All Chapters of The Werewolf Hunter's Secret: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
117 Chapters
KACELAI could feel Wyatt’s eyes on my back as I stumbled away, trying to keep control of myself. My wolf was going crazy in my head. I haven’t felt her presence in over a year, and she was suddenly back, freaking out on me. She kept yelling ‘mate’. I was trying to silence her, not knowing if Wyatt’s wolf had alerted him. The effort made my nose bleed.The four-block walk was excruciating. Dali was getting stronger, and she was trying to take over. I had blood gushing from my nose, and I had a splitting headache. I finally made it back to the apartment and about fell into the door. My hands were shaking, and I had to try twice to get the key in before I could turn it. The door opened and I yanked the key out of it, stumbling in and slamming it behind me. I noticed I left a smear of blood on the back of the door. I would have to deal with it later. I locked the door behind me and looked up the stairs, putting one foot in front of the other. I made it up three steps before
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WYATTEarl handed the zippered pouch to Kacela and I watched as her wolf refused to let her open it. I could see that it was important to her, so I opened the case and handed it back only to see her pull out a syringe and inject herself with an odd, green substance. I caught a whiff of the smell and realized what she had done. Wolfsbane. I watched in horror as she passed out. I looked at Earl, unsure what to do. He also looked horrified by what he just saw. “She needs a doctor,” he said.“Sure,” I said, sarcastically. “I’ll just drop her off at the emergency room and tell them that she took wolfsbane.” He shook his head impatiently. “She needs to be treated by our doctors.” I lost it. “I can’t very well bring her to our clinic, now can I? She’s been hired to kill us. All of us in case you forgot. Your profile was in that file, too. And you heard what Dr. Burst said. She could be alpha strong if she harnessed her wolf.”Earl shrugged, inspecting the case. “Looks li
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KACELAI woke up to the beeps of the monitor keeping track of my heartrate again. This time I wasn’t in so much pain. I looked over to see a man fiddling with one of the machines. It had two large circles on the front that were turning, and it looked like my blood was going into it. I knew that it was cleaning the wolfsbane out of my blood and I began to panic.“Please, turn that machine off,” I begged, pulling at my wrist restraints. For some reason, being tied to the bed made the whole thing almost unbearable. “I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t. You need this. The wolfsbane almost killed you.”I turned my head away and the tears came unbidden to my eyes. I hated that I was feeling so weak. “Do you want to sit up a little?” Wyatt asked me, moving from behind the bed so that I could see him. He looked terrible, like he hadn’t slept for a long time.I just shook my head and turned away. I didn’t want to have to ask for anything. I didn’t want to owe the wolf I was destined to k
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WYATTThe shock on Kacela’s face was almost farcical. She knew we were mates, but she was going to deny it and deny her wolf until she couldn’t anymore. She was stubborn.“We can just reject each other. My wolf is weak and I’m in charge. She will not have a choice.” I looked at Kacela sharply. It sounded like she was well versed in the mating rituals of werewolves. Odd for someone who had never been part of a pack.“It doesn’t work that way for a Lycan. If we’re mates, we are mates for life. You are my erasthai. It is more than just being my mate. We become part of each other. I cannot reject you. The only thing that breaks a mate bond with a Lycan is death.”She looked shocked and then a little fearful. She shook her head. “I don’t understand. Why am I your erasthai? I’m not a Lycan. I’m not even a real werewolf.”I shrugged. “I don’t understand, either, but it looks like we were fated for each other.”“But I’ve already had a mate,” she exclaimed, grasping at straws
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Second Attempt
WYATTKacela tried twice more to escape. The first time was when she was untied to use the bathroom. She knocked over the nurse and bolted for the door. Fortunately the guards were on the other side and they managed to get her back to her bed. The medical staff made her use a bedpan for the next two days to punish her for that.The second time she had managed to slip off her restraints and she left through a window. I was working in my office when I got the alert from one of my guards that the nurse went in to bring her lunch and she was gone. We should let her go, I told Dex. She doesn’t want us.Dali wants me, Dex replied. Kacela is just stubborn and scared. She has been taught to hate all wolves, including her own. We can change that.I sighed and mind linked my guards to shift and be ready to search for her. Dex was excited to be on the hunt.Her scent had gotten stronger to me the more I was around her. It was definitely a jasmine and vanilla scent mixed with somethin
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WYATTI immediately shifted and Dex went over to our unconscious mate, picking her up and cradling her in our arms. I began running back towards the castle, sending out a mind link to the guards that were helping me search. I found her. I’m heading to the castle now.I started running, her weight and size not even an issue for me. I held her close, listening to her breathe and hearing her heartbeat. I knew when she awoke because she immediately got stiff, and her heartrate got faster. I looked down at her and saw the terror on her face.Dali, you need to tell Kacela it’s us. I don’t think she realizes that Dex and Wyatt are one and the same.She realizes, Dali said quietly. She’s still terrified. You are quite big. I’m a little afraid myself.Dex chuckled and I realized he was oddly pleased and had taken that as a compliment. I tightened my grip on Kacela. I could feel that she was getting ready to struggle and bolt again.I tightened too tight, and she gasped in pain. I
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WYATTIt had been a week since I locked Kacela in the dungeon. I went down to see her every day, trying to talk some sense into her. She refused to see reason and I was becoming more frustrated, especially since every contact I had with her just strengthened the bond between us. I was feeling her pain more and more.“Do you not feel what I’m feeling?” I asked her. I was looking through the bars at her. She was on the ground, doing push-ups. She looked up at me, glaring but not answering.I watched her, trying to decide what I was going to do with her. I had found out from the guards that she spent most of her day exercising in some form or another. I knew it was because of how chilly I kept the dungeon. Exercising and moving kept her warm. I could feel that the nights were very cold for her, but she refused to ask the guards for a blanket. I looked around the cell. She was given a bucket of water every day along with soap and a rough towel. It looked like she attempted t
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Luna Suite
KACELAI was on my side on the cot, fighting with Dali. She wanted to take control and I was having a hard time pushing her back. Every time Wyatt came down to see me it was like she had renewed strength and she would be harder to push back. I was terrified that one of these days I wouldn’t be able to keep control and she would win, never allowing me to come back.I could hear someone coming down into the dungeon and I prayed it wasn’t Wyatt again. I could barely control Dali as it was and I’m not sure I could keep her down if he came to see us again. I opened my eyes and saw that my cell was being unlocked. A tall, blonde woman stood on the other side. She was angry. I could tell that even from here. Her back was stiff, and she had a glare on her face. As soon as the door was open she burst in and grabbed me off from the cot, jerking me to my feet. I was weak from fighting Dali and didn’t have anything left in me to fight her.“Stop this nonsense,” she demanded. I just lo
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First Mating
KACELAI leaped to my feet and ran for the door. These Lycans were crazy if they thought that I was going to submit to being mated with Wyatt. I didn’t make it far before the two guards were on top of me. I went crazy, fighting, kicking, and screaming. They dragged me over to the bed and put me on it.I popped up and started to run for the door again. Lia was in front of me, claws out and teeth bared. I hadn’t even heard her shift and, when I turned towards the windows, I realized the other two guards had shifted. I was in a room with three huge Lycans.They put me on the bed. Lia shifted back and told me to stay put or she would have the guards tie me to the bed. Having experienced being tied to a bed before experiencing the dungeon, I opted to stay.The door opened and Wyatt came in. He was dressed in the same clothing he wore to the dungeon. I grabbed a blanket and pulled it up to cover me, absurdly shy around him. He looked at the two Lycans and Lia. “Go,” he said. T
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WYATTI most definitely didn’t see this coming.When I Jarrett informed me that he and Lia were taking over my love life, I was all for it. Kacela’s emotions were all over the place and, because of our erasthai bond, I felt it all. I couldn’t take much more of it. When Jarrett dragged me to the Luna Suite and informed me that I needed to mate with Kacela, I was dead set against it. I don’t have sex with women who don’t want to have sex with me. I looked down at the woman sleeping in my arms, mated and marked. I most definitely didn’t see this coming.I knew that Lia was outside the room with the guards, waiting to see if Kacela was going to come running out. I knew that they would just pick her up and drag her back inside. I was really glad that this went the way it did. Having to have my guards drag my erasthai back to our mating bed would be very embarrassing. I felt Kacela stir in my arms, and I looked down to see her awake and looking at me. She looked wary and I could
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