All Chapters of The Werewolf Hunter's Secret: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
117 Chapters
WYATT I was waiting anxiously for Kacela to get back. She and Earl were only gone for a total of three days but it felt like ages. Nellie had teased me about my lack of focus, giving up and dealing with most of the pack issues herself. I didn’t mind. I was grateful. I was pacing in front of the doors and making the servants nervous. One worked up enough courage and came to me. “My king, we can mind link you when she arrives,” Toby said, tentatively. I smiled at him, reassuringly. “They’re going to mind link me when she comes through the front gate. I am just excited.” He smiled a tolerant smile at me. “I understand.” He went back to sweeping the entry way. I stepped outside to continue my pacing so that I wouldn’t disturb their work. Shortly after midnight I finally got the mind link that they were coming through the gate. I stood on the steps, impatient, waiting for Kacela to get here. When the car drove up, I ran down the stairs. Earl was driving and he looked exh
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Homecoming Part 2
KACELAI was shaking from the intensity of the orgasm I had just had, but I could tell that Dex wasn’t done with me yet.  My legs were like jelly, and he knew that.  He knew what he had done and there was more in store for me.He picked me up and wrapped me in a towel, carrying me to the bed and depositing me on my back, my wet hair splayed over the bed.  I smiled at him as he dried me, gently rubbing the towel over my body.  When he began drying my legs, I submissively opened them for him. He dropped down to his knees, hooking one over his shoulder and then began kissing me, running his tongue over my slit.  I felt my body beginning to respond, even though it was tired.  I could smell my arousal and my body became slick.Wyatt looked up at me from between my legs with a small grin on his face.  I could still see Dex in his eyes and I knew that they were both in control, both enjoying this.  I grinned ba
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KACELAI knew that Earl and Wyatt were waiting for me so I grabbed a sandwich from the buffet in the dining room and hurried over to Wyatt’s office.  I could hear laughing on the other side of the door, so I slowed, not wanting to interrupt anything.  I could hear Earl talking.“And then I realized she had booked us in coach.  Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve flown coach?” Wyatt was roaring with laughter as Earl recounted some of the less luxurious aspects of our trip.  Even Nellie was sympathetic.“What did you do with your legs?” she asked.“He folded them up and ignored the pointed glares from the woman in front of us,” I said, walking in and taking a bite from my sandwich. “She was pretty angry,” Earl admitted.  “But the flight attendant said I couldn’t stick them into the aisle.”“They’d get run over by
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Plan for Jones and Julie
 WYATTKacela and Earl effectively broke down the business while Nellie took notes.   Halfway through, I mind linked Jarrett and Lia and had them come down to join us.  I realized a decision was going to have to be made and they needed to be in on the decisions.“Oh, you’re showing!” Kacela bound up and ran over to Lia, giving her a little hug and leading her over to the couch.  “Your little belly is so cute!  I thought it was too soon to show.”Lia laughed.  “Lycan gestation is about half that of humans.  We carry for five and a half months, not the forty weeks a human carries.  Means the baby grows much faster.”Kacela counted on her fingers.  “So, three months left?  Did I count right?”She nodded.  “A little over three months,” she agreed.  Kacela squealed and I looked at her slightly puzzled.  This was
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KACELAWe met out at the gate.  Earl had grabbed two of the warriors we had worked with before, Bob and Toby, and had also grabbed Julie’s brother, Eliot.  Eliot had a determined look on his face.  I saw Wyatt sizing him up and looking at him suspiciously, but I felt good about him.  I knew what it was like to have a family member betray what you hold dear.  I wanted answers and I wanted vengeance.  I imagined Eliot was having the same gamut of emotions.We all held bags and began undressing at the gate.  I was still shy about it but they had been doing this for decades around each other and no one batted an eye.  I put my clothes in Wyatt’s bag and stood awkwardly at the edge of the group and shifted, bones cracking and making the horrible noises that wolves make when we shift.  The group looked at me with sympathy because it really sounds like it hurts but then their looks of sympathy changed to amazement. 
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KACELAWe entered the house quietly.  I could hear the television a floor above me, but my senses were tingling.  Something wasn’t right.Immediately after stepping into the kitchen, a huge blow hit me on the side of the head, and I went down.  I rolled over to see a huge Lycan looming over me, holding a rock covered in blood from my head.  I rolled to the side just as Wyatt crashed into her from behind, him now in his Lycan form, clothing ripped and hanging off from him.They bounced to the ground beside me and Julie rolled, pinned by Wyatt but fighting hard.  Wyatt was trying to keep his promise to Eliot and allow him a moment with his sister so he was trying not to kill her, despite the fight she was putting up. I struggled into a sitting position when I saw Eliot’s Lycan come running into the room and take a flying leap at Wyatt, claws and teeth tearing at his back.  I wasted a precious second thinking t
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KACELAWe were gathered in the office at noon the next day, a repeat of our previous meeting.  Lia and Jarrett were also there, waiting for an update.“So, my idea of bringing Eliot didn’t go so well,” I said, ruefully rubbing the back of my neck where some of the deepest gashes had happened and were still healing. Dali had done her best to heal me but I was definitely sore still and she had told me it would take a few days.  Werewolves healed themselves, but not as fast as Lycans.  Lucky beasts.“We heard,” Jarrett said, his mouth in a slight twist.  “It ended well, though.  Seems like you atoned for your mistake.”Lia swatted at him.  “Jarrett.  We all make mistakes.  Kacela didn’t have anything to atone for.”I grinned at the both of them.  “Yep.  I beat a Lycan.  I more than atoned.”Wyatt squeezed m
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WYATT Nellie put together a beautiful plan.  The two men at the top of the list were both in Cambodia.  Both of our teams would travel together to Cambodia, separating and each going after a player.  From there, one team would travel to Taiwan and take out two more and the other team would go to Laos and then to Vietnam.  Within a few days, we should have the top six players taken out.  We would then have five to go. Nellie’s plan had one team traveling to Ireland after the venture in Asia was over, and the other going to Brazil.  The team in Brazil would then head north to Mexico and the team in Ireland would come to the United States to take out the last of the three players.  Nellie’s plan had us all meeting back here in two weeks. I was being left behind again.  I hated that, but I also realized the importance of me being here at the pack to run things.  Jarrett would head up one team and Earl the other. 
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The Village
KACELAI quickly changed into a black maxi skirt and a tank top, grabbing a light shawl to put over my arms if I got cold.  I took my hair down, undoing the braid and letting the waves fall softly down my back, pinning one of the sides back.  I let my hair fall over my face on my blind side, slightly camouflaging the scar. “Ready,” I told Wyatt, coming out of the bathroom.  He had also changed, putting on a pair of khaki trousers with a polo top. “Don’t hide your face,” he told me, gently, lifting up the strands that covered my face and tucking it behind my ear.  “You’re so beautiful.”I smiled at him.  “I’m glad you think so,” I said, taking his hand.  We walked downstairs together.  Wyatt had called for a car and a cute little sports car with the top down was waiting for us.  He opened the door and I slid in, gathering my skirt and makin
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KACELAWyatt looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time.  I licked my lips and intentionally used my entire body to brush up against him as he held the car door open for me.  He practically ran to the driver’s seat and drove much too fast to get us home.I was giggling by the time he parked, tossing the keys to the warrior who met us on the drive.  I was beginning to get used to the way that everyone was so open about their feelings.  Wyatt strode over to my side of the door and masterfully opened it, picking me out of the front seat like I was a baby.  I winked at the warrior who looked amused.For the second time in as many days, Wyatt carried me up to our floor, opening the door to the suite and carrying me in.  Instead of putting me on the bed, however, he sat on the couch with me still on his lap.  I put my arms around his neck and began nuzzling him in the crook where his neck met his shoulder.  I co
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