All Chapters of The Stolen Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
138 Chapters
87. More
Zayn’s pov"She’s hurt," Nadeem said.I could see that, but I didn’t understand why. She didn’t seem to want to have dinner with me, and I was glad because I wasn’t ready for that yet. But why would she get upset when I offered to bring food to her?Nadeem sighed. "Maybe she does want more."No. The thought alone freaked me out, and I was embarrassed that the rest of the way home I didn’t say a word to Eve. I was stuck in my thoughts, worrying about what to do about this. I loved being friends with Eve, I loved hanging out with her, and I loved her, but I wasn’t in love with Eve. I couldn’t be. My heart still belonged to Talia. Besides, she had explained to me that all she wanted was friendship, so why did that suddenly change?"Okay, then. See you later. Of niet. [or not]" She whispered the last part in Dutch, and I wasn’t sure what it meant, but this didn’t feel right.Should I give her a hug or something? I didn’t really like touching Eve because the sparks messed with my mind. My b
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88. Talk
Eve’s povWhile Zayn was right about not talking in Dutch when I was upset, it was hard for me to voice my feelings. I had always had to hold my tongue in front of Lex, so whenever I did speak out, I made sure it was in Dutch.Lex probably knew we were talking about him, but I think he didn’t care if I hated him. He cared what other people thought, and as long as nobody understood what I was saying, he was fine. It was all about image. About staying the alpha that people feared, and my job was to stay quiet, hidden, and not undermine him.And now with Zayn, it felt like I was hidden away again somehow. My family knew about Zayn, but I wondered if he knew about me. Did they realize we had spent every day together for three weeks? That he told me his deepest feelings and that I shared things I never shared with anyone?I had tried talking to a therapist, but it was so much easier with Zayn. The only thing I didn’t fully share was everything that happened with Ruby. But that wasn’t about
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89. Talia
Zayn’s povShouting was part of being a soldier and part of my relationship with Talia as well. We could get angry, but we’d never hurt each other. We would yell at each other when we fought, and then we made up with the same amount of passion.But I could see that yelling made Eve flinch. As a tracker, a soldier, and the mate of a Gamma, I had seen a lot. I’ve felt a lot, but I would never know the type of pain Eve endured. The most painful thing I had to endure was losing the love of my life, but she had to see her mate live with another woman every day of her life, and then she was tortured by that same woman. It was a different kind of pain that, I was sure, made a permanent impression on Eve.I thought she was too cold while talking to me, but she had learned to hold back for her own safety.She was asking for my heart, and I couldn’t give it to her. But the thought of losing another woman I had grown to love hurt too much. I felt like such a coward, but telling Eve the truth woul
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90. Next Chapter
Zayn’s pov"Why did you invite us over, dad?" Rayan asked, looking around the house. I knew he felt uncomfortable being here.Jamila was eying the pictures of her mom, and although I saw her more than Rayan, I knew she tried to avoid this house as well. It felt different here now that their mother was gone.I sighed, sitting down on the sofa, watching Sue try to calm Rayan down by scratching his head in the same manner Talia used to do to me."I am thinking about asking Alpha Asher if I can move to another house.""What?" Jamila said, surprised, sitting down to join the conversation. I had asked her to leave her kids and mate at home, knowing this conversation might get heated."Being here is hard without Talia. I feel like being here is stopping me from moving forward to the next chapter." I admitted.Rayan growled, "next chapter? Mom has barely been dead for six months.""Rayan…." Sue said, "he didn’t mean it like that.""What if I did?" I asked them. "The Moon Goddess has blessed me
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91. Romantic
Eve’s povWe sat there in the garden next to each other, and it felt like a dream. I never thought Zayn would choose me.He held my hand while we stayed on the porch wing. I wish we could stay like that forever. Zayn wanted to go slow, and that didn’t bother me at all. Didn’t he realize I hadn’t been with a man in twenty years? They say it’s like riding a bike, and as a dutchie I know how to ride bikes.Hilde laughed while I remembered how I used to ride my bike around town when I was little. I was pretty sure sex wasn’t like riding a bike, though. Would I even be good at it? Would Zayn find my body attractive?We walked back to the house, and as soon as we entered his home, Zayn turned to me, ready to give me another kiss. I backed away from him slowly."Did I do something wrong?" Zayn asked, surprised by my sudden behavior."This house is yours and Talia's, and while I don’t mind coming here, I think we shouldn’t do anything romantic in here. I don’t want you to feel guilty, be remin
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Chapter 4 from The Luna Prophecy
Hi! I want to write for this story more, but I don't have much time left and my priority right now is the Stolen alpha. But I did have some time last week, so here is chapter four. I find that if I don't write for a while I am taken out of the story and have a hard time writing for it. So I think once I do have time I just have to spend a few hours planning this storyline and typing some chapters before I can actually feel ready to publish. Maybe do Stolen Alpha for 5 days a week and this one for one day a week or something. I'll figure it out ;) anyway here it. As always I love hearing your thoughts. And thank you for your support. Orion’s pov Izzy sounded like she had cried but came down to eat a few minutes later looking fine—well, still bruised, but fine. Better than fine, actually beautiful. It was hard to take my eyes off her. With her red hair and green eyes, there was something almost fairylike about her. I don’t think she even realized how good she looked, which was s
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92. Omari
Aeryns’s povI did not expect to smell Zayn on Eve when she entered the room, but I was kind of fucking busy being in labor, so I didn’t have time to question her.Storm growled and sniffed the air, but he held his tongue, and I was proud of his restraint. He really was keeping his promise to his mother, and it was fucking adorable. What wasn’t adorable were those contractions.I knew it would hurt, but I didn’t think it would feel like this. It was like needing to poo very badly, having the worst period cramps, and feeling like being ripped in half at the same time. I knew Storm was feeling it too through the bond, but he kept a straight face."You know you can block the pain from him," Delta offered, and I scoffed. "He got me pregnant; now he can feel half of my fucking pain as well.""Are you nervous?" Mom asked.I decided not to give birth in the hospital but instead in my room because I didn’t want all those doctors around me. I wanted to be home with my family and be able to walk
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93. Cranky Old Man
Zayn’s povI quietly left the packhouse, unsure if my presence was wanted. This was a family occasion, and maybe one day I’d be officially a part of the Omari family; right now I was more like a family friend.The only reason I was tied to any of these people was because of Talia. While I enjoyed hanging out with her brother Troy, his mate Ariel, and the rest of our friends, I felt like without my mate I just didn’t have enough to offer them."I don’t think that’s true." Nadeem said, "But maybe in time you and Eve can hang out with your old group."No. I was starting a new chapter with Eve. If she wanted to see my old friends, we could, but I didn’t want Eve to take over where Talia had left things. It would have to come naturally, I wouldn’t force Eve to hang out with people she didn’t know or liked."Like Rayan?" Nadeem said. "He had a really hard time with this.""He needs time."Nadeem wasn’t so sure. But I just prayed that Rayan would see how wonderful Eve is and how much she was
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94. Hungry
Eve’s pov"You’re enough, you know. Don’t worry about how much you can give me; it’s already so much more than I had ever hoped for and especially more than I am used to."I saw the conflict in his eyes before I said those words. But I was aware he had a life and a love before, and it wasn’t something I could change, even if I wanted to. And I didn’t want to change a thing about Zayn’s life. It had made him the man he was today. And that man was mine. It was still strange to realize that, but it was becoming more true every second. Zayn is van mij [Zayn is mine.]Zayn smiled at me, "thank you. I wish I could give you more, but whatever is left of my heart, I want to be yours."I couldn’t contain my smile; it had been only two days, and already we were going faster than I thought. Zayn went from telling me he wanted to try to actually telling his family and now giving me his heart."I’ll gladly take it." I reassured Zayn.Zayn looked nervously and rubbed his beard, "it might seem odd af
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95. Damsel
Zayn’s povI came inside the packhouse, wanting to surprise Eve. Asher and Leia were still in the living room, watching a movie with their kids, and they told me I was welcome to go upstairs. I entered the room and heard the shower turn off, expecting Eve to step out in her pajamas or at least a towel, but my second mate liked walking around naked in her own room, it seemed."I don’t mind that at all." Nadeem said appreciative. "Once we live with Eve, she can walk around naked all day long."Living together would take time, though, although the thought of sleeping next to Eve and waking up to her every day did make me smile.Eve quickly turned around and quickly grabbed a loose, fitted shirt and some shorts. "Zayn! I didn’t know you were there.""You look really good." I replied, "I apologize for scaring you.""You didn’t scare me. I just didn’t expect to see you here, or I would have worn a towel." Eve bent over to get her shorts on. This sight was even better; her ass was sticking o
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