All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
999 Chapters
Chapter 151
“It’s about Mona.” Raymond’s long fingers tapped on the screen, arranging for a driver to take him to the show.Thaddeus was displeased. “Mona? When did you guys get so close?”Raymond picked up his suit, stood up, and hurried outside.“Let’s save that for later. Your ex-wife is being bullied at a show, and I have to go save her. Are you coming?”Thaddeus stood up immediately, and his expression became tense.The two tall and handsome men walked out of the cafe, turning heads wherever they went.Raymond’s driver drove the car to the entrance of the building and took the two men to the direction of the show.Along the way, Raymond showed Thaddeus the video of Mona’s catwalk. After watching it, the man’s expression suddenly turned cold and sullen. The tense air around him made the driver nervous, so he sped up.Raymond saw Thaddeus’s worry written all over his face. The latter did not look like the usual cold and aloof CEO at all.As the saying went: It was impossible to hide on
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Chapter 152
“Ouch.” Mona frowned. It was quite painful.“Bear with it for a while. It hurts a little at first, but it’ll pass.”Tim’s hand gently massaged her foot. The force he used was not too little or heavy. It was just right.Mona’s hand could not help but clench as she endured the pain.Neither noticed that the stylists and staff had left the dressing room, leaving just the man and woman alone.Not long after, the door of the dressing room opened again, revealing Tim half-kneeling in front of Mona as soon as Raymond and Thaddeus walked in. They could not see what Tim and Mona were doing from their angle, but from Mona’s soft and muffled noises, it was enough for their imagination to run wild.The scene in front of them was like a small fire that lit Thaddeus’s heart and instantly ignited a blazing fire.The man’s sanity went up in flames. He took large strides toward the two, grabbed Tim, and smashed his fist into Tim’s face.Tim, stunned by the blow, crashed backward into the dresse
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Chapter 153
Mona widened her eyes and stared at Thaddeus.She could not understand this man at all. He punched someone without rhyme or reason and carried her around.Crazy. This man must be crazy!Seeing this, Raymond chased after them. “Hey, where are you taking Mona? She still has work to do here.”The man did not turn and simply said, “I’ll send her back in two hours.”Then, he disappeared from the venue with Mona in his arms.“Where are you taking me? You’re treating me with disrespect. Put me down!”Thaddeus did not care about Mona’s resistance and carried her to Raymond’s car. Then, he instructed the driver to go to a nearby five-star hotel.The driver looked at the resisting Mona and was a bit hesitant.It was broad daylight. Was it a good idea to carry a girl to a hotel room?“Why are you spacing out?” Thaddeus scolded coldly. The driver shivered and hurriedly drove to find a hotel.Mona moved her body toward the door and clutched the handle desperately, ready to escape as soon
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Chapter 154
Putting away her casual attitude, Mona kept a straight face. Her expression was unusually serious. “We’re divorced, Thaddeus. Do you know what you’re doing?”The man was expressionless. “I always have a clear goal. I don’t need you to remind me of what I’m doing.”Mona looked fixedly at the man’s sculpted face, feeling helpless and angry.She could never understand what this man was thinking. He was the one who wanted a divorce but kept coming to pester her after it.It was indeed as he said. He only did things when they had a purpose. So maybe he had a goal in mind for doing all this.Thaddeus told the receptionist to give him the presidential suite, specifically requesting a room with a large bathtub.When the receptionist checked them in, she secretly looked at Mona with strange eyes. There was curiosity and contempt in her gaze, as well as faint jealousy.Mona could only bury her head in the man’s chest like an ostrich burying its head in the ground. As long as her face was
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Chapter 155
Mona propped herself up on the edge of the bathtub, stood up, and faced Thaddeus.“You’re the strange one. If you were just taking me to a hotel to let me take a bath and warm up, why didn’t you make it clear at the beginning? Mr. Fontaine, your recent behavior has really been inexplicable. It’s hard for others not to get the wrong idea.”The clothes on Mona’s body were soaking wet, and the fabric clinged onto her exquisite figure, making her look particularly alluring. The beautiful scene reflected in Thaddeus’s eyes caused his mouth to feel dry, and he quickly moved his gaze away to look elsewhere.Mona was unaware of this and only thought that the man was avoiding the question. She pursed her lips coldly and said, “Get out. If you’re going to act kind, do it properly, and help me prepare a clean change of clothes.”Thaddeus narrowed his eyes, secretly thinking how she was the only person in the world who would dare to order him to do things with such a tone.However, since she
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Chapter 156
Mona held the clean clothes on the hanger and walked to the cloakroom to change.Thaddeus followed behind her, looking at her standing in front of the mirror, and said angrily, “Is work more important than your life? Stupid woman.”Mona smiled and straightened her clothes. “Don’t exaggerate. It’s just swollen feet. I won’t die.”Thaddeus looked intently at the woman in the mirror and could not help but be surprised. How was this the weak woman in his mind who had never experienced suffering?Mona looked at the time. She had to hurry back to the show, or Mrs. Yale would have another reason to cause trouble again.“I’ll drive you there.”Thaddeus picked up his jacket and put it on while following Mona outside.Mona did not refuse. It would also be convenient for her if someone else drove her, and it would be a waste not to take up his offer.They did not take Raymond’s car. Thaddeus had told Marcus to leave his car in front of the hotel when he came to deliver the clothes.His p
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Chapter 157
Thaddeus was a smart man. He naturally caught Mona's unspoken words.“You think too much. I told you; I know what I’m doing.” The man’s tone was flat and indifferent.Mona nodded and smiled. “That’s good.”Then, she turned and entered the venue.She might have been flattering herself by saying those words, but it was better to have things clear. She had to make a clean break from the past in order to move forward.Thaddeus sat in the car for a while. After smoking a cigarette, he took out his phone and called Raymond.“I’ve sent her back. Look after her.”Raymond heard the sullenness in Thaddeus’s voice and covered his smile. He teased, “Oh, did Mona give you the cold shoulder?”“Shut up.” A trace of annoyance flashed in the man’s eyes. “What kind of assistants did you arrange for Mona?”“They’re interns. These two young guys are quite good. They just graduated from modeling school. They’ll be able to help Mona quite a lot.”“They’ll be able to help her? Even if you wanted to
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Chapter 158
Linda enjoyed the food and looked up at Mona. “Who’s Samantha?”“Thaddeus’s fiancee.”“Huh?!” Linda finally put down the crab in her hand and turned to look.“Hey, don’t look. They’ll notice you.”“Look at her, wearing a hat and sitting in such a remote place. There must be something fishy going on. Maybe she’s making Thaddeus a cuckold.”“What’s a cuckold? Are you talking about the cuckoo bird?”Millie, who had gravy all over her mouth, raised her head to ask Linda innocently.Children’s thoughts were very simple.“Hahaha. Our little Millie is so cute.” Linda wiped her hands and pinched Millie’s chubby face. “I’m not talking about the bird, sweetie. You’ll understand when you grow up.”“Don’t teach the kids nonsense, Linda.” Mona stopped Linda. “Perhaps we’re overthinking it. Maybe they’re just ordinary friends having a meal.”“Okay, okay. I was wrong. Oh, what else do you want to eat? The lobster was good. I’ll go get some more.”After Linda stood up, Samantha’s position w
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Chapter 159
Mona’s hand tapped on the keyboard and asked Linda without raising her head.“How did you know I knew how to hack?”Linda sat across from Mona, placed both hands on her cheeks, and said adoringly, “Did you know? You backed the entire school’s system before because you were dissatisfied with the principal’s embezzlement of educational funds. You published it onto all the school’s office computers and finally got that scumbag principal arrested. It was amazing. Even now, no one knows you were the one behind it.”Mona raised her brows. “Oh? Was I really that amazing?”She lifted her eyes and looked at Linda. “Then how did you know?”“I was your deskmate. I took your USB flash drive by mistake in IT class one day and found out your secret.”“What secret?”“You’re the president of T3.”“T3? What’s that?”“It’s a very mysterious organization. It’s said to be full of computer geeks, and they profit from top-class hacking technology. Occasionally, they act like heroes to expose shady
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Chapter 160
Mona sat up straight and shifted her attention to the computer screen. Her fingers nimbly tapped out a string of code on the keyboard, and a map with a red dot flashing appeared. It was the approximate area of the anonymous who sent the email.They were in the same city as her but were quite far away. Mona barely went to that district, and she did not have any acquaintances who lived there.“Is it someone you know but forgot? Maybe the person is from before you lost your memory.”“That’s not impossible.” Mona rubbed her throbbing temples, looking slightly tired.“Forget it. It’s late, Linda. Let’s go to bed early. This can wait till tomorrow.”“Sure, and if you can’t handle it, I’m sure you could go to your neighbor for help.”Mona smiled. “Why? Tell me honestly. Are you interested in him?”Linda blushed and hastily denied it. “Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just thinking of our safety. After all, it’d be safer with a man around.”“Then you can go knock on his door. It
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