in front of the house. She also hung some men’s clothes on the balcony to make it look like there was a man in the house. The little things manage to give her a sense of safety. After tucking the kids in, Mona c
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Chapter 112
“Don’t open the door! What if it’s a stranger?” “Oh! Right! Who is it? What should we do? Millie is scared!” Millie immediately hid behind Bobby. Bobby patted her hand, reassuring her. “Don’t worry. Go back to your room and lock the door.” “Okay.” While Millie ran back to the room, Bobby went up to the door and asked, “Who is it?” “Your new neighbor. I want to borrow some stuff.” Bobby was alarmed when he heard the voice of a man. “New neighbor? I don’t know you. I won’t open the door.” “Did something happen inside?” the man asked. “Nothing. Please leave. My Daddy is coming home soon.” Bobby held the door handle tightly, looking nervous. “Daddy?” the man asked. “Your mommy is living with your daddy?” “Why are you asking that? Of course, Mommy is living with Daddy!” After that, the man’s voice disappeared and things went silent outside the door. Bobby sighed a breath of relief. Some time later, knocks came from the door again. “Open the door. It’s me.” “Unc
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Chapter 113
Thaddeus looked at her weak and petite figure. Even the oversized clothes on her felt like they could crush her. Her original rosy cheeks looked pale like a porcelain doll without any signs of life on it. It crushed him to look at her like this. “If it’s nothing important, please leave. We’ll talk when I get better. Goodbye,” Mona said feebly as she tried to close the door. Thaddeus took a step forward and barged into her house. “Why are you being stubborn at a time like this?” The man grabbed her wrist. The moment he touched her tender skin, it felt like he was holding a piece of burning charcoal. “Mona, you’re burning. How can you be alright like this?” The man disregarded her reaction and carried her up with both his hands. “Hey! What? What are you doing?!” Mona was lifted up from the floor. Her legs fluttered aimlessly as she pounded his broad chest. There was a sobbing tone to her grumbling voice. “Thaddeus, I hate you! Let me go! I don’t want to go to the hosp
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Chapter 114
A sharp cry broke the steamy atmosphere. Thaddeus turned around and saw a woman in the living room. Linda came in with bags of clothes and necessities. She had promised Mona that she would move in with her for a while last night, and when she arrived, the door was unlocked and opened. She walked into a steamy scene. “What are you doing?!” Linda grabbed the knife on the table and swung it in a flurry at Thaddeus. “I’m warning you! Let go of her, or I will call the cops!” Linda related the man to the mysterious neighbor that Mona mentioned last night, hence her hostility and caution. “You handsome bastard! You are dressed nicely, but you are a piece of shit!” Thaddeus turned around and looked at Linda who was freaking out outside the door. “Shut up!” he bellowed. Linda finally had a good look at the man’s handsome face and was stunned. The knife in her hands fell on the floor with a clang. Thaddeus Fontaine!? Mona’s ex-husband? Thaddeus knew Linda had mistaken him f
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Chapter 115
“My uncle? How did he know about Susan’s fever?” Victor frowned. “Why are you asking me that?” Linda replied with a ridiculing tone. “All I can say is your uncle loves Susan more than you do. Do you think you are a reliable boyfriend, Victor? Can you even give her the happiness that she wants?” Linda continued to taunt him with words that had hidden meanings. Victor got angry. “Stop talking nonsense. Stop poking your nose into our relationship.” “Victor, I’m just giving you a piece of advice here. She’s no longer Susan. She’s Mona. If you really like her, stop disturbing her with the past.” Victor’s fists were tightly clenched. He ignored Linda and stormed out of the apartment. Linda sighed as the door slammed shut. What did Susan do to deserve all this from the two men? Men with power and wealth usually were never serious about relationships. They all tackled problems mostly from their own selfish perspective. Susan had nothing now, no leverage and right to be on the
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Chapter 116
“The fever must have burned my brain. I didn’t get to wear my clothes properly, and I bet you must have put your jacket on me when you brought me here.” Mona leaned back against the pillow as her beautiful eyes flickered. She ridiculed, “Don’t tell me it’s you who unbuttoned me, Mr. Fontaine.” It was a joke, but it sounded pleasant to the man’s ears. A hint of mischief mixed with the sweetest tone to become a harmonious melody that soothed his heart. She was in her most relaxed state. She no longer had to comply with his every request or take care of his emotions like when they were still married. She could reveal her truest emotions before him without any scruples. It was sarcastic, but he liked it and he could no longer pull himself away. “What if it’s me? What are you going to do?” “Nothing. It’s not like we haven’t made love before,” Mona said as she crossed her arms, tapping her fingers on her elbow. “You’re rather generous. Aren’t you afraid that the one in your hou
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Chapter 117
Thaddeus was not mad at all. He was in a casual mood. He leaned back on the couch and crossed his legs. He glanced at Linda and asked, “Why are you everywhere?” Seeing Thaddeus’ relaxed state, Linda got the confidence to continue the conversation. “Mr. Fontaine, don’t worry. I didn’t see anything back at Susan’s house.” Thaddeus raised a brow. He glanced at Mona and asked, “So what if you saw us? Is there any problem with us being intimate?” Mona choked on her water. She covered her mouth and coughed. What was he referring to? Had they done something while she was barely conscious? Thaddeus got up from the couch, sat by the bed, and patted Mona’s back to ease the cough. “Be careful. Drink slowly.” Mona was speechless. What was he doing? They were divorced, so who was the show for? “Wait. Mr. Fontaine, I thought you and Susan were already divorced. That means you are just some stranger to her. Are you trying to take advantage of her?” Linda’s imagination went wild when
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Chapter 118
Linda mustered her confidence and seized the opportunity to voice out all the questions that troubled her mind. “Mr. Fontaine, I think you are trying to take advantage of Susan and don’t want to take the responsibility. You can’t do that.” Linda suddenly sounded stern. She continued to feign ignorance and blurted her mind out. “Susan is a good woman. She’s been with you for so many years without a respectable title, yet you fell for another younger and more beautiful lady and you ditched her? You come back to her when you’re bored just to flirt and toy with her, treating her as a tool that you can use to kill time. Aren’t you being a jerk? “I want to make this clear. Please do not disturb Susan anymore and let her live her life. Can you do that?” Linda felt relieved after voicing her concerns. She used to be isolated by her schoolmates, and it was Susan who had stood up for her. Now, she wanted to do something for the kind and strong girl that she called her friend. Thaddeu
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Chapter 119
After Linda left, Mona was left alone with Thaddeus in the room. Mona held the cup of water in her hands, sneaking glances at Thaddeus subtly and trying to capture the expression on his face. Thaddeus captured all her little actions. The man sat comfortably with his forehead propped on his hand, looking at the woman’s beautiful face. Mona clearly sensed his powerful gaze and it gave her goosebumps. If she was not scared of the man would go after Linda, she would have asked the man to leave already. She bit the bullet and looked into the man’s eyes. She calmed herself down and said, “Linda is a straightforward person. She’s not mindful of her words. Don’t take her the wrong way.” “Oh? What would that be? How far have you progressed with Victor? Staying together already?” Thaddeus asked with a raised brow and a ridiculing tone. Mona felt chills down her spine. She even tightened her collar as a sign of caution. “No.” “I don’t believe you.” “I don’t care if you believe
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Chapter 120
“No. I only had sex with you and you alone,” the man answered with a serious look. Mona was skeptical. Her alone? Thaddeus was going to marry Samantha yet they had never had sex before? Could that explain why he was so eager and dry? Was it because he had not touched a woman since they divorced? Mona nodded and scoffed. “I read a book saying that men have a lesser desire to have sex with women they love. You really like Samantha.” “What book is that? What kind of nonsense are you reading?” Thaddeus frowned. It was his ideals in life that made him go after what he loved and let go of what he could not get. If he had to suppress his feelings for the woman he loved, it could not be love. Mona pursed her lips. It was meaningless to continue the conversation. “Mr. Fontaine, how long are you planning to stay?” Thaddeus understood that she wanted him to leave. He turned around and sat back down on the couch. He picked up the magazine from the table, crossed his legs, and s
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