All Chapters of An Affair with the Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
127 Chapters
061 | Did it have to be me?
Stephen’s POVMy hands grasped at nothing but air as I stared after Hyacinth. I felt thrown by the whole thing. What had just happened?‘What just happened, young man,’ huffed Brian, ‘was that you let yourself forget you’re a committed man! Back in my day, you would have been thrown in the stocks until you learnt your lesson!’‘Back in your day?’ I rolled my eyes at my weirdo wolf, eager to cling to that slice of normality. Everything else felt so strange that his particular brand of oddity felt comparatively safe. ‘Do not try to pull the wool over my eyes! Do not attempt to push aside your fiddle-dee-deeing and put the blame on me!’‘My what?’ I muttered, squinting at nothing. ‘My fiddle-dee-deeing?’‘A-ha! Precisely!’‘Brian.’ I sighed. ‘Look–’‘No, Stephen, you look.’ He sounded more serious than usual and I froze, still stood in the doorway where I’d kissed Cin. ‘I understand how you feel. I feel it, too. It makes my old heart trip over itself and my eyes turn to hearts whenever
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062 | The worst distraction ever
Stephen’s POVShe let go of my mouth for me to talk. “I, I, I…” I couldn’t conjure up a lie quickly enough to save my skin. A second ago I hadn’t thought it possible, but Marcella’s face paled further. “You know,” she breathed.“Know what?” I frowned at her. She narrowed her eyes right back. “Tell me why you were following me.”I gulped. “I, uh – look, I thought you seemed suspicious, all right? The basket, the hood… but to be honest, Marcella, it had nothing to do with you. I’ve got a lot going on right now and I wanted a distraction.” I went to hold my hands up but she held them firm. “I swear, that’s all. I don’t know anything.”“I don’t believe you,” she whispered, her voice quaking. “Then… what?” I liked the girl, but she sure couldn’t do anything about her disbelief. We were both Omegas, but I trained harder and was stronger. “I can’t let you go. I’m sorry.”Before I could respond, she held a cloth up to my nose and mouth. I inhaled in my shock – and breathed in a lungful of
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063 | I got two problems and they're both men
Rhiannon’s POVWhen I heard that mindlink, telling me that Alpha Caleb had been poisoned, I went through something similar to the five stages of grief.The first wasn’t denial, though. It was a weird-ass sense that justice had been served. I felt vindicated, glad that the man who’d been such a bastard to me had met his comeuppance. Then came anger – anger that I hadn’t been the one to do it. It seemed Tiger felt the same. ‘If anyone was going to kill that arrogant ass, it should’ve been me.’‘We would have done it fairly, too,’ I agreed, letting her rage merge with mine, twin flames growing and burning bright. ‘Not taken the coward’s way out and poisoned him.’And, instead of bargaining, next came guilt. I felt guilty for my initial reaction and knew it was all a way for me to cover up the truth of how I felt. I felt guilty for not being there for him, for not foreseeing this. Though it had weighed on everyone’s mind, the return of the Eternal Winter had taken front and centre in th
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064 | Not out of the woods yet
Rhiannon’s POVWith our cloaks on and our hoods up, covering our faces and my distinctive hair, we snuck out of the Omega Quarters to over to the pack house. The closer we got, the more my heart started to thump. It wasn’t pulling me to Stephen, though. It was pulling me to Caleb. My eyes darted around, suspicious of every rustle in the bushes, wary of every bt of wind rattling the trees. It was overcast, the sky thick and heavy with the burden of snow clouds; everything was cast in a dull, grey light that hung, oppressive, over everything, like a veil draped atop the gnarled branches and dead lawns.Hyacinth and I spoke in mindlinks as we moved.‘I’ve tried to talk to him, too, and he hasn’t replied,’ I told her. ‘How did he sound?’Anxiety was gnawing at me from both ends. My soul yearned for Caleb, but my mind knew that Stephen had to be in danger. Weirdly, though, I couldn’t feel anything of him through the mate bond. There were no emotions at all, least of all the pungent fear
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065 | Lost time
Rhiannon’s POVMy hands were bound roughly behind me with rope.“Hey,” I snarled. “Is that really necessary?”“I can’t take any risks.” Alvin shrugged, then yanked the rope even tighter. “You can’t seriously think I’m behind this.” I wriggled my wrists around, trying to create a bit more space in my bonds. “It doesn’t matter what I think. It matters what the Gamma thinks.”Alvin dragged me into the pack house. I met the gaze of every Warrior Wolf that stared at me, keeping my expression cold, almost bored, as I was pulled along. He took me down the main corridor before turning off into a room I’d never been in before. Hell, I hadn’t even ever noticed it before.The doorway led to a stairwell, which took us down what felt like half a floor. The lighting grew dimmer as we descended, the stairs coiling around before opening up into a large, grey room.I understood why I’d never seen the inside of the room before the second I was forced inside it. It was tucked away from the hubbub of t
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066 | Tried for treason
Rhiannon’s POVNova sent for Beth at once. Then she sat back down opposite me, a frown creasing her face, and she apologised.“I can’t let you go. I know the Alpha has vouched for you, but his mind is not his own at present. With the poison in his system, I can’t be sure that his word is fact as I usually would. I am sorry, Rhiannon.”“I understand,” I said reluctantly. I did get it, but it didn’t make it any easier to bear. She went quiet a moment later, and stayed that way for a minute or two. I guessed that she was mindlinking with someone. The seconds dragged by, but eventually she looked up at me, blinked as though she was just coming back to herself, and offered me a tight smile. “I’ve been informed that Beth is waiting for me upstairs. I won’t be long.”Then she grabbed her notes hastily and, clutching them to her chest, she scurried out of the room.I moved into action the second I heard the door at the top of the stairs close. It wasn’t like Nova to make a mistake like leavi
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067 | Woke up on the wrong side of the bed
Rhiannon’s POVI woke up slow and groggy, my mouth gummy, my eyelids practically stuck together. I went to scrub at them and found that my hands were tied together behind my back.Huh, I thought, a sliver of amusement curling through my chest, this is becoming something of a habit. The air smelled musty, and from the dim light turning the insides of my eyelids red I figured I was inside somewhere with a window. I couldn’t be outside; I was cold not but sat-out-in-the-snow cold. I knew, from the mate bond, that Stephen was beside me. Thank the goddess for that. I’d found him – but at what cost?At last I managed to peel my eyelids open. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for some makeup remover. I blinked, feeling crusty mascara crumble onto my cheekbones, and wrinkled my nose. Disturbingly, that wasn’t the worst thing I felt.I pressed my dry tongue to the back of my teeth. It stuck to the roof of my mouth and wouldn’t budge. Worse again was the soft, repetitive pounding in my head, the cras
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068 | Realisation hurts
Hyacinth’s POVI felt like I’d been looking for Stephen for hours. Rhiannon hadn’t sent me another mindlink since her earlier one had cut off, and worry was brewing in my belly because of it. I was terrified for them both. I kept picturing Stephen unconscious on the floor, hurt, bleeding, limp, and it made shards of horror jab deep into me with every new image I conjured up. I was frantic, racing from room to room, my heart pounding out so loudly that I felt like it was screaming and screaming at me to find him, find him, find him...I didn't even have my twin sister to help me. I could always rely on Rhiannon. Without her, I felt as lost as a mouse in a very big house. ‘It’s okay, sweet thing!’ said Dolly. ‘You’ve still got me and I’ve still got you. Come on, we can find Stephen together!’‘You’re right.’ I forced a smile as I darted up another flight of stairs. I’d been everywhere around the medical centre and found nothing. ‘But I’m out of ideas, Dolly. Where should I look?’‘Hmm
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069 | Before it's too late
Hyacinth’s POV‘Cin, sweetheart?’ murmured Dolly.I hadn’t moved. Alpha Caleb had a hand on the door and was looking at me expectantly.It was so unfair. Now I’d let myself consider it, this great truth that had been lurking over my shoulder this whole time, it had shattered me. I couldn’t dismiss it; it made too much sense for me to do that.But I didn’t have time to let it break me, either. If I wanted to see Stephen, to tell him, maybe, I had to find him – and fast. I straightened my shoulders and nodded at the Alpha. “Let’s go.”The door swung inwards before we could leave. Alpha Caleb staggered backwards, reaching out to grab anything to steady him. All the blood rushed from his face and fear gripped me. He looked like he was a breath away from death.“Alpha?” I murmured.A middle-aged woman swept into the room before he could speak, though he did jerk upwards and attempt to make himself look a bit less like he was on the brink of collapse. It was oddly endearing, seeing our ever
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070 | Like the wind
Hyacinth’s POVI ran straight into a Warrior Wolf. He grabbed me by the shoulders to steady me. “Woah there, little Omega,” he said fondly. “Take it easy.”I blushed and ducked my head. “I can’t. I have to find them.”“We’re on the case.” He flexed his bicep and grinned at me, shaking his head slightly to ruffle his shock of blonde hair. This man was a himbo and, usually, I would have been here for it. I vaguely recognised him from training sessions – I was pretty sure this guy was the one who played pranks on his buddies and got told off for not focusing enough. He was all kinds of cute, but he didn’t exactly fill me with confidence.“I want to keep looking,” I said, channelling Rhiannon’s defiant streak and pushing my chest out. He shrugged. “Makes no odds to me, sweet thing.” His gaze drifted down to my boobs. I pulled my chest back in quickly. It wasn’t like he could see anything, what with the hundred layers of knitwear I had on, but still… ew.‘Do you feel dirty?’ Dolly shudde
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