All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 161 - Chapter 166
166 Chapters
Donovan’s apartment buzzed with the lively energy of his friends, all gathered to celebrate the close of the first semester. Seated in his favorite armchair, Donovan observed the revelry with a drink in hand. Laughter and music filled the room, but a dark cloud loomed over his heart, casting a shadow on his thoughts. Despite the vibrant energy surrounding him, he felt a profound sense of isolation.Recently, he had tried to call his parents and grandfather to break the news about the divorce. Each time he picked up the phone, his resolve crumbled under the weight of what the conversation might end. The thought of pulling the final plug on the relationship left him paralyzed.He didn't want this to be the end. Donovan's mind drifted to her. Did she really want the divorce? He shook his head, struggling to comprehend how things had come to this. Donovan had tried his best to let her do her own thing, and that wasn’t even his style. Love had changed him, leaving him adrift in unfamiliar
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Phillip returned with the security guard, and Donovan fixed him with a stern gaze, ready to interrogate him."Have you been on duty throughout your shift today?"The young man, visibly nervous under Donovan's scrutiny, stammered, "Yes... yes, Sir.""Did you see my wife today?""Yes, she... she has been here all day, but...""But?" Donovan's voice was edged with impatience."She... I know she left with a friend some time ago.""What friend?""She told me she would be back very late as she was attending a party."Donovan frowned. His initial assumption was that his wife had gone out with her usual group of friends, but the guard's singular "friend" indicated otherwise. Perhaps it was Hilda?"What friend?" he demanded. "Guy? Girl?""I can't really tell," the guard replied, looking more confused."What do you mean by that?" Donovan growled, stepping closer, his frustration mounting.The guard stepped back, fear evident in his eyes. He stared blankly at Donovan, unsure of how to respond.P
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Donovan called Hilda, his fingers tapping impatiently against the phone as it rang."Hello, Hilda," he said as soon as she picked up. "I need to talk to you. It’s about Boma."Hilda's voice, already laced with worry, deepened. "What’s going on, Presido?""I’ve been trying to piece together where she might be. The security guard saw her leave with someone in a black car. Do you remember anything unusual about her recently?"Hilda paused, thinking hard. "The last time we saw her was at the faculty block, and she was alone but was later joined by Harry. They went to check his exam results together."Donovan’s grip tightened on the phone. He remembered encountering her that day as well. He had even seen Harry's car as he left. "Harry? Are you sure?""Yes," Hilda replied. "We didn't like it and didn't’t think much of it at the time, but now... it worries me.""Thanks, Hilda. I’ll do all I can to handle it from here," Donovan said, ending the call abruptly.His mind raced, fury bubbling to
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After what felt like an hour, the car finally slowed down, bumping along a rough road.Boma sensed they were far from the island, possibly near the city outskirts. God, where were they taking her?The car stopped, and her captors dragged her out. She heard nothing but forest sounds. Maybe they were at a cabin in the woods, she thought.Barely able to struggle, she was carried into a house. The creaking of boots on wood told her it was a wooden structure. A door lock clicked open, and she was carried inside. The air was stale, as if the place hadn't been aired out in ages.She heard a window opening, letting in some much-needed ventilation. Inwardly, she was grateful; she could have suffocated otherwise.Finally, they dropped her to the floor and removed her blindfold.She faced Harry. His gaze was cold, devoid of the compassion she once saw in him. He was a man consumed by envy and a thirst for power.She wanted to speak, to appeal to his better nature, but her lips were sealed.Fearful
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Harry and Ken are seated in the living room of the cabin. As a frat house it was simple, rustic with minimal furniture.Ken was standing before a pacing Harry."Calm down, bro." Ken said, causing him to pause."That bastard is not taking me seriously." He shouted. "Does he think I'm joking?" "No. But it's just his way to assert his power. You are still the one in power. You have the leverage, so calm down."Hearing that, Harry sank down on a chair.He called Donovan who picked up after the second ring. This also infuriated Harry. Donovan should be desperate, calling him all the time. "I will kill your wife by tomorrow if you've not resigned by 12:pm." He declared and ended the call.He sat back satisfied that this time, it was he who had ended the call."Good one, bro." Ken praised."Thanks for having my back.""Anytime bro."They were silent for a while. "Look at this place. It's a mess." Harry said. "Once we get the money by any means necessary, we'll put up a magnificent structure
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In the depth of his grief, Donovan clung tightly to Boma."No, you can't leave. Come back to me. Please, come back to me. I know you can hear me. I choose to believe you can hear me. Boma!"The family doctor gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "She's gone, Son. I'm sorry.""No!" Donovan shook off the doctor's hand and looked at Boma's face, growing cold in his arms. "Boma, hear me! Come back to me. It's D. Don't go, please!"Boma, floating towards the light, heard a distant voice calling her. The light beckoned her, but so did the voice. She heard her name, then the words, "Don't go... Come back to me... It's D... Please..."The voice grew louder, pulling her back. The light faded as she heard, "It's Papa... please don't leave me. Live again!"She gasped, her eyes shooting open. Seizures wracked her body, and she became aware of herself in Donovan's familiar arms. A beeping sound filled the air.People in white coats surrounded her, and she realized she was on a hospital bed in Donov
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