All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
999 Chapters
Chapter 161
“They’re your children?” Mona curled her lips and laughed coldly. “Victor Cornwell, do you think you’ve done what a biological father should do?”Victor frowned and looked at Mona in confusion. “What do you mean? Are you angry at me because of this?”“I told you, if you really think of Bobby and Millie as your own children, you should bring them home now and introduce them to your mother and everyone else as your children. Don’t come to me with your fake hypocrisy and acting.”Victor gripped his hair in annoyance.“Don’t lose your temper with me, Suzy. What do you want me to do?”“You don’t need to do anything. Just don’t appear in my life again.”A trace of panic flashed across Victor’s face. His attitude immediately became firm.“What do you mean ‘don’t appear in your life again’? How can I let you go just like that when I finally got you back after so long? Come, I’ll take you home now. We’ll talk about the children.”“How long are you going to lie to me?! Stop bugging me!”
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Chapter 162
Victor thought that Mona would give in and compromise, but her next words shocked him.“You’re not Bobby and Millie’s biological father.”Victor’s expression was stunned. He twisted his head to look at Mona’s face.She was calm without a single ripple on her expression. It was as if she was talking about the weather.“Who did you hear that from? Or are you just making it up?”Mona slowed down her speech and said word by word, “I took a strand of your hair and got a paternity test done. The truth is that you’re not related to my children at all.”Victor’s head went blank momentarily. Then, his first reaction was anger.“You didn’t believe me and went behind my back to get a paternity test done?”Mona smiled and said nothing. Her mocking smile made Victor feel ashamed.“Since you went to check, then I’ll be honest.” He rubbed the tip of his nose with his fingertips and softened his tone. “The reason why I kept it from you was that I wanted to be with you. I intended to treat the
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Chapter 163
Thaddeus rushed to the preschool and was stopped by the gatekeeper outside.“What are you doing? This is a preschool. You can’t just park your car casually. Hurry up and move out of the way. Don’t block the road.”Thaddeus got out of the car and said politely, “I’m here to pick up my children. I’ll only park here for a few minutes and leave.”The guard looked at Thaddeus but was not intimidated by the latter’s 190cm frame and strong aura.“Class is still in session. If you want to pick up your children, you need to register and ask for leave from the teacher. What class are your children in? I’ll call the teacher and ask her to come out and talk to you.”Thaddeus said, “I don’t know. Please help me check. Their names are Bobby and Millie.”The guard immediately became alert. “You don’t even know what class your children are in, and you dare to say that you’re here to pick them up? It’s clear that Bobby and Millie are just nicknames. I bet you can’t even tell me their full names.”
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Chapter 164
“Yes. Mom, there’s something I have to confess to you. I have children with Susan, so I can’t marry another woman according to your plan. I need to be responsible for these children. They’re your grandchildren too. I hope that you can accept them and Susan.”Eleanor felt like her brain exploded. She staggered back in shock from the sudden news and sat down on the sofa.Bobby and Millie exchanged looks and revealed a helpless and confused expression.Along the way, Victor had asked them if they wanted to see their grandma. He said he would take them back to the home they belonged to.Of course, the children wanted to have a happy and complete home. Thus, they happily followed Victor here.In the end, they found out that their grandma was someone they hated before. Similarly, their grandma did not like them either...Eleanor was silent for a long time. However, she was still a cultured and civilized person. She adjusted her mood and asked a maid to take the children to another hall
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Chapter 165
Mona rushed to the hospital as soon as she got the news.Victor was in the ER, and Eleanor was so anxious she could not stop crying. She sat in a chair in the hallway, unable to even stand up.Thaddeus was the only one who remained calm at the scene.Mona quickly walked out of the elevator, looked at the two people, and asked Thaddeus, “Where are Bobby and Millie?”“They’re at Victor’s house. They don’t know anything, so they weren’t affected.”That was a relief. She glanced at the red sign of the emergency room.“How’s Victor?”Thaddeus’ eyes rested on Mona’s face and caught a touch of worry in her expression. “His life isn’t in danger. Don’t worry.”Mona sighed in relief and recalled their unpleasant conversation in the morning. She thought that Victor would give up after she exposed his lies, but she did not expect him to go so far.Why did he take the children back to his home and tell Eleanor that they were his?Mona’s head was a mess. She looked at the distraught Eleano
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Chapter 166
With downcast eyes, Thaddeus indifferently took a fleeting glance at Mona’s emotionless face and said, “Come with me.” Mona took a look at the time. “You have ten minutes. I need to pick the kids up.” “Okay.” The pair took the lift and proceeded to a quiet spot in the hospital’s botanical field. Following the face-to-face opportunity, Thaddeus lowered his gaze to study Mona’s face.There was something familiar about her, and the feeling in his gut was only growing stronger. With his mind harking back to the intimacy they shared, it was not just her body Thaddeus was into, but the feeling he got as well. The proof was in the pudding. Thaddeus could be certain of his instinct that Mona was the girl of that fateful night without digging into it. The man’s eye contact made Mona uncomfortable. “You have eight more minutes, Mr. Fontaine.”“Mona, do you want to get married to Victor?” Mona drew a deep breath as the question threw her a curveball. “I didn’t really want to.” “
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Chapter 167
Thaddeus was surprised as Mona had never once caved in to him since the divorce. There was no way he would refuse her sudden request. “Okay. What do you want me to do?” “I don’t know, but something just doesn’t sit right with me. I’m getting a lot of precarious people and information around me, and after that stunt Victor pulled today, my concern is that it will affect the kids.” “Move to my place. You live in an area without property management or neighborhood watch. You don’t know your neighbors, and most of the tenants are not locals. It’s better for you to move to a place with the guarantee of safety and privacy.” Mona raised her brow. It was strange that the man appeared to be well-versed in her neighborhood. Nevertheless, she did not read too much into it as Thaddeus’ suggestion got her thinking. Moving to his place was out of the question. Since they were divorced, they were separate entities without any relation. She could ask him for help, but that did not mean sh
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Chapter 168
Mona walked around Thaddeus and headed for the entrance of the hospital. There was nothing more the man could do other than watch her leave. …After picking the kids up from the Cornwells’ residence and taking them home, Mona told the whole story to Linda. She told only Linda about her plans to move. Linda could not quite get where Mona was coming from. “Why must you ask help from Thaddeus? You guys are separated. Why did you get him involved? Samantha will come looking for you when she finds out. You’re just asking for trouble.” Mona opened the closet to sort out her stuff and explained, “It’s a quick fix since I can’t handle the situation on my own. Victor is out of the ICU now, but that doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods. He might go to extremes again if things don’t go his way. I won’t marry him for sure, so my only choice is to evade him.” “Out of all the people, why did you have to go to Thaddeus? What difference does it make from the time you used to rely on him fo
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Chapter 169
Bobby sat upright with his back facing Mona but leaned his ear toward his mother. He was all ears. He was a sensitive boy, so he knew that Mommy was about to say the opposite of what he had hoped. “Bobby, we’re moving to the city, somewhere with good schools. At least, we won’t have to worry about Millie’s schooling and yours. As for me and Victor, it’s not working out. I went and did a DNA test on you guys, and he’s not your father…” “So, Uncle Victor has been lying. He’s a liar.” Bobby handled the truth with serenity. He turned around to face Mona and patted her head in a bid to offer comfort. He sighed and said, “Silly girl, you have been cheated on again.” Scrunching her nose, Mona refuted, “I wasn’t cheated. I never accepted him as your father in the first place. My conscience has always been clear.” Bobby shook his head. “Mommy, I can’t take my eyes off you for one second. Be honest with me. Are we moving because of Uncle Victor? He won’t leave you alone, so we’re going s
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Chapter 170
Mona entered the neighborhood, went upstairs to her apartment, and put down the suitcases when her phone rang. The call was from a local number. With Mona taking the call, Eleanor’s voice came from the other end of the line. “Where are you now? Victor is awake. Why aren’t you visiting him in the hospital?” “I’m working. I’ll drop by once I’m done here.” “How can you even bother with work when Victor is lying in the hospital? Come right now. He won’t eat anything and just stares at the door. It’s obvious that he’s waiting for you. Just take time off work.” “Mrs. Cornwell, you are aware of the circumstances I am in. I’m the breadwinner of my family, and I’ve worked hard to get the job. I can’t just take off right away. What if my boss finds out?” Mona made it seem like she was caught between a rock and a hard place. Although Eleanor’s comment rubbed her the wrong way, she kept her cool. “You can just say that someone is sick and that you need to look after him in the hospi
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