All Chapters of The Werewolf Hunter's Secret: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
117 Chapters
Long Distance Relationship
KACELADinner. That one word made me ashamed and scared at the same time. I wordlessly shook my head and got off the bed, walking to the closet to see if I could find some clothing that would fit me.I could feel Wyatt’s confusion. “What is it, Kacela?”I looked back at him, unshed tears threatening to fall. “I was hired to kill all of you. I spent the last two weeks actively trying to kill my wolf and run away. You had to have guards bring me back and you had people bring me to this room to force a mate if I wasn’t willing. And now I’m supposed to have dinner with them? Everyone probably hates me with a passion. I can’t.”He looked flabbergasted with all the information I threw at him. He cleared his throat.“Well, first, I want to say that the mating thing was entirely my Beta and his wife. I had no idea what they were going to do until I was up here on the other side of the door.” He paused. “I am glad that this was consensual. I don’t know if I could have done it if
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The Dress
WYATTI slipped on my athletic shorts before opening the door to leave the Luna Suite. I saw Kacela standing, framed by the window, the beautiful sunset showing through. She was lovely. I could feel the fear and sadness radiating off her and I was at a loss. I closed the door and then walked across the hall to my room, opening the door. I closed it behind me and then punched the wall with my Lycan strength. My fist went right through the drywall, breaking the stud that was behind it and the entire wall shook, dislodging plaster. I backed up and looked at my fist, my knuckles broken and blood streaming from the wounds. As I watched, Dex started healing me.I heard a gentle tap on the door, and I strode over, jerking it open. Jarrett was on the other side. “Didn’t go well?” he asked, mildly. I gestured for him to come in. “Yes. Then no.” I walked to my closet and pulled out a suit. We always dressed for dinner in the castle. I would have said something to Kacela, but she
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KACELAWyatt offered me his arm and I took it, following behind Lia and Jarrett. We walked down three flights of stairs to the main floor and took a left, entering through a double set of doors. I gasped.We walked into a huge room with high ceilings. Everything inside was white. The floors were ornate marble and the columns in the room were also marble. The walls and ceilings were plastered with a bright white. Round tables were set up inside this area with six or eight chairs around each table. About half of the tables were occupied. People were running back and forth to a huge buffet that had been set up along one wall. Everyone was dressed up in some sort of fancy dress and I was suddenly glad that Lia had come in and put me straight about the clothing. I would have been out of place in jeans and a hoodie.“What is this?” I whispered to Wyatt. People were starting to notice that he came in and were nodding and bowing to him.“Dinner,” he said. “We set it up every night
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After Dinner
KACELAThe clothing melted off. Thank goodness no one else used the floor because we didn’t even make it into the room before our clothing hit the ground. Someone had cleaned up all of the glass in the bathroom, I noticed, and also cleaned the mess I had made when I tried to leave was gone. Then I quit noticing things and focused on Wyatt.He spun me around and found the zipper holding the dress on to me. He slid it down in one smooth swoop and the satin slid off my shoulders, pooling at my feet. I stepped out of it and reached up, trying to find the pins that were holding my hair in the knot. That would be uncomfortable to lay on.I turned around to see Wyatt struggling with the buttons on his shirt. I reached forward and swatted his hands away, attacking the buttons myself. He looked at me and his eyes dilated. He reached around and unclasped my bra, letting my breasts spring forward. He dipped his head and attached himself to one of my nipples.I gave up on the buttons, r
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Mind Linking
WYATTWhen I got out of the shower the next morning, Kacela had already left the bedroom. Dex wasn’t too worried, so I figured that she hadn’t gone far. I was surprised to find that she was most definitely a morning person, up with the first light. I am not a morning person, so I lay in bed for another hour.I found her in the dining room, helping herself to eggs and bacon. She was wearing workout gear and I surmised that she had found the gym in the basement, the opposite side from the dungeon. I scooped up a bowl of oatmeal and added raisins and brown sugar before drowning the entire thing in cream. I plopped into the seat next to her.“Up early this morning,” I observed, mildly.“Not really,” she said, swallowing her bite of toast. “I’m usually up by five. I stayed in bed until six thirty today.”I groaned. “Just my luck that my erasthai is a morning person.” Her laugh was cut short by a crashing of cups. I looked to see a servant looking at me with wide eyes, shards of
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The Plan
WYATTKacela laid out her plan. It was actually very genius in its simplicity. “Let’s wait for a day or two so that we can fill Nellie in and give her the opportunity to fill in the others,” Earl suggested. Kacela shook her head.“We need to move faster. I have been unreachable for two weeks. If it was me, this is the point I’d give up, assume the hunter was dead and hire another.” Kacela was firm. “I want to take down Jones. I don’t want to have to fight another hunter to do so.” I nodded, agreeing with her. “We need to let everyone know,” Earl insisted. “I don’t want them giving themselves up thinking that they have to in order to warn you, your highness,” he said. I bit my lip. He had a point. We’ve worked too hard to integrate my people into Jones’ business for it to be compromised. They were loyal subjects. If they thought I was in danger, they would give themselves up.“Instead of a phone call, let’s do it in person,” Kacela suggested as a solution. “If we get
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Town Trip
WYATTThe ride into town was silent. Earl looked at me a few times in the rearview mirror but he didn’t say anything. Kacela just looked out the window the entire time. I could feel that she was centering herself which was oddly calming for me, too.We had decided to make a spectacle of ourselves in town. We wanted everyone to see us and to see me with Kacela.We stopped for lunch in the diner. I wrapped my arms around her, and we walked in together. The waitress’s mouth dropped when she saw me with Kacela.“Wyatt!” she purred. “It’s been too long.” She pointedly ignored Kacela. Kacela used her hand and rubbed my arm.Behave, I snickered, mind linking her.Just need her to know that you’re taken, she sent back. I gave the waitress a wink.“It has been a long time, Miss Alice,” I said with a smile. “I wanted to treat Kacela to the best peach cobbler in the state.”“Are you wanting your usual lunch?” she asked me, seating us. Earl slid into the opposite side of the booth and
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KACELAWyatt dropped me off at the office and I slid out of the car, bounding up the stairs and entering without knocking. I could hear Wyatt’s car drive away at the same time I heard the tinkling of the bells that were attached to the doorknob.“Kacela,” Nellie said from her desk. “It’s nice to see you! Mr. Jones said you would be stopping in.”I smiled at her. I liked her. “Yes, he is expecting me.”“Come on back,” Jones shouted from the rear of the trailer. I smiled at Nellie and then turned down the hallway until I got to Jones’ office.“Shut the door,” Jones said. I gently closed it, knowing that Nellie would still hear everything with her heightened Lycan hearing.“Do you have what I asked you to get for me?” I got to the point. Jones gestured to a duffle bag that was sitting against the wall.“It’s in there. Everything you asked for.”“Thanks,” I said, reaching over for it. Jones held up his hand.“What’s your timeline on this?” he asked, eyes shrewd. I shrugged.“We
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The Attack
KACELA I sighed deeply. I had hoped he would have just left town but that was expecting too much. My dad didn’t take rejection well and I knew that he would be upset. I should have seen this coming. “Wolf!” he bellowed. “Send out my daughter.” Wyatt bristled next to me and moved for the door. I grabbed him. “No. Let me go.” Wyatt shook his head. “You’re my mate. I will go to protect you.” I shook my head again. “Wyatt, please. Trust me. This will go better if I just go. Roll down your windows and listen if you want. I’ll leave the car door open. Just let me go alone.” He finally nodded, upset but willing to trust me. I quickly kissed him and then opened the door, sliding out but not shutting it behind me. “Hey dad,” I said, hands slightly out to my side and palms open, trying to look non-threatening. He looked me up and down. “Life seems to be treating you well,” he said with a lip curl. “What do you want, dad?” I asked. “I’m working.” “I know. You’re ta
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Another Wolf
WYATT I reached out and gathered Kacela into my arms. She came willingly. I could feel her anguish through our bond. I looked over at Earl and he sadly shook his head. “There’s something more, Kacela,” Earl said. His tone was a warning that there was more news to come and that she wouldn’t like it. Kacela looked at him warily. “Your dad has a wolf.” He spoke gently, breaking it to her as easily as he could. I felt the relief in her and was puzzled initially, but then I understood. She thought Earl was wrong and if he was wrong about her father’s wolf, he could be wrong about Art’s death. “No, he doesn’t,” Kacela said, the relief she was feeling tinging her voice. “He hates wolves, with a passion. I never told him about Dali because I knew he would hate me. Enough to try to kill me, even.” “Your dad may have always smelled like that to you, and because you weren’t brought up in a pack you didn’t know what it meant, but your father has wolf. Quite a strong, vicious and
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