All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
999 Chapters
Chapter 121
The doctor and the director chatted with Mona for quite a while and wished her a speedy recovery before they left. The two men who were still fighting refused to leave. One of them sat on the couch with his magazine and the other one handed Mona a glass of water. “Susan, what was that about? The director said you did a research paper on Millie’s condition?” Victor asked. Mona replied, “When Millie’s doctor suggested surgery with high risks, I rejected it. I tried using acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat her condition and after some time, Millie’s condition got better. I guess I’m lucky.” “Susan, you’re amazing! You are a genius!” Victor spared no effort with his praises, more or less trying to flatter her. Thaddeus glanced at the two of them as they chatted. He was displeased. Bam! The magazine was slammed on the table and the noise interrupted their chat. Seeing his uncle’s reaction, Victor curled his lips in delight as if he had won the battle. He continued, “Ou
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Chapter 122
There was a man kneeling on the floor with his head down. The sudden blinding light made him cover his eyes with his hand. Thaddeus strutted over as he removed his gloves casually. He stood in front of the kneeling man and asked, “Did he speak?” “No, sir. He’s a tough one.” Thaddeus then peered down at the man. His handsome face was half-hidden in the shadows, his thin lips curled into a wicked grin, emanating a frosty presence. A killer thirsty for blood! That was the phrase that popped into Gregory’s mind when he saw Thaddeus again. Thaddeus sat on the couch at the side and crossed his legs. He had a cigarette hanging at his lips while clouds of smoke veiled his expression. “Want one?” The man pulled a cigar out for Gregory. Gregory trembled. Thaddeus spat another cloud of smoke as he waved the cigar in front of Gregory. He casually said, “Don’t be nervous. I just want to talk.” Gregory mustered enough courage to look at Thaddeus, but it lasted only for a second
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Chapter 123
Mona did not want to spend the night at the hospital, so she asked the doctor to discharge her with some medicine. Linda was cooking at home when they came back. She came out looking surprised with the spatula in her hand. “Susan, you’re out already? Are you okay?” Victor said, “Susan can’t sleep on the hospital bed, so I brought her home. I’m here with her. It’s going to be okay.” Linda pouted. “You are just going to follow whatever she says? This is messed up.” “It’s okay, Linda. I feel a lot better after the drip,” Mona said as she patted Linda’s hand. She then looked at Victor and said, “You can go back now. Thank you for today.” Victor showed no intention of leaving. He asked, “Susan, how did my uncle know that you are sick? And how did he arrive so fast and bring you to the hospital?” “Victor, are you trying to question Susan? If you have questions about your uncle, why don’t you go ask him? How would Susan know? Are you suspecting that Susan called him here? “B
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Chapter 124
“Don’t be afraid!” Linda rolled her sleeves and grabbed the roller pin from the kitchen. “I’ve been a training coach in a dojo for so many years. It’s time to get myself a live practice target!” “Linda, calm down.” Mona followed her to the door and peeked through the peephole. They saw a woman, petite but well-dressed, seemingly from a decent family. Linda opened the door. “Yes? Who are you looking for?” The woman squinted and sized up Linda from top to bottom before she switched her gaze to Mona. There was surprise and jealousy on her face. Mona had fair skin. Even without makeup, her facial features were delicate and her petite face was astonishing. One glance at her and any man’s heart would pound. In fact, not only men, but even women would spare a few more glances at her face. Linda noticed the woman’s unusual stare at Mona. She moved to the side and blocked the woman’s view. “Miss, did you get the wrong address?” The woman recovered her composure and asked, “Um, d
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Chapter 125
“Susan is not a mistress! Both she and Victor have known each other since high school! You are the mistress. Your whole family is a mistress!” Linda scolded Isabel as she bolted up. She continued, “You can’t keep your man to yourself, yet you are blaming Susan? Victor has two legs and can go wherever he wants. It’s not like we are forcing him with a knife at his neck. “Besides, please understand the situation before you want to hold us responsible. It’s Victor who has been chasing after Susan, from high school until now. Susan can’t even shake him off. Wake up, lady!” Linda’s anger built up as she continued, “Victor is also a jerk! What the hell? Why is he trying to act like he’s loyal in front of everyone?” Mona calmed Linda down and said calmly, “Linda, calm down. Sit down and catch a breath.” “Ms. Graham, may I ask how long have you been with Victor?” “A month.” Isabel wore an arrogant look at Mona. She then added, “But we are planning to get married soon. His mother lik
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Chapter 126
Isabel pulled her phone out, dialed a number, and started to cry loudly, “Brother, you’ve got to come here now! Someone pushed me! It’s the woman that Victor is seeing and her friend. They pushed me onto the floor… Sobs… The address…” After the call, she glared at Linda and whimpered, “Just you wait! You will pay for what you did!” Mona frowned. It seemed like this would not end if she did not stoop in front of Isabel and possibly apologize. She rubbed the center of her brows and sighed. She was still recovering from the fever, yet trouble literally came knocking at her door, giving her a headache. A while later, a tall and bulky man arrived at the door. “Isabel, who has the balls to push you?!” Isabel pointed at Linda and cried, “Bro, it’s her! She pushed me to the floor! It hurts!” “Why did you push my sister? You are coming to the police station with me!” the man bellowed as he tried to drag Linda out of the apartment. “Let go of me! I didn’t even touch her!” Linda r
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Chapter 127
“It hasn’t been too long ago,” Isabel said. She noticed the expression on her brother’s face and realized that Thaddeus was interested in her relationship with Victor. He wanted to know more. “Victor and my sister were on a blind date a while ago, and they have been progressing smoothly since then. Our parents and Victor’s mother were already discussing the wedding, so we’re going to be family soon.” Thaddeus grinned. “I guess you’re right. Victor is not young anymore, and my sister is ill. We should really fix his marriage as soon as possible.” Isabel heard Thaddeus, and she assumed that he had acknowledged her as a part of the family. She stepped up and said meekly, “I also wanted to marry Victor as soon as possible, but there’s an obstacle in the way, and I’m trying to remove it. Mr. Fontaine, you’re a senior to Victor. Can I ask you to guide him the right way? We’re both the perfect match for each other, unlike some other woman outside who is just a temporary thrill.” She
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Chapter 128
Mona felt extremely confident at the moment. Maybe it was because she had a powerful man by her side, who could suppress everyone else with his aura alone. In fact, Thaddeus’ aura gave her a sense of safety. She felt protected in his presence. “What’s wrong with you, woman?” Brock was not a polite man either, and he felt challenged when Mona asked him to apologize again. “Mr. Fontaine, why don’t you share your thoughts on this? I apologized to her, but she won't accept it. She’s trying to give us a hard time.” “Oh? Did you apologize to her?” Thaddeus acted as if nothing had happened earlier. He questioned the man back with a grin, “I didn’t see you apologizing earlier, but I did see you drag her friend by the wrist rather rudely.” He had always been biased towards one of his own. If Mona wanted to punish the man, he would simply play along with her and be more than happy to do it. Brock was surprised by how fast Thaddeus changed his thoughts. “Wait, Mr. Fontaine. What do yo
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Chapter 129
Thaddeus’ words silenced both Isabel and Brock. They finally realized that Thaddeus was on Mona’s side instead of theirs. How could they win against the man? While Mona was no one, the man beside her was someone they could not afford to offend!The brother and sister were forced to concede the battle and gave Mona a cheque worth a hundred thousand. They then left bitterly. After settling the problem, Mona could finally relax her mind. Her temples swelled while her head buzzed and the lingering fever made her dizzy. She started to lose her balance. “Susan, you look terrible. Are you okay? Let’s go back inside.” Linda wanted to bring her back inside, but Thaddeus carried her with both arms and entered her apartment. Linda was left behind. She watched as the man carried the woman inside. His broad back and the petite figure in his arms formed a drastic contrast. The scene resembled that of a romance movie. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, pondering. “The
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Chapter 130
The man failed to see through Mona’s expression. She would never display her true thoughts on her face. “I believe you, I really do,” Mona said with a frivolous smile. She then pointed at his pocket and said, “Mr. Fontaine, your phone is buzzing.” Thaddeus regained his composure and realized that the phone in his pocket was indeed vibrating. He pulled it out and saw the name on the screen: Samantha. He hesitated but ultimately answered it. “Thaddeus, where are you?” “A friend’s house.” The man glanced at Mona before he walked out. Mona finally sighed a breath of relief after Thaddeus left. It was tiring trying to compete with the man, both mentally and physically. “He left? Who called?” Linda came in and asked. “Who else? Of course, it’s his fiance.” Mona had a satisfied look at the hundred-thousand-dollar cheque before she kept it away. “What do you think Thaddeus is thinking? He’s dating Samantha, almost marrying the woman, but he’s still coming back to you. He ca
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