All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
166 Chapters
With Boma in his arms, Donovan sought out her friends amidst the jubilant crowd. With a charming smile, he promised them, "You ladies deserve a special treat for all your support. How about attending my victory dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town? I'm shutting down that place with the party tomorrow evening and I will be honored to have you all there." Boma's face lit up with gratitude, and her friends eagerly accepted the invitation with gleeful nods and excited chatter. They thanked Donovan profusely, expressing their anticipation for the upcoming dinner. Meanwhile, from a distance, Teni watched the interaction with a mix of envy and longing. She wished she could be the one in Donovan's place giving Boma attention and affection. She could not stop feeling a pang of possessiveness toward Boma. The intensity of her emotions startled her, and she whispered words of self-control to herself, reminding herself to maintain composure. With a reluctant sigh, she turned away, det
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School activities resumed, and Boma's heart raced with anticipation as she awaited the results of her first test. Early in the morning at 7:00 am on the dot, she was already in the campus to check the result. Lacking confidence in her performance, she wanted to do it when few or no one was there. She got there and was in luck. She was alone at the large notice board. The tension in the air was strong as she scanned the list of grades posted on the notice board. This was for one of her hardest courses and she had barely prepared due to clashes with her job and skipping classes with Teni. Her face paled as she spotted her name among the low scorers. She got an E. Taking a pen, she quickly blotted the grade and her name. She figured she would make it up during the exam. Queen, Bella and Tracy arrived to check on theirs. Even they were on average. Queen got a B grade, Bella and Tracy both got Cs. They were happy, hugging each other. Boma was envious and managed to congratulate them.
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Hilda's reaction had Boma thinking about her decisions and how things were going but she failed to see anything wrong. She came into this life and got entangled with Donovan. He controlled her in the most brutal way. Now she had her freedom. She just wanted to do things her way which she believed was working for her. Harry called her phone. She stared at it, refusing to take the call. But when the call became insistent, she received it. "What do you want?" "My proposal still stands." "Just leave me alone all of you." She shrieked and became embarrassed as everyone stared at her in the restaurant. She ended the call and left in a hurry. On her way to the school library to do some reading, her phone kept ringing with Harry's number but she didn't take the call. Boma ventured into the library and kept the phone on silence. Then she found her own space and tried to study. That was the last thing she remembered before jolting up, awake. Frowning, she checked the time twice
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The restaurant's atmosphere shifted as the heavy oak door swung open, revealing Donovan and his right-hand men. His presence alone commanded attention, sending a ripple of hushed whispers through the room. Donovan strode in with the confidence of a king, his men flanking him like loyal sentinels. Patrons paused mid-bite, their conversations fading into murmurs as they took in the sight of Donovan's imposing figure. Some cast furtive glances, while others averted their eyes, instinctively recognizing the authority emanating from him. Outside, Donovan's men lingered, their presence a silent warning to any who dared to challenge their leader. Inside, Donovan approached the counter, his men trailing behind him like shadows. The serving staff, a mix of males and females, exchanged nervous glances as they caught sight of Donovan's approach. A young waiter, his hands trembling slightly, stepped forward to greet Donovan, his voice shaky with apprehension. On a normal day, they all walked
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Donovan's phone pierced the heavy atmosphere, disrupting the suffocating silence in the car. Each ring felt like a sledgehammer against Donovan's chest, his heartbeat syncing with the relentless chime. With a resigned sigh, he finally answered, his voice strained with tension."Donovan" he said, his tone curt, betraying the storm raging within him.The owner, his voice, solemn came through on the other end, a stark contrast to Donovan's controlled demeanor. "Mr. Garrett, I apologize for disturbing you, but I needed to confirm your contact details."Donovan's jaw clenched at the mention of his name, the weight of recent events bearing down on him like a leaden cloak. "Yes. This is it." He confirmed. "Great to know." He responded."Good." Said Donovan. "Meanwhile, my wife will no longer work at your establishment. I never wanted her working in the first place, but it's just something she wanted to do.""I understand. Once again I apologize.""Also, I want her wages settled for the t
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Boma stood before Donovan, her trembling form a stark reminder of the fear he easily instilled in her.As Donovan took her hand, she flinched, expecting pain. Instead, he led her towards the house, his long strides forcing her to keep up, almost dragging her along."D..." Her protest faltered weakly as she reluctantly followed.He paused. Then impatience drove him to hoist her onto one shoulder.She balled her hands into fists, ready to pummel him in protest like she used to do in the past. But fear and feeling like this time, the situation was different, prevented her. Alone in his bedroom, Donovan's anger simmered as he gently placed her on the floor, his eyes blazing with fury.He regained possession of her hand, keeping her facing him while the fire of anger blazed in his aquamarine eyes.Her chest heaved with the simmering tension as his free hand cupped the back of her neatly braided hair, keeping her attention on him."I swore to myself never to make you cry again." His tone
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Boma stood there, her heart pounding against her chest like a prisoner desperate to break free. Donovan's chilling words echoed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the image of Teni caught in the crossfire of his anger. She couldn't let that happen. With each passing moment, Donovan and his men were getting closer to the frat house, and Boma knew she had to act fast. Despite Donovan's strict instructions to stay put, she couldn't just stand by and watch Teni suffer for expressing her feelings. They were just feelings, nothing more, and Teni didn't deserve Donovan's wrath. Despite everything, Teni was a great tutor. She still needed her. Summoning every ounce of courage she had, Boma made a split-second decision. She would confront Donovan, stop him from whatever he was about to do, and save Teni from his fury. Ignoring the pounding of her heart, she left the room and stepped outside. The security guard, engrossed in a game under a nearby tree, barely noticed her at first. But
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With Boma's resolve came a shift in her demeanor. Thus she raised her chin in defiance, her stance, confrontational."Where is Teni?"With his eyes still locked to hers, Donovan spoke, his order directed at his men "Please leave us for a moment." He said and they obeyed, leaving the couple alone.Now alone in his presence, Boma didn't know why it felt like his presence had become more dominating.Still, she managed to stand her ground, refusing to be intimidated by him.Donovan's eyes swept over her, recognizing her determination. It was admirable, at thesame time annoying. His lips curled in a small smile devoid of warmth."I'm sure you can recall the last time something like this happened between us.""What are you talking about?" She demanded without giving real thought to his words."I don't think it ended well for you." He stated, ignoring her question which forced the memory upon her. She recalled confronting him at his house over Fidelis. She shifted the memory aside, determine
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Donovan swung open the door, his presence casting a dark shadow over the already dismal room. With a swift motion, he confiscated Boma's phone, before exiting and locking her back in, leaving her defenseless as she took in the bleak surroundings. The room was small and sparsely furnished, with bare walls painted in a dull shade of beige that did nothing to lift the oppressive atmosphere. In one corner of the room stood a narrow bed, its thin mattress adorned with a scratchy blanket that offered little in the way of comfort. On the opposite side, a small table held a jug of water and a couple of cups, the only sign of life in the otherwise barren space. But it was the sight of Teni, sitting huddled in a corner with her knees drawn up to her chest, that drew Boma's attention. Her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, betraying the tears she had undoubtedly shed in the solitude of this cold, unforgiving room. As Boma approached, Teni looked up, her expression a mix of relief and despair.
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Left alone, Boma's heart weighed heavy with despair. She sank onto the bed, the silence of the room echoing the turmoil within her. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she awaited Donovan's return, her mind plagued by uncertainty and fear. When Donovan reappeared, his presence only served to intensify the tension in the room. He handed her phone back to her without a word, his stoic demeanor offering no solace. "Thank you," Boma said softly, glad to have her phone back. Donovan nodded curtly, his expression unreadable as he turned to leave. As the door closed behind him, Boma's sense of isolation deepened. She glanced at her phone, the screen offering no escape from the suffocating reality of her situation. Alone once more, Boma remained in the room as night descended, the hunger in her stomach a cruel reminder of her captivity. A knock at the door interrupted the silence, and one of Donovan's henchmen entered with a tray of food. "Queen, your dinner," he said, plac
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