All Chapters of The Stolen Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
138 Chapters
96. Best Part
Eve’s povZayn and I slept like een blok [a block or two logs] and woke up around lunch time. I never slept in, but we must have needed the sleep.Zayn looked at me with such love when we woke up, and I wish I could wake up like that every day. I didn’t want to go too fast and push Zayn away, so I was allowing Zayn to set the pace.I got dressed while Zayn freshened up and joined him in the bathroom to brush my teeth and put some make-up on."You know you’re just as beautiful without make-up." Zayn said."Would you prefer if I didn’t wear makeup?" I asked, applying my mascara."Habib albi, I would never tell you what to do with your own body. You enjoy putting on makeup, right? It makes you feel good?"I nodded, smiling at mijn held in the mirror. "I do. It's fun and it makes me feel pretty.""Well, then I won’t stop you. I will not control you, like Lex did. Unless you ask me to take control." He said the last part huskily, and I knew exactly what he meant.I trusted Zayn, but I don’t
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97. D
Eve’s pov"So… It’s been a few weeks since I found Zayn in your bed, and Goddess knows I’ve fucking held back. Mostly because Ash said it’s not my fucking business, but fuck that. Please, for the love of the Goddess, tell me about you and Zayn."I chuckled at Leia’s plea. It did surprise me that she hadn’t asked yet, but I thought she was just busy being a Luna and a new grandmother."We’re sleeping together, going on walks, and trying to see each other as much as possible."Leia sighed, "you know that’s not what I’m fucking talking about. Please, it’s just the two of us. I won’t tell anyone. Okay, that’s a lie. I’ll probably tell Ash and maybe Kat, my mom and Lily, but only if you say it’s fine. If it’s a secret I’ll take it to the fucking grave."I blushed, "it’s not a secret. We haven’t had sex yet, but we’ve done everything else. It’s mostly Zayn who does things for me. I don’t know if it’s because he feels guilty if I touch him, or maybe I’m doing something wrong."Leia shook her
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98. Statement
Aeryn’s pov I stared at my mate, who refused to stay behind for this meeting. Storm felt like he needed to be here, to see if this guy was any different than his dickhead father. To be honest, it was kind of nice to do something else than breastfeed and sleep, which is what I’ve been doing mostly. I fucking missed Nivia the moment I stepped out of the room, though. Soon I’d start training to become an Alpha again, but right now I wanted to be there for Nivia all the fucking time. I would never get those first weeks with her back. Thankfully Storm felt the same and we had become an amazing tag team. When we’d be sleeping and Nivia woke up, Storm would take her to me, I’d breastfeed her and he’d burp her and change her diaper. Than she got the other boob and she would sleep for a couple of hours. He would shower while I breastfed, I would shower while he walked with her or did tummy time and I just realized this was the first time either of us had been in the same room together with
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99. Protector
Zayn’s povI pulled back, and I could see the frustration on Eve’s face. “We both want this, don’t we? Please tell me what’s holding you back. I’ve been patient, but I want more. It might help me understand if you explain, because right now I’m getting insecure and think it’s my fault.”“It’s not,” I explained. “ You’re doing everything right.”Eve shook her head and put on her robe. “Then why are you allowed to do whatever you want to my body, but I’m not allowed to touch you? Why, even after I’ve met your kids and been with you for weeks, are we still waiting?”“You’re not the problem, I promise, habib albi.” I knew she deserved a better answer, but the only one I had was going to hurt Eve. How could I tell her the truth?Eve stood up and walked to the bathroom. “We’re moving in together next week, but I won’t join you if you don’t tell me the truth. If you really can’t give me that part of you, I will accept it, but I need to know why. I deserve to know.”Would she truly not live wi
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100. At the Same Time.
Elora’s povWhile it was really nice to be invited to be a bridesmaid for Eve, I wasn’t as close to her as Aeryn was. I wasn’t as close as any of them were, actually. For Aeryn, it had been easy to fall back into the role of being dad and mom’s daughter, and she was already a sister to me, so becoming a sister to Airk and Argo wasn’t as hard either. She was perfect. Aeryn was like a mother to me, a sister, and a friend. She protected me and made sure my life was better than hers. But there was one thing she couldn’t give me, and that was my own memories of my family.She shared her memories with me, and they painted a perfect picture. When I was little, the image that I had of my parents was like something out of a fairy tale. They were like gods to me—the Alpha and Luna that would come rescue us. Like the moon goddess, perfect and unattainable. I knew they were out there, just like the moon goddess, but I didn’t know them personally. All I knew was that they would come for us because
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101. Wedding
Storm’s povSeeing my mother this happy made me realize how fucking miserable she had been all these years. At first I felt guilty, but seeing Nivia reminded me that I would do the same fucking thing for her. I would do anything to protect my daughter. The feeling of guilt toward my mother was replaced by fucking gratitude.Mam finally got her happy ending, and she fucking deserved every last bit of it."Ben je klaar? [Are you ready]" Mam asked, waiting for me to walk her down the aisle.I shook my head, "I don’t think I can actually do it, mam. Sorry."Mam looked confused and hurt, "why? Is het door Zayn? Hij is goed voor me! [is it because of Zayn? He’s good for me!]"I smiled at my mother, "I know. I fucking know how good he is to you; that’s why I got you a surprise for your wedding."At that moment, my grandparents entered the room, and mam broke down seeing them. When I called them a few weeks ago, they explained how mam never wanted them to come to the US, scared that they’d be
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102. Chance
Elora’s pov"I just loved the wedding of Eve so fucking much, but on the other hand, I always wanted a huge fucking wedding with the whole pack here. Like a big ass party.""Mom?" I asked, trying to find the right words. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I didn't see why it was taking years for her to get married. "Why did you want to get married? And why did it take so long?"Mom shrugged, "it’s not that fucking long."I raised my eyebrow. She didn't tell me why she wanted to get married, but I always suspected it had something to do with me and Aeryn being gone. I heard their relationship wasn't always as good as it is now. "You and dad have been together before Aeryn was born; she is almost twenty now, so...."Mom growled softly, "you’re making it sound like we’re fucking old! Eve and Zayn are much older!"Argo came from behind me, having heard most of our conversation. "Actually, Eve is only a few years older than dad. But Zayn is older, yes.""Whatever. I waited because I wa
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103. Club
Elora’s povI still remember meeting Eli that first day, but since becoming Eli’s friend, it’s like we’ve been friends forever. Things are easy with him. He makes me laugh and try new things. I’m used to behaving like a good girl, and he gets me out of my comfort zone and makes me break the rules sometimes.For some reason, Aeryn doesn’t like Eli. She hasn’t said anything, but I can see it. It’s not like I’m going to date Eli; we’re strictly friends, and I’m secretly still crushing on Darian, knowing all too well I shouldn’t."You should keep staring at him," Eli whispered, knowing all too well about my little crush.It was like I was drawn to Darian, but the more I knew about him, the more I understood that that’s all it could be. A crush."I know," I sighed, turning my eyes back on my best friend, who had a scowl on his face."I wish you would listen to me about Darian. I mean, I am hearing a lot of bad things from my cousin back at his pack," Eli said, as if he were my parent. I lov
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104. My Fault
Darian’s povSeeing Eli with Elora every day made my skin crawl, especially knowing it was my own fault.For months, I had tried to stay away from Elora after she said she couldn’t be tied to the Goldacre name in any way. She had her childhood stolen, and my father was mostly responsible. While I hoped people would be able to view me as separate from my father, with my last name and my job, it was impossible.Even though I had no part in the School or whatever happened there, everything I owned was made with money that came from selling girls and women. I had debated dismantling the entire company, but there were thousands of people working for us. The School was just part of our business; we had factories and other businesses all over different parts of the country. That’s why I joined forces with Rain, hoping that his company could take over my father’s company in time and that I’d be just someone working there.Being the boss wasn’t something I had ever wanted to be, but I had no ch
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105. Controlling
Elora’s povWith Darian’s words and the feel of his lips still in my mind, I ran back to my room. Darian had done everything Eli said he would. He would charm me and try to kiss me, but Eli said it was all a lie.So why didn’t it feel like a lie?Everything Darian had said felt like he was telling the truth, except the part about why he hated Eli. A disagreement between them? That was way too vague. Something more has had to happen. Especially since they weren’t friends or even acquaintances, according to Eli. Everything he knew about Darian was through his cousin. So how were they able to disagree on anything if they didn’t know each other that well?The glow-in-the dark stars on my ceiling were the first thing I picked out for my room. They were silly and meant for younger kids, but I loved the idea of them and have kept them ever since. I stared up at them, thinking about this night. I never would have suspected that it would have gone like this.That I would have my first kiss with
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