All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 861 - Chapter 870
999 Chapters
Chapter 861
Bobby’s expression suddenly became very serious. “Mommy is a very good-tempered woman, but she ran away from home this time. It must be because she’s sad and disappointed. Daddy, you shouldn’t make Mommy sad.”Thaddeus was exasperated and knocked his head. “I must have owed you all a debt in my past life.”He spoiled that woman endlessly. Even when he was angry, he never took it out on her and would rather suffocate than yell at her. That woman did not know how fortunate she was.Millie praised Bobby, “That’s right. Bobby is right. Daddy, you’re a man. You should give in to Mommy.”Thaddeus spanked the two children. “Don’t just talk and show your real skills to coax your mommy back.”“Yes, sir!”...In the evening, Mona and Linda were busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. They were having barbecue that night.At that moment, there was a knock at the door, and Bobby and Millie’s voices rang out. The two women looked at each other and confirmed that their ears were not playing tr
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Chapter 862
Mona threw a grateful look at her son. He really was the one who knew her best and defended her the most.Sometimes, it was sad thinking about that. She was an adult, but she had to be taken care of by a little child. However, that was also a kind of happiness.Mona looked at her two darlings in front of her with a calm smile on her face. She was really content.“Come and eat. We’re having a barbecue today.”Linda put the grill and the ingredients on the table and called everyone over to sit down for dinner.Bobby and Millie’s eyes lit up when they saw the sizzling grill on the table. They had not had a barbecue in so long!Linda could not help but laugh. “What greedy little kittens we have here. All the cutlery is prepared, so let’s start eating. Throw what you want to eat on the grill yourself.”“Okay.” The two little ones were eager to try. They stared at the grill and kept tossing ingredients in, drooling in hunger.Mona took a tissue to wipe their drool. “Isn’t that enou
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Chapter 863
At that mention, Bobby and Millie finally remembered their father. They were satiated, but their daddy was still downstairs waiting for them to bring their mommy back.Since they could not bring her back, they could just let their daddy see her one more time.“Mommy, there’s already a car downstairs. Just send me and Bobby down.” Millie took Mona’s hand and dragged her outside.“There’s no hurry, Millie. Let me change my clothes.”How could Millie not hurry? She did not finish her task, so she had to at least drag her mommy downstairs. She had made such a proud boast earlier, so she could not eat her own words.“Geez, why are you two in such a hurry to leave? You should stay for a few days.”“No, thank you, Godmom. We’ll leave Mommy in your care. We’ll be going now,” Bobby thanked Linda very politely.“You’re getting better at talking now. I have some leftover barbecue ingredients here. You two can take them back and ask the kitchen to prepare them for you if you want to eat the
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Chapter 864
“I haven’t thought about it yet.”“What are you thinking? Huh?” Thaddeus asked Mona. “You have a family, but you won’t go home. This isn’t the right thing to do. What do you have to think about?”The man’s tone was impatient and exasperated. He was not trying to solve the problem at all. He just came here to find her to pass the time because he was bored.Mona pursed her lips. “Thaddeus, when you learn to respect me and communicate with me without bringing your emotions into the matter, then we’ll talk.”Thaddeus slammed his fist on the steering wheel. This woman always had ways to make him angry, but she did not allow others to talk about her. She wanted him to respect her and talk to her without bringing emotions into the matter.Did he not do that?What the hell was this woman talking about? His grasp of her world was getting fainter and fainter.“Well, that’s all from me. Hurry up and take the children home. Remember to drive safely. Take care of them,” Mona said and then op
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Chapter 865
The gift was left on the table all day. Mona read the script during the day, and the kids called her on video at noon.“Mommy, guess where I’m at now. This is a very secret place.”Mona looked carefully at the background behind Millie. Sure enough, she had never seen the place before.“Where are you and Bobby? Don’t run around, or I’ll get worried.”“We didn’t run around, Mommy. Bobby and I are very good. Daddy was the one who brought us here.”“Where are you? What are you doing now?” Mona looked at the unfamiliar background. It looked like someone’s home, and there was even a woman’s voice in the background.“I can’t talk to you much, Mommy. I’m hanging up now. Love you.”Millie’s mysterious appearance made Mona more curious. She wondered where Thaddeus had taken them.Were they at a certain woman’s house? It was bad enough that the man was playing with another woman outside, but Mona could not accept it if he brought the children as well.She took out her phone and called Th
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Chapter 866
They could only wait for the results of the investigation. After sending the police away, Linda and Mona were about to close the door when Linda suddenly saw a pair of men’s leather shoes in front of the neighbor’s house across her unit.Linda was wary and stared at the shoes for a long time.Mona noticed her acting weirdly. “What’s wrong? What are you looking at?”Linda closed the door, pulled Mona to the room, and spoke quietly.“Did you see that pair of leather shoes in front of the neighbor’s house?”“Yeah, it should be a man’s. What’s wrong with that shoe size?”“My neighbors are two young ladies who work outside.”Linda felt a chill go down her spine as she spoke. The more she thought about it, the scarier it was. “I even greeted them two days ago. They’ve lived here for three years, but I’ve never seen a man come in and out of their house.”Mona hummed. “Could it be that one of them got a boyfriend? I think we should wait until everything is investigated clearly. Let’s n
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Chapter 867
If nothing else, the pair of leather shoes were quite expensive. Mona was sure that it was genuine leather. What kind of rich person would live in a neighborhood like this?Mona was puzzled. It was strange just thinking about it. Could there really be something wrong with this neighbor like Linda said?She walked out and looked back frequently, the curiosity in her heart tickling her like a cat’s claw.Mona went downstairs, threw away the garbage, and sat on the garden bench waiting for Linda to come down.It was a nice day with the sun out, so Mona had a rare moment of leisure. She took out her cell phone to video call the two children. Although she had moved away to live now, she was not any less concerned about the children.The video call rang for a long time before Millie picked up.The background was still the room from yesterday. Mona asked, “Where are you now, baby?”“I told you, it’s a secret. Stop asking, Mommy.”Millie brought her finger to her mouth and made a shush
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Chapter 868
Mona suddenly paused when she heard Linda say that.It seemed like Linda was right. When she caught Thaddeus with another woman, her heart felt extremely insecure. Furthermore, Thaddeus’ evasive attitude reduced her sense of security to nothing, so she had to think of leaving to prove her existence to him.However, her departure also added to her courage of not being afraid of losing.Linda was also a woman, so she could naturally understand Mona’s thoughts.“In fact, Mr. Fontaine really cares about you. Look, even when he got angry so many times, he’s been willing to step down and coax you. Now, he even brought the children and chased after you here. I think his performance deserves a passing grade.”“Is that all?” Mona curled her lips. No, this was not enough. It was far from enough.What he and Ginny did really crossed the line. If she forgave his actions just because he was good to her now, she would be letting down her own principles.She had to make him truly hurt for once
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Chapter 869
Linda recalled the relationship between the two people. “But last time, I saw that Mr. Fontaine was really partial to you. It was like he liked you so much he couldn’t see anyone else. He had no feelings for Ginny at all. How did they suddenly get entangled?”In short, Linda found it very strange.Mona was a little confused. “What a man says only represents his attitude and thoughts at the moment. Just because he was devoted to me then doesn’t mean that he won’t choose to betray our marriage when he encounters something new.”Linda let out a long sigh. “It was really wise of me not to fall into the river of love.”Mona laughed. “Haha, don’t say that. Women still need to fall in love.”The two walked and chatted in the garden, then went to the supermarket to buy groceries.“Let’s stock up more. Mr. Fontaine and your two kids are here. Maybe they’ll come over to have dinner. Judging by Mr. Fontaine’s noble appearance, it’s clear he’s used to people serving him. He probably doesn’t
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Chapter 870
The man gripped the steering wheel and drove his fancy car on the road.Linda and the man’s luxury car drove into the neighborhood one after the other. Linda pulled Mona to the side and hid, watching Thaddeus come out of the car and carry his stuff upstairs.“Wow, he really did move here. Suzy, are you satisfied now? The great Mr. Fontaine was willing to stoop down to live in a shabby place like this because of you.”“So what?”Mona was unmoved. “If he doesn’t break it off with that woman and give me a satisfactory answer, I won’t forgive him even if he kneels down in front of me.”“Oh my, you’re really fierce.”The two women waited downstairs before heading up.Mona saw Linda sneak around as if afraid that Thaddeus would discover that they knew he moved over. She said bluntly, “Don’t be so cautious. Shouldn’t Thaddeus be the one avoiding us?”Linda was suddenly struck by an epiphany.“You’re right. The one who should be afraid of being discovered shouldn’t be us but Thaddeus!
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