All Chapters of Clingy Love: Chapter 881 - Chapter 890
999 Chapters
Chapter 881
Linda responded coldly, “Whatever. Stop bothering me.” “Don’t think I don’t know. You have my husband’s contact, right? Do you still want to sleep with him?!” As the woman spoke, she pounced over like a shrew and scratched Linda’s face until it bled. Mona wanted to go up to help but was pulled by Thaddeus to a far side. “You have a little one in your tummy. Don’t add to the mess.” Mona stood to the side and watched the messy scene in front of her. Linda was a professional taekwondo instructor. She grabbed the woman’s hair and gave her a beating. Linda pressed the woman to the ground and gritted her teeth as she glared at the woman fiercely. “You’d better take your trash with you and get out. I’ll smash your head if you come and disturb me again!” The woman’s face was pressed to the ground, so much so that it was almost deformed by Linda. She cried in a hoarse voice, “Do you think I want to? You destroyed my marriage and seduced my husband to sleep with you. I saw it with
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Chapter 882
Mrs. Jenkins’ cries became louder. Several neighbors opened their doors to come out and watch the fun. Mona was worried the neighbors would gossip about it without knowing what was going on, which would affect Linda’s reputation. She walked over to help Mrs. Jenkins up. “Mrs. Jenkins, you should get up first. Let’s not disturb the neighbors and head inside to talk.” “Suzy, you should take the kids home first.” Linda considered that Bobby and Millie were still waiting in the car. She did not want this to affect the harmony of Mona’s family. “Okay. Call me if anything happens.” Mona waved at Linda. She believed Linda was capable of solving this matter and did not need others to interfere. Mona turned to look at Mrs. Jenkins before she left. Mrs. Jenkins was also a poor woman hurt by love. Mona hoped that both she and Mrs. Jenkins could soon get over the betrayal they experienced. With that, Mona and Thaddeus went into the elevator. Thaddeus noticed her look of disappointmen
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Chapter 883
After sending the message, Mona put her phone away and closed her eyes to pretend to sleep. Thaddeus glanced sideways at Mona and felt somewhat disappointed. Back then, Mona would face him and watch him drive. Now, she was looking outside as though trying to draw distance from him. Like grabbing a handful of sand but not being able to hold them, the feeling of loss in Thaddeus’ heart grew.“Given how you’re craving sour food, it must be a boy.” He found a topic after racking his brain. Mona closed her eyes and hummed softly. She frowned somewhat impatiently. “It’d be nice if it’s a girl.” Thaddeus continued to ask, “What do you think?” Mona turned her face to the side. “How noisy. I want to sleep.” Thaddeus was mad at being given a cold shoulder. He thought, ‘How can she be so aloof? I can’t coax her at all.’ While feeling angry, Thaddeus kept quiet and remained cold as he drove back to Fontaine Residence. When he stopped at the entrance, he looked at Mona, who was s
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Chapter 884
Sure enough, as Mona expected, it was Ginny. Mona’s hand trembled as she held the phone. She did not know if she was angry or disappointed, but emotions instantly surged in her heart. She felt so oppressed that she found it hard to breathe. Thaddeus walked back after buying a drink. He opened the door and sat in the driver’s seat. When he saw Mona’s pale face, he knew something was off. He immediately asked nervously, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” As soon as Thaddeus’ hand touched Mona’s face, she pushed it away by reflex. “Don’t touch me!” The strong reaction was subconscious. Mona’s resistance and rejection for Thaddeus were obvious. Thaddeus could sense it. His heart sank, and he had an ugly expression on his face. “What’s the matter? Tell me why you’re unhappy.” Mona held back and took Thaddeus’ phone to unlock it. “You were just on the phone with Ginny.” Thaddeus looked down at the phone and reached out to take it. He responded calmly, “Yes. I was t
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Chapter 885
“In that case, suit yourself.” Mona grabbed her bag, preparing to get off. She had long been tired of the three-way relationship. It drained her energy and mind, so she might as well withdraw from it. Thaddeus also got out of the car and followed her closely. “I’ll go with you.” “No need.” Mona was calm. “Go and do what you need. I don’t want to waste your precious time.” “Stop fooling around.” Thaddeus held Mona’s hand and frowned. “Suzy, you don’t need to get angry over an insignificant person.” Mona stopped and stood still. She turned around to face Thaddeus, unperturbed. “Thaddeus, I’m not angry anymore. I’m just tired and want to be alone to do my own thing quietly. Stop following me.” Thaddeus swallowed his words when he saw she was in despair. “Okay. I’ll wait for you in the car, then.” He could not force her too much at this time, or it would only backfire. As such, Thaddeus walked in the opposite direction and got into the car. He watched Mona go in the direc
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Chapter 886
Mona sat in a daze on the bench, and her thoughts were scattered. At this time, a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned to look and saw a woman standing next to her with a smile. It was Anna. She wore a white coat and held a pile of papers in her hand. She had just finished a regular meeting when she saw Mona sitting here. “Are you here for a maternity checkup?” Anna conveniently sat next to Mona and chatted with her. “How’s the baby?” Mona avoided the question and smiled. “What a coincidence. Did you just finish your work, great psychologist?” “I just finished a meeting. I was very busy a while ago, but I just want to take a break now.” Anna closed her eyes and had a weary look on her face. She seemed a little listless. “What’s wrong?” Mona placed her hand on Anna’s shoulder and said softly, “You seem unhappy.” “A little.” Anna composed herself and said, “Alex’s first love is back. It seems they’re getting married soon. So I don’t want to stay in this city for th
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Chapter 887
“No, I want to go.” Anna lowered her head, looking disappointed. She said softly, “I’ll give up if I go.” Mona sighed and patted her shoulder. “Why are you torturing yourself? Are you only going to stop when you die of heartache?” Anna smiled weakly. Her reluctance to accept the outcome seemed pale at this moment. “Yes. I’ll only have enough once I die of heartache. Otherwise, I’ll always not be resigned to the outcome.” Mona understood how Anna felt. She had invested her time and energy in her feelings. The silent cost was too much, so she could not just let go. “Fine. I’ll go with you, but you can’t cry.” Anna ruffled her hair and humphed. “Of course. I won’t cry. I’ll even dress up beautifully tomorrow. Although I lost, I’m a loser with a backbone.” Mona gave her a thumbs-up. “That’s right—that’s the kind of attitude we should have.” “Then it’s a deal. See you by the river at 7 p.m. tomorrow.” “Okay.” Mona waved at Anna and then walked in Thaddeus’ direction. T
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Chapter 888
Mona stood outside the car and looked at Ginny, who was wearing delicate makeup. Ginny’s big red lips were charming as she curled her lips into a casual smile. It felt like an open provocation to Mona. “What is it you want to talk about?” Ginny grinned calmly. “Get in the car first. It’s about me and Thaddeus.” “There’s nothing to talk about.” Mona stood in place. “You two can talk. Just don’t disturb me.” Ginny was startled when she heard that. Afterward, she snorted. “Are you that generous? Didn’t you have a firm grip on him? Why are you willing to let go of him now?” Mona looked faintly at Ginny. “As tightly as I hold on to him, it can’t compare to your tricks. He’s just a man. I’ll give him to you for free.” Following that, Mona lifted her hand to stop a cab happening to be passing by. She got in the car. Ginny was left in a daze in her sports car. For a long time, she was dumbfounded. Mona’s reaction was truly unexpected. Ginny thought Mona would at least curse
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Chapter 889
Ginny knew very well Jennifer was afraid because she knew the secret of her dirty affairs in the past. However, how long had it been? When did Jennifer begin to favor Mona? In terms of tricks, Ginny thought Mona was more capable than her. After all, Mona managed to take down the tricky and difficult old witch. “Aunt Jennifer, I’m Ginny. Don’t you recognize me?” Ginny’s eyes were teary. She looked delicate yet pitiful. Thaddeus narrowed his eyes and said coldly to Ginny, “Get out.” Ginny was left startled for a while. She looked aggrieved as she agreed to it and left. Thaddeus turned around and calmed Jennifer down. Afterward, he asked her to wait on the sofa until the discharge procedure was done. They would go home together after that. When the two returned to Fontaine Residence, Mona was also home. She was playing with the kids in the living room. Jennifer walked over when she saw Mona. She held her hands and clung to her. “Mona, I finally see you.” Jennifer’s e
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Chapter 890
“The reason is that there’s a knot in my heart.” Mona sounded calm. She was neither aggrieved nor angry. “Even if I corrected myself, I can’t forget what happened. That’s the reason.” Like a stake with nails, even if the nails were removed, there would still be many holes left. How would the holes have to be filled up for the stake to be restored? It could never be restored. Thaddeus’ gaze was cold. He crossed his arms and looked at Mona’s stubborn look. “I know you’re still mad.” “Whatever you think.” Mona lifted her hand to push Thaddeus’ shoulder, gesturing for him to move out of the way. She did not want to talk to him anymore as she was disgusted by him. Thaddeus blocked the doorway and grabbed her wrist. “What’s this attitude of yours?” “I ran into your new love in the hospital today. She upset me, so I’m talking to you with a bad attitude.” Mona exhaled slowly and raised her hand to move Thaddeus’ hand away. “Mr. Fontaine, please control your new love so she does
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